A mining community, also known as a mining town or a mining camp, is a community that houses miners. Mining communities are usually created around a mine or a quarry.
In the United States several different types of communities were established by Americans during the frontier period; mining towns, railroad towns, cow towns and farming towns were the primary settlements built. Throughout the continental United States and Alaska, valuable minerals were discovered and mining operations launched. The miners would usually settle a site and make home of tents and shacks,that miners built by hand.
Eventually mining buildings such as smelters or stamp mills would be constructed followed by cabins, stores and saloons. A community would naturally be born with the settling of women and children and existed as long as precious metal could be dug from the area.
Sometimes the geographical location of a mining community or the various American railroads would ensure a community's existence after all the valuable minerals were gone. Many American mining communities became ghost towns though others have become prominent cities. A settlement usually can only be considered a mining community if a mine exists directly at the settlement or within the immediate area and if the population relies on the mine economically. Smelter towns, built for smeltering ore extracted from mines, are considered a type of mining community.
SchwazEisenerz, StyriaBosnia and Herzegovina
BanovićiKakanjTuzlaZenicaGlace Bay, Nova ScotiaDawson City, YukonIn Germany, a Bergstadt refers to a settlement near mineral deposits vested with town privileges, Bergregal rights and tax exemption, in order to promote the economic development of the mining region. Baden-Württemberg
Auerbach in der OberpfalzPegnitz (town)BodenmaisLamFichtelberg (Upper Franconia)Lower Saxony
AltenauBad GrundClausthalZellerfeldLautenthalObernkirchenSankt AndreasbergWildemannNorth Rhine-Westphalia
AltenbergAnnabergBuchholzBerggießhübelBleiberg (near Frankenberg/Sa.) (town no longer exists)BrandEhrenfriedersdorfEibenstockElterleinErnstthalFreibergGeyerGlashütte (Saxony)HohensteinJohanngeorgenstadtLengefeldLößnitzMarienberg, SaxonyNeustädtelOberwiesenthalOederanScheibenbergSchneebergSchwarzenberg/Erzgeb.ThumVoigtsbergWolkensteinZschopauZwönitzSaxony-Anhalt
IlmenauRuhlaSuhlSondershausenKongsberg (formerly)RørosPoland
Georgenberg (now Miasteczko Śląskie)Goldberg, (now Złotoryja)Groß Salze, (now Wieliczka)Nikolstadt, (now Mikołajowice)Salzberg, (now Bochnia)Wilhelmstal, (now Bolesławów)Upper Hungarian mining towns
Göllnitz, today GelnicaJossau, today JasovNemecká Ľupča, today Partizánska ĽupčaSchmöllnitz, today SmolníkRosenau, today RožňavaRuda, today Rudabánya in UngarnTelken, today Telkibánya in UngarnZipser Neudorf, today Spišská Nová VesLower Hungarian mining towns
Dilln, today Banská BeláKönigsberg, today Nová BaňaKremnitz, today KremnicaLibethen, today ĽubietováNeusohl, today Banská BystricaPukanz, today PukanecSchemnitz, today Banská Štiavnica(Listed under names given when founded or working as a mining town)
Abertham, today AbertamyAdamstadt, today AdamovAdamsfreiheit, today HůrkyBärringen, today PerninkBergreichenstein, today Kašperské HoryBergstadt, today Horní MěstoBleistadt, today OlovíBöhmisch Wiesenthal, today Loučná pod KlínovcemEule, today Jílové u PrahySt. Georgenthal, today Jiretin pod JedlovouGoldeck (Mährisch Altstadt), today Staré Město pod SněžníkemGoldenstein, today BrannáGossengrün, today KrajkováGottesgab, today Boží DarGraupen, today KrupkaHartmanitz, today HartmaniceIglau, today JihlavaSt. Joachimsthal, today JáchymovJohannesthal, today JanovSt. Katharinaberg, today Hora Svaté KaterinyKlostergrab, today HrobKupferberg, today MěděnecKuttenberg, today Kutná HoraLauterbach (Kaiserwald) (town no longer exists)Mies, today StříbroNeustadt a. d. Tafelfichte, today Nové Město pod SmrkemPlan, today PlanáPlatz, today MístoPlatten, today Horní BlatnáPreßnitz (town no longer exists)Rudolfstadt, today RudolfovSchlaggenwald, today Horní SlavkovSebastiansberg, today Hora Svatého ŠebestiánaSonnenberg, today VýsluníUnterreichenstein, today RejštejnWodnian, today VodňanyZuckmantel, today Zlaté HoryIn AlaskaJuneauSkagwayIn ArizonaBisbeeCerro ColoradoContention CityJeromeKlondykeRubyTombstoneTumacacoriIn CaliforniaCalico, San Bernardino Co.ColumbiaIn ColoradoCentral CityCripple CreekDenverIdaho SpringsLeadvilleVictorIn IdahoCusterIdaho CityIn IowaBuxtonCentervilleCoalvilleConfidenceLucasEveristMuchakinockMysticNumaSeymourWhat CheerIn MichiganBessemerCalumetHoughtonIronwoodIshpemingNegauneeWakefieldWhite PineIn MinnesotaAuroraBabbittBiwabikBuhlCalumetChisholmColeraineCrosbyElyGilbertHibbingHoyt LakesKeewatinMarbleMountain IronNashwaukSoudanIn MontanaButteVirginia CityIn NevadaGoldfieldJarbidgePiocheTonopahVirginia CityIn New MexicoPinos AltosSilver CityIn South DakotaDeadwoodIn UtahDragonEurekaFriscoPark CitySilver ReefSpring CanyonIn WisconsinHurley