Supriya Ghosh (Editor)

103rd United States Congress

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Senate Pres. pro tem:
Robert Byrd (D)

Senate Majority:

House Speaker:
Tom Foley (D)

House Majority:

103rd United States Congress

Senate President
Dan Quayle (R), until January 20, 1993 Al Gore (D), from January 20, 1993

100 Senators 435 Representatives 5 Non-voting members

The One Hundred Third United States Congress was a meeting of the legislative branch of the United States federal government, composed of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives. It met in Washington, D.C. from January 3, 1993, to January 3, 1995, during the first two years of Bill Clinton's presidency. The apportionment of seats in the House of Representatives was based on the Twenty-first Census of the United States in 1990. Both chambers had a Democratic majority. This is the last Congress which the Democratic Party had both house majorities in the 20th Century.


Major events

  • January 20, 1993: Bill Clinton succeeded George H.W. Bush as President of the United States.
  • February 26, 1993: World Trade Center bombing: In New York City, a van bomb parked below the North Tower of the World Trade Center exploded, killing 6 and injuring over 1,000.
  • February 28, 1993: Waco siege: Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms agents raided the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas, with a warrant to arrest leader David Koresh on federal firearms violations. Four agents and 5 Davidians died in the raid.
  • April 19, 1993: Waco siege: The 51-day standoff ended with a fire that killed 76 people, including Koresh.
  • October 3, 1993: Operation Gothic Serpent: In Mogadishu, Somalia, two U.S. Army UH-60 Blackhawks were shot down and the operation left over 1000 Somalians dead and over 73 Americans WIA, 19 KIA, and 1 captured.
  • January 17, 1994: 1994 Northridge earthquake: A magnitude 6.7 quake hit the San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles at 4:31 a.m., killing 72 and leaving 26,029 homeless.
  • February 22, 1994: Aldrich Ames and his wife were arrested for spying for the Soviet Union.
  • February 28, 1994: 4 United States fighter jets shot down 4 Serbian jets over Bosnia and Herzegovina for violating Operation Deny Flight and its no-fly zone.
  • September 19, 1994: Operation Uphold Democracy: American troops staged a bloodless invasion of Haiti to restore the elected President to power.
  • October 1, 1994: Palau achieved independence and became an associated state under the Compact of Free Association.
  • November 8, 1994: Republican Revolution: The Republican Party won control of both the House and the Senate in midterm congressional elections, the first time in 40 years the Republicans secured control of both houses of Congress.
  • Major legislation

  • February 5, 1993: Family and Medical Leave Act, Pub.L. 103–3, 107 Stat. 6
  • May 20, 1993: National Voter Registration Act of 1993, Pub.L. 103–31, 107 Stat. 77
  • August 10, 1993: Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993, Pub.L. 103–66, 107 Stat. 312
  • November 16, 1993: Religious Freedom Restoration Act, Pub.L. 103–141, 107 Stat. 1488
  • November 30, 1993: Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act (Brady Bill), Pub.L. 103–159, title I, 107 Stat. 1536
  • November 30, 1993: Don't ask, don't tell (as § 574 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1994), Pub.L. 103–160, 107 Stat. 1670
  • December 8, 1993: North American Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act, Pub.L. 103–182, 107 Stat. 2057
  • May 26, 1994: Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act, Pub.L. 103–259, 108 Stat. 694
  • September 13, 1994: Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act (including the Violence Against Women Act and the Federal Assault Weapons Ban), Pub.L. 103–322, 108 Stat. 1796
  • September 23, 1994: Community Development, Credit Enhancement, and Regulatory Improvement Act of 1994, Pub.L. 103–325
  • Senate

  • President: Dan Quayle (R), until January 20, 1993
  • Al Gore (D), from January 20, 1993
  • President pro tempore: Robert Byrd (D)
  • Majority (Democratic) leadership

  • Majority Leader and Policy Committee Chairman: George Mitchell
  • Majority Whip: Wendell Ford
  • Senatorial Campaign Committee Chair: Bob Graham
  • Caucus Secretary: David Pryor
  • Policy Committee Co-Chair: Harry Reid
  • Chief Deputy Whip: John Breaux
  • Minority (Republican) leadership

  • Minority Leader: Bob Dole
  • Minority Whip: Alan Simpson
  • Conference Chairman: Thad Cochran
  • Policy Committee Chairman: Don Nickles
  • Conference Vice Chair: Trent Lott
  • National Senatorial Committee Chair: Phil Gramm
  • House of Representatives

