Puneet Varma (Editor)

Administrative divisions of the Ryukyu Kingdom

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The administrative divisions of the Ryukyu Kingdom were a hierarchy composed of districts, magiri, cities, villages, and islands established by the Ryukyu Kingdom throughout the Ryukyu Islands.



There were three districts () or "hō": Kunigami, Nakagami, and Shimajiri, which roughly correspond to the borders of the three Okinawan kingdoms during the Sanzan period. There were 57 magiri (間切) throughout the kingdom including the Amami Islands. In concept they were similar to present-day Japanese prefectures, but in size they were closer to Japanese cities, towns and villages. There were four cities: Shuri, Naha, Tomari, and Kume. They were comparable to Japanese urban prefectures. There were over 600 villages () throughout the kingdom including the Amami Islands. There were approximately 24 shima () or "outlying islands", but only includeding islands that weren't already part of a magiri.


The three districts are based on the three kingdoms of Hokuzan, Chūzan, and Nanzan. The origin of the magiri system is unclear, but was solidified by the beginning of the reign of Shō Shin, the third king of the Second Shō Dynasty of the Ryukyu Kingdom who ruled between 1477 and 1526. The magiri were originally controlled by individual aji, but as the Ryukyu Kingdom centralized at the turn of the 15th century the aji relocated to the capital of the kingdom at Shuri. After this period the title of aji became symbolic, and low-ranking officials were assigned the day-to-day administration of the magiri.

Each magiri had several villages, sometimes referred to as shima, which represented an administrative unit similar to the mura, or village, in feudal Japan. Each magiri had five to ten villages. Ryukyuan commoners were registered to a particular village, and movement to or from the administrative areas was generally not permitted. Under the system of Shō Shin the central government at Shuri assigned each village a noro priestess to carry out the religious functions of the settlement.

The magiri system continued to varying degrees in the Amami Islands even after they were ceded to Satsuma Domain in 1624. On Okinawa Island, there were 27 magiri at the turn of the 17th century, but by the 19th century Misato, Kushi, Motobu, Ginowan, Oroku, Onna, Ōgimi, and Yonagusuku were created, bringing the total to 35. The magiri system continued after the end of the Ryukyu Kingdom and annexation of the islands by Japan in 1879. In 1907, under Imperial Edict 46, the Japanese administrative system of cities, towns, and village organization was extended to Okinawa. The magiri system was officially abolished on April 1, 1908.

List of Magiri

The following is a list of magiri by district:

Kunigami District

  • Northern area of Okinawa Main Island and nearby islands:
  • Kunigami - 国頭間切 (present-day Kunigami)
  • Ōgimi - 大宜味間切 (present-day Ōgimi)
  • Iheya - 伊平屋間切 (present-day Iheya, Izena)
  • Haneji - 羽地間切 (present-day Nago (Haneji area, Yagaji area))
  • Nakijin - 今帰仁間切 (present-day Nakijin)
  • Motobu - 本部間切 (present-day Motobu, established in 1666)
  • Nago - 名護間切 (present-day Nago, excluding Haneji and Yagaji areas)
  • Kushi - 久志間切 (present-day Higashi and part of Nago, established in 1673)
  • Kin - 金武間切 (present-day Kin, Ginoza)
  • Southern Amami Islands:
  • Okinoerabu Island - 沖永良部島 → incorporated into Satsuma Domain (Ōsumi Province)
  • Erabu - 永良部間切 (present-day China, Wadomari, (Kagoshima Prefecture))
  • Yoron Island - 与論島 → incorporated into Satsuma Domain (Ōsumi Province)
  • Yoron - 与論間切 (present-day Yoron, Kagoshima)
  • Nakagami District

