Samiksha Jaiswal (Editor)

Zwolle railway station

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Zwolle, Netherlands

Station code

Platforms in use

Nicolaas Kamperdijk

6 June 1864


Zwolle railway station

Utrecht–Kampen railwayArnhem–Leeuwarden railwayZwolle–Almelo railwayZwolle–Emmen railwayLelystad–Zwolle railway

OV Regio IJsselmond: 70, 71, 74, 171, 641 Syntus: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 29, 40, 83, 100, 161, 166, 167, 200, 201, 202, 203, 609, 667, 668

8011 CW Zwolle, Netherlands

Meppel railway station, Amersfoort railway station, Schiphol Airport railway st, Emmen railway station, Lelystad Centrum railway st

20161007 bussen at zwolle railway station part 1

Zwolle is a railway station in Zwolle, Netherlands. The station opened on 6 June 1864 and is on the Utrecht–Kampen railway, also known as the Centraalspoorweg, the Zwolle–Almelo railway, the Arnhem–Leeuwarden railway, the Zwolle–Emmen railway and the Lelystad–Zwolle railway, also known as the Hanzelijn.


The station is a major hub for the Northern Netherlands. It is the only way trains can get from the north of the country, to any other region of the Netherlands.


On August 31, 2010, the principal stakeholders in the railway station (Prorail, the Dutch Railways and the municipality of Zwolle) started the ZwolleSpoort project. This project will result in a major renovation of the existing station, an increase in capacity and an overhaul of the entire public transportation organization in the city. The main reason for the project is the Hanzelijn project, which is expected to increase the passenger traffic by 33% in the period up to 2020. In order to deal with the extra traffic, the passenger tunnel (which was 5 meters wide) in the station was replaced by a new tunnel 17 meters wide and 120 meters long. The new tunnel, which opened on 26 June 2015, will lead onto a new public transportation terminal at the southern end of the station, which will be the main crossroads of the city buses, regional buses and the future tramline to the town of Kampen. The tunnel will also feature shopping facilities.

The project also entails increasing the capacity and efficiency of the railway emplacement. The new Hanzelijn will be accommodated by a new, fourth railway platform and the 34 points near the station will be replaced by 15 longer ones which will allow a more efficient railway pattern and allow trains to pass at higher speeds.

Train services

As of 11 December 2016, the following train services call at this station:

  • Express services:
  • Intercity: The Hague - Schiphol - Amsterdam Zuid - Almere - Lelystad - Zwolle - Groningen
  • Intercity: The Hague - Schiphol - Amsterdam Zuid - Almere - Lelystad - Zwolle - Leeuwarden
  • Intercity: Rotterdam - Utrecht - Amersfoort - Zwolle - Groningen
  • Intercity: Rotterdam - Utrecht - Amersfoort - Zwolle - Leeuwarden
  • Intercity: Zwolle - Deventer - Arnhem - Nijmegen - 's-Hertogenbosch - Roosendaal
  • Sneltrein: Zwolle - Hardenberg - Emmen
  • Sneltrein: Zwolle - Hardenberg - Coevorden (peak hours)
  • Local services:
  • Stoptrein: Zwolle - Hardenberg - Emmen
  • Sprinter: Utrecht - Amersfoort - Zwolle
  • Sprinter: The Hague - Leiden - Amsterdam - Almere - Lelystad - Zwolle
  • Sprinter: Zwolle - Almelo - Hengelo - Enschede
  • Sprinter: Zwolle - Kampen
  • Sprinter: Zwolle - Assen - Groningen
  • Bus services

    Many bus services also depart from the bus stations outside the station. These include services all over the city and regional services to Harderwijk, Apeldoorn, Urk, Steenwijk, Meppel, Coevorden, Ommen, Raalte and Deventer. NS (e.g. Steenwijk NS) means this service calls at the railway station (e.g. in Steenwijk).

  • 1 - Stadshagen - Frankhuis - Deltion Campus - Zwolle - Oosterenk (Town Service)
  • 2 - Ittersumbroek - Oldenerlanden - Zwolle - Diezerpoort - Holterbroek (Town Service)
  • 3 - Zwolle - Assendorp - Diezerpoort - Berkum (Town Service)
  • 4 - Ittersumbroek - Oldenerbroek - Schellerhoek - Zwolle - Arcadia - Berkum-Brinkhoek - AA-landen (Town Service)
  • 5 - Zwolle - Westenholte (Town Service)
  • 7 - Zwolle - Assendorp - Oosterenk (Town Service)
  • 8 - Zwolle - Campus (Schellerlanden) (Town Service)
  • 9 - Zwolle - Deltion Campus (Town Service)
  • 11 - Zwolle - Stadion - Rechterland (Town Service)
  • 29 - Zwolle - Ruitenveen - Nieuwenleusen - Balkbrug - Dedemsvaart - Lutten - Slagharen - De Krim - Coevorden NS
  • 40 - Zwolle - Lichtmis - Rouveen - Staphorst - Meppel NS - Nijeveen - Steenwijk NS
  • 70 - Zwolle - Genne - Hasselt - Zwartsluis - Giethoorn - Steenwijk NS
  • 71 - Zwolle - Hasselt - Zwartsluis - Zieltje - St Jansklooster - Vollenhove - Marknesse - Kraggenburg - Emmeloord
  • 74 - Zwolle - Hasselt - Genemuiden - IJsselmuiden - Kampen NS
  • 100 - Zwolle - Oldebroek - Wezep - Elburg - Nunspeet
  • 141 - Zwolle - 's-Heerenbroek - Wilsum - Kampen NS - Kampereiland - Ens - Emmelooord - Tollebeek - Urk
  • 161 - Zwolle - Windesheim - Wijhe - Den Nul - Olst - Boskamp - Diepenveen - Deventer NS
  • 166 - Zwolle - Wijthmen - Lenthe - Heino - Raalte - Heino NS
  • 167 - Zwolle - Wijthmen - Hoonhorst - Dalfsen NS - Oudleusen - Ommen NS
  • 171 - Zwolle - Hasselt - Zwartsluis - Zieltje - St Jansklooster - Vollenhove - Marknesse - Emmeloord
  • 200s - Zwolle - Oldebroek - Elburg - 't Harde (Peak hours only)
  • 201 - Zwolle - Apeldoorn NS (Express via A50 motorway)
  • 203 - Zwolle - Hattem - Wapenveld - Heerde - Epe - Apeldoorn NS
  • References

    Zwolle railway station Wikipedia

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