  • Speaker: Tom Foley (D)
  • Majority (Democratic) leadership

  • Majority Leader: Dick Gephardt
  • Majority Whip: David Bonior
  • Caucus Chairman: Steny Hoyer
  • Caucus Vice-Chairman: Vic Fazio
  • Chief Deputy Majority Whips: Barbara Kennelly, Butler Derrick, John Lewis, & Bill Richardson
  • Minority (Republican) leadership

  • Minority Leader: Bob Michel
  • Minority Whip: Newt Gingrich
  • Chief Deputy Whip: Bob Walker
  • Conference Chair: Dick Armey
  • Conference Vice-Chair: Bill McCollum
  • Conference Secretary: Tom DeLay
  • Policy Committee Chairman: Henry Hyde
  • Campaign Committee Chairman: Bill Paxon
  • Caucuses

  • Armenian Caucus
  • Biomedical Research Caucus
  • Blue Dog Coalition
  • Congressional Arts Caucus
  • Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus
  • Congressional Automotive Caucus
  • Congressional Black Caucus
  • Congressional Caucus on India and Indian Americans
  • Congressional Caucus on Korea
  • Congressional Fire Services Caucus
  • Congressional Friends of Ireland Caucus
  • Congressional Hispanic Caucus
  • Congressional Pediatric & Adult Hydrocephalus Caucus
  • Congressional Progressive Caucus
  • Congressional Travel & Tourism Caucus
  • Congressional Western Caucus
  • Congresswomen's Caucus
  • House Democratic Caucus
  • Law Enforcement Caucus
  • Northern Border Caucus
  • Members

    This list is arranged by chamber, then by state. Senators are listed in order of seniority, and Representatives are listed by district.


    Senators are popularly elected statewide every two years, with one-third beginning new six-year terms with each Congress.


    Lists of committees and their party leaders.


  • Aging (Special) (David Pryor, Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry (Patrick Leahy, Chair; Richard Lugar, Ranking Member)
  • Agricultural Credit (Kent Conrad, Chair; Chuck Grassley, Ranking Member)
  • Agricultural Production and Stabilization of Prices (David Pryor, Chair; Jesse Helms, Ranking Member)
  • Agricultural Research, Conservation, Forestry and General Legislation (Tom Daschle, Chair; Larry E. Craig, Ranking Member)
  • Domestic and Foreign Marketing and Product Promotion (David L. Boren, Chair; Thad Cochran, Ranking Member)
  • Nutrition and Investigations (Tom Harkin, Chair; Mitch McConnell, Ranking Member)
  • Rural Development and Rural Electrification (Howell Heflin, Chair; Paul Coverdell, Ranking Member)
  • Appropriations (Robert C. Byrd, Chair; Mark O. Hatfield, Ranking Member)
  • Agriculture, Rural Development and Related Agencies (Dale Bumpers, Chair; Thad Cochran, Ranking Member)
  • Commerce, Justice, State and Judiciary (Ernest F. Hollings, Chair; Pete Domenici, Ranking Member)
  • Defense (Daniel K. Inouye, Chair; Ted Stevens, Ranking Member)
  • District of Columbia (Herb Kohl, Chair; Conrad Burns, Ranking Member)
  • Energy and Water Development (J. Bennett Johnston, Chair; Mark O. Hatfield, Ranking Member)
  • Foreign Operations (Patrick Leahy, Chair; Mitch McConnell, Ranking Member)
  • Interior and Related Agencies (Robert C. Byrd, Chair; Don Nickles, Ranking Member)
  • Labor, Health, Human Services and Education (Tom Harkin, Chair; Arlen Specter, Ranking Member)
  • Legislative Branch (Harry Reid, Chair; Connie Mack, Ranking Member)
  • Military Construction (Jim Sasser, Chair; Slade Gorton, Ranking Member)
  • Transportation and Related Agencies (Frank R. Lautenberg, Chair; Al D'Amato, Ranking Member)
  • Treasury, Postal Service and General Government (Dennis DeConcini, Chair; Chris Dodd, Ranking Member)
  • VA-HUD-Independent Agencies (Barbara A. Mikulski, Chair; Phil Gramm, Ranking Member)
  • Armed Services (Sam Nunn, Chair; Strom Thurmond, Ranking Member)
  • Nuclear Deterrence, Arms Control and Defense Intelligence (J. James Exon, Chair; Trent Lott, Ranking Member)
  • Coalition Defense and Reinforcing Forces (Carl Levin, Chair; John Warner, Ranking Member)
  • Regional Defense and Contingency Forces (Edward Kennedy, Chair; William S. Cohen, Ranking Member)
  • Defense Technology, Acquistion and Industrial Base (Jeff Bingaman, Chair; Robert C. Smith, Ranking Member)
  • Military Readiness (John Glenn, Chair; John McCain, Ranking Member)
  • Force Requirements and Personnel (Richard