  • Central area of Okinawa Main Island and nearby islands:
  • Onna - 恩納間切 (present-day Onna, established in 1673)
  • Yomitanzan - 読谷山間切 (present-day Yomitan)
  • Goeku - 越来間切 (present-day Okinawa City)
  • Misato - 美里間切 (present-day Okinawa City, Uruma (Ishikawa Area), established in 1666)
  • Gushikawa - 具志川間切 (present-day Uruma (Gushikawa area))
  • Katsuren - 勝連間切 (present-day Uruma (Katsuren area))
  • Yonashiro - 与那城間切 (present-day Uruma (Yonashiro area), established in 1676)
  • Chatan - 北谷間切 (present Chatan, Kadena, part of Okinawa City)
  • Nakagusuku - 中城間切 (present Nakagusuku, Kita-Nakagusuku, Uruma (Tsuken Island))
  • Ginowan - 宜野湾間切 (present-day Ginowan, established in 1671)
  • Urasoe - 浦添間切 (present-day Urasoe)
  • Mihira - 三平等間切 (present-day Naha (Mawashi area), Nishihara, Haebaru)
  • Nakazato - 仲里間切 (present-day Kumejima (Nakazato area))
  • Uezu - 上江州間切 (present-day Kumejima (Gushikawa area))
  • Cities
  • Tomari - 泊 (present-day Naha (northern area of Naha))
  • Naha - 那覇 (present-day Naha (southern area of Naha), Tokashiki, Zamami)
  • Kume - 久米 (present-day Naha (Kumemura area))
  • Shuri - 首里 (present-day Naha (Shuri area))
  • Shimajiri District

  • Southern area of Okinawa Main Island and nearby islands:
  • Tomigusuku - 豊見城間切 (present-day Tomigusuku)
  • Oroku - 小碌間切 (present-day Naha (Oroku area), established in 1672)
  • Shimajiriōzato - 島尻大里間切 (present-day Itoman (excluding Kyan and Mabuni areas))
  • Kyan - 喜屋武間切 (present-day Itoman (Kyan area))
  • Mabuni - 摩文仁間切 (present-day Itoman (Mabuni area))
  • Kochinda - 東風平間切 (present-day Yaese (Kochinda area))
  • Gushichan - 具志頭間切 (present-day Yaese (Gushichan area))
  • Shimazoeōzato - 島添大里間切 (present-day Nanjō (Ōzato area), Yonabaru))
  • Sashiki - 佐敷間切 (present-day Nanjō (Sashiki area, Chinen area))
  • Tamagusuku - 玉城間切 (present-day Nanjō (Tamagusuku area))
  • Sakishima Islands

  • Miyako
  • Hirara - 平良間切 (present-day Miyakojima (Hirara area))
  • Shimoji - 下地間切 (present-day Miyakojima (Shimoji area, Ueno area))
  • Sunakawa - 砂川間切 (present-day Miyakojima (Gusukube area))
  • Yaeyama
  • Ōhama - 大浜間切 (present-day Ishigaki)
  • Miyara - 宮良間切 (present-day Ishigaki)
  • Ishigaki - 石垣間切 (present-day Ishigaki)
  • Northern Amami Islands

  • Amami Ōshima → incorporated into Satsuma Domain (Ōsumi Province)
  • Kasari - 笠利間切 (present-day Amami (Kasari area))
  • Komi - 古見間切 (present-day Tatsugō, Amami)
  • Naze - 名瀬間切 (present-day Yamato, Amami)
  • Yakiuchi - 焼内間切 (present-day Yamato, Uken)
  • Sumiyō - 住用間切 (present-day Amami (Sumiyō area))
  • Nishikata - 西方間切 (present-day Setouchi)
  • Higashikata - 東方間切 (present-day Setouchi)
  • Kikaijima - 喜界島 → incorporated into Satsuma Domain (Ōsumi Province)
  • Tokunoshima - 徳之島 → incorporated into Satsuma Domain (Ōsumi Province)
  • Higashi - 東間切 (present-day Tokunoshima)
  • Omonawa - 面縄間切 (present-day Isen)
  • Nishime - 西目間切 (present-day Amagi)
  • References

    Administrative divisions of the Ryukyu Kingdom Wikipedia