The U.S.- Italy Fulbright Commission is a bi-national, non-profit organization promoting the opportunities for study, research, and teaching in Italy and the United States of America. The commission acts as executor of the Fulbright Program to and from Italy. Since 1948, the commission has fostered mutual cultural understanding through educational exchange of persons, knowledge, and skills. The commission offers competitive, merit-based grants for students, scholars, teachers, professionals, scientists and artists.
Created in 1948, the U.S.-Italy Fulbright Commission is one of 50 bi-national organizations responsible for overseeing the international collaboration of the Fulbright Program, one of the most well-known and prestigious scholarship programs in the world.
The US-Italy Fulbright Commission is governed by a Board of twelve members: six US members nominated by the Ambassador of the United States to Italy, and six Italian members nominated by the Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs.
The Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs and the United States Ambassador to Italy are honorary presidents of the U.S.-Italy Fulbright Commission.
The United States Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, General Directorate for Cultural Promotion and Cooperation and General Directorate for the Americas ensure financial coverage and jointly manage the program.
The Commission promotes study, research and lectureship opportunities in Italy and in the U.S. through the Fulbright scholarships for Italian and American citizens (approximately 100 scholarships a year). It organizes and sponsors cultural and educational activities with both a national and international outreach and offers an Information Service on the Fulbright Program and on study and research opportunities in the U.S. and in Italy.
Currently, the Fulbright Program is the largest program of international cultural exchanges in the United States. It was proposed by Senator J. William Fulbright of Arkansas who believed that an international educational program could be an essential vehicle to promote peace and mutual understanding between individuals, institutions and future leaders wherever they may be. The program operates in more than 155 countries worldwide, with approximately 294,000 participants awarded over the course of 60 years. Awards vary between study programs, research or teaching in the United States and other participating countries. Each year approximately 7,500 Fulbright scholarships are awarded.
According to the Fulbright website, the following individuals are notable alumni of the U.S.-Italy Fulbright scholarship program:
Simonetta Agnello HornbyEdoardo AmaldiGiuliano AmatoFranco AmatoriRoberto Antonelli (filologo)Antonio ArmelliniSergio BalanzinoPiero BassettiPaolo BernardiniIrene BignardiLorenzo Bini SmaghiDario BioccaGiovanni BoatoRemo BodeiLuigi BoitaniPiero BoitaniFrancesco Bruni (linguista)Elisabetta BrusaAntonio CasseseSabino CasseseSandro CalvaniMaurizio CalvesiCarlo M. CipollaGiuseppe CipolloniPatrizio CiviliUmberto ColomboLuigi DallapiccolaMario De CaroGiovanni De MicheliFurio DiazLamberto DiniUmberto EcoMaria Luisa FagioliFranco FerrarottiChristian FilippellaLuciano FondaLuigi FontanellaCarlo ForlivesiFrancesco Paolo FulciLuigi GatteschiRiccardo GiacconiRoberto GiammancoPaolo GiubellinoGino GiugniFrancesco GrilloMargherita HackFrancesco IachelloPiero IgnaziAntonio Mario La PergolaLaura LilliMassimo Livi BacciAgostino LombardoEmpedocle MaffiaUgo MatteiCarlo MinnajaAlberto Monroy (scienziato)Loretta NapoleoniLuigi Gerardo NapolitanoManfredi NicolettiMichele NicolettiMario Oriani-AmbrosiniGianfranco PasquinoCorrado PasseraMarcello PeraPierluigi PetrobelliGiandomenico PiccoMario ProsperiGiuseppe QuatriglioCarlo RattiTullio ReggeLucrezia ReichlinManlio RestaGianni RiottaStefano Rodotà Lucia RonchettiSilvia RoncheyManlio Rossi-DoriaCarlo RubbiaGiuseppe SaccoLuigi SalernoAlberto Sangiovanni-VincentelliGiovanni SartoriSalvatore SettisGiorgio SpiniLuigi SquarzinaMarco StroppaMassimo TeodoriEnzo TiezziIrene TinagliVanni TrevesDomenicangela Lina UnaliPaolo ValoreUmberto VattaniLionello VenturiMassimiliano VersaceItala VivanVito ZagarrioMichele ZappellaFederico ZeriAlfred C. Aman, Jr.Bumpei AkajiDouglas AllanbrookPutnam AldrichHerbert L. AndersonDominick ArgentoKenneth ArrowLeonard J. ArringtonJerome A. BarronDenver Michelle BeattieRobert BeauchampJ. Bowyer BellArthur Asa BergerSteve BickerstaffNorman BirnbaumLee BontecouDaniel J. BoorstinDavid Brion DavisEric BrittonJames M. BuchananNoel DaCostaEdmond CasarellaNicolas CaroneFrancesco CesareoDale ChihulyWilliam J. Connell (historian)Aaron CoplandFrederick CrewsDan Dailey (glass artist)James DashowStephen De StaeblerPeter DiamondDavid DiChieraNiels DiffrientSpencer M. Di ScalaLois DoddGrant DrumhellerNorman DyhrenfurthShirlee EmmonsRichard FaithDaniel FerroRobert O. FinkMarshall FishwickAngelo GarzioJoseph GiardinaGregory GillespieMilton GlaserJames Green (educator)Eugene P. GrossElaine Hamilton-O'NealJames HigginbothamTheodore Holmes BullockRaymond F. HopkinsL. Thomas HopkinsPeter HujarEdgar HullAda Louise HuxtableRichard KarpenJohn Kearney (artist)Murray KemptonDavid KertzerWilliam King (artist)Jerry KirkbrideGeorge KishKarl KlareKarl KorteLisa KrohnHerbert KublyAllen KurzweilFrank JudgeGabriel LadermanJoseph La PalombaraLinda LappinIrving LavinLynne LawnerStanford LehmbergAlan LelchukRichard S. LevyLorin MaazelSabina MaglioccoJules MaidoffJudith MalafronteRichard MarquisDonald MartinoBerthe MartiEmily MasonBob McMathHoward McParlin DavisRichard Miller (singer)Andrea ModicaFranco ModiglianiAnna MoffoWilliam Morgan (architect)Mark MusaRobert NeffsonLouis J. Nigro, Jr.Louis OwensRevilo P. OliverRobert Pack (poet and critic)Philip PearlsteinSylvia PoggioliAndreas PoulimenosLarry PresslerRobert PutnamJoseph RaffaelFrancis J. Ricciardone, Jr.Theodore RoethkeDavid RosandRichard RosecranceRobert Royal (author)Frederick P. SalvucciEllis SandozAlberto SbacchiEmilio SegrèRichard SerraSalvatore ScibonaThomas Robert Shannon BroughtonLarry R. SmithRichard E. SpearDominic J. SquatritoJack StauffacherMichael Steinberg (music critic)Mark StrandGregory SumnerWebster TarpleyJohn ThowRudolph Edward TorriniGarner TullisPeter VaghiHal VarianPeter ViereckWilliam WeaverArnold WeinsteinStephen WerlickWilliam WestneyOliver WilliamsonBetty WoodmanL. Randall WrayCharles Wright (poet)Arlene ZallmanAstra Zarina