Supriya Ghosh (Editor)

Schlegel Tieck Prize

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The Schlegel-Tieck Prize for German Translation is a literary translation prize given by the Society of Authors in London. It is named for August Wilhelm Schlegel and Ludwig Tieck who translated Shakespeare to German in the 19th century. Translations from the German original into English are considered for the prize. The value of the prize is GBP 3,000.



  • Winner: Susan Bernofsky for her translation of The End of Days by Jenny Erpenbeck (Portobello Books)
  • Commended: Shaun Whiteside for his translation of The Giraffe's Neck by Judith Schalansky (Bloomsbury)
  • 2014

  • Winner: Jamie Bulloch for his translation of The Mussel Feast by Birgit Vanderbecke (Peirene Press)
  • Commended: Anthea Bell for her translation of In Times of Fading Light by Eugen Ruge (Graywolf Press)
  • 2013

  • Winner: Ian Crockatt for his translation of Pure Contradiction - Selected Poems by Rainer Maria Rilke (Arc)
  • Commended: Jamie Bulloch for his translation of Sea of Ink by Richard Weihe (Peirene Press)
  • 2012

  • Winner: Vincent Kling for his translation of Why the Child is Cooking in the Polenta by Aglaja Veteranyi (Dalkey Archive Press)
  • Commended: Ross Benjamin for his translation of Funeral for a Dog by Thomas Pletzinger (Norton)
  • 2011

  • Winner: Damion Searls for Comedy in a Minor Key by Hans Keilson (Hesperus)
  • Runner-up: Michael Hofmann for Angina Days: Selected Poems by Günter Eich (Princeton University Press)
  • 2010

  • Winner: Breon Mitchell for Die Blechtrommel The Tin Drum by Günter Grass (Harvill Secker)
  • Runner-up: Allan Blunden for The Return of the State? by Erhard Eppler (Forum Press)
  • 2009

  • Winner: Anthea Bell for Burning Secret by Stefan Zweig (Pushkin Press)
  • Runner-up: Michael Hofmann for The Seventh Well by Fred Wander (Granta)
  • 2008

  • Winner: Ian Fairley for Snow Part by Paul Celan (Carcanet)
  • Runner-up: Anthea Bell for Amok and Other Stories by Stefan Zweig (Pushkin Press)
  • 2007

  • Winner: Sally-Ann Spencer for The Swarm by Frank Schätzing (Hodder)
  • Runner-up: Anthea Bell for Vienna by Eva Menasse (Weidenfeld)
  • 2006

  • Winner: Philip Boehm for A Woman in Berlin by anonymous (Virago)
  • Runner-up: Caroline Mustill for A Little History of the World by E.H. Gombrich (Yale University Press)
  • 2005

  • Winner: Karen Leeder for Selected Poems by Evelyn Schlag (Carcanet)
  • Runner-up: Michael Hofmann for The Stalin Organ by Gert Ledig (Granta Books)
  • 2004

  • Winner: Martin Chalmers for The Lesser Evil: The Diaries of Victor Klemperer, 1945-59 (Weidenfeld & Nicolson)
  • 2003

  • Winner: Anthea Bell for Rain by Karen Duve (Bloomsbury)
  • Runner-up: Michael Hofmann for Luck by Gert Hofmann (Harvill)
  • 2002

  • Winner: Anthea Bell for Austerlitz by W.G. Sebald (Hamish Hamilton)
  • Runner-up: John Felstiner for The Poems and Prose of Paul Celan (Norton)
  • 2001

  • Winner: Krishna Winston for Too Far Afield by Günter Grass (Faber and Faber)
  • Runner-up: Anthea Bell for Vienna Passion by Lilian Faschinger (Headline)
  • 2000

  • Winner: Joyce Crick for The Interpretation of Dreams by Sigmund Freud (OUP)
  • Runner-up: Patrick Bridgwater for Duino Elegies by Rainer Maria Rilke (Menard Press)
  • 1999

  • Winner: John Brownjohn for Heroes Like Us by Thomas Brussig (Harvill)
  • 1998

  • Winner: Mike Mitchell for Letters Back to Ancient China by Herbert Rosendörfer (Dedalus)
  • Runner-up: J.A. Underwood for Das Schloss (The Castle) by Franz Kafka (Penguin)
  • 1997

  • Winner: Shaun Whiteside for Magdalena the Sinner by Lilian Faschinger (Headline Review)
  • 1996

  • Winners: David McLintock for Extinction by Thomas Bernhardt (Quartet); David McLintock for Caesar by Christian Meier (HarperCollins)
  • 1995

  • Winners: Ronald Speirs for Political Writings of Max Weber (CUP); William Yuill for The Making of Europe: The Enlightenment by Ulrich im Hof (Blackwell)
  • 1994

  • Winner: Krishna Winston for Goebbels by Ralf Georg Reuth (Constable)
  • 1993

  • Winners: John Brownjohn for The Swedish Cavaliers by Leo Perutz (Harvill); John Brownjohn for Infanta by Bodo Kirchhoff (Harvill); Michael Hofmann for Death in Rome by Wolfgang Koeppen (Hamish Hamilton)
  • 1992

  • Winner: Geoffrey Skelton for The Training Ground by Siegfried Lenz (Methuen)
  • 1991

  • Winners: John E. Woods for The Last World by Christoph Ransmayr (Chatto & Windus); Hugh Young for The Story of the Last Thought by Edgar Hilsenrath (Penguin)
  • 1990

  • Winner: David McLintock for Women in a River Landscape by Heinrich Böll (Secker & Warburg)
  • 1989

  • Winners: Quintin Hoare for The Town Park & Other Stories by Herman Grab (Verso); Peter Tegel for The Snake Tree by Uwe Timm (Picador)
  • 1988

  • Winners: Ralph Manheim for The Rat by Günter Grass (Secker & Warburg); Michael Hofmann for Der Kontrabaß (The Double-Bass) by Patrick Süskind (Hamish Hamilton)
  • 1987

  • Winner: Anthea Bell for The Stone and the Flute by Hans Bemmann (Viking)
  • 1986

  • Winners: Christopher Middleton for The Spectacle at the Tower by Gert Hofmann (Carcanet); Allan Blunden for Pro and Contra Wagner by Thomas Mann (Faber and Faber)
  • 1985

  • Winner: John Bowden for The Authority of the Bible and the Rise of the Modern World by Henning Graf Reventlow (SCM Press)
  • 1984

  • Winner: Patricia Crampton for Marbot by Wolfgang Hildesheimer (Dent)
  • 1983

  • Winners: Paul Falla & A.J. Ryder for A History of European Integration, 1945-47 by Walter Lipgens (Clarendon Press); Arnold Pomerans for A Small Yes and a Big No by George Grosz (Allison & Busby)
  • 1982

  • Winner: Eric Mosbacher for The Wolf by Eric Zimen (Souvenir)
  • 1981

  • Winners: Michael Hamburger for Poems by Paul Celan (Carcanet); Edward Quinn for Does God Exist? by Hans Küng (Collins)
  • 1980

  • Winners: Janet Seligman for The English House by Herman Muthesius (Granada); David Harvey & Hazel Harvey for Sophocles by Karl Reinhardt (Blackwell)
  • 1979

  • Winners: Ralph Manheim for Die Flunder (The Flounder) by Günter Grass (Secker & Warburg); John Brownjohn for People and Politics by Willy Brandt (Collins)
  • 1978

  • Winner: Michael Hamburger for German Poetry 1910-1975 (Carcanet)
  • 1977

  • Winners: Charles Kessler for Wallenstein: His Life Narrated by Golo Mann (Andre Deutsch); Ralph Manheim for The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui by Bertolt Brecht (Eyre Methuen)
  • 1976

  • Winner: Marian Jackson (deceased) for War of Illusions by Fritz Fischer (Chatto & Windus)
  • 1975

  • Winner: John Bowden for Judaism and Hellenism by Martin Hengel (SCM Press)
  • 1974

  • Winner: Geoffrey Skelton for Frieda Lawrence by Robert Lucas (Secker & Warburg)
  • 1973

  • Winner: Geoffrey Strachan for Love and Hate by Irenäus Eibl-Eibesfeldt (Methuen)
  • 1972

  • Winner: Richard Barry for The Brutal Takeover by Kurt von Schuschnigg (Weidenfeld & Nicolson)
  • 1971

  • Winner: Ewald Osers for The Scorched Earth by Paul Carell (Harrap)
  • 1970

  • Winner: Eric Mosbacher for Society without the Father by Alexander Mitscherlich (Tavistock)
  • 1969

  • Winner: Leila Vennewitz for The End of a Mission by Heinrich Böll (Weidenfeld & Nicolson)
  • 1968

  • Winner: Henry Collins for History of the International by Julius Braunthal (Nelson)
  • 1967

  • Winner: James Strachey for The Works of Sigmund Freud (Hogarth)
  • 1966

  • Winner: Ralph Manheim for Dog Years by Günter Grass (Secker & Warburg)
  • 1965

  • Winner: Michael Bullock for The Thirtieth Year by Ingeborg Bachmann (Andre Deutsch) and Report on Bruno by Joseph Breitbach (Cape)
  • References

    Schlegel-Tieck Prize Wikipedia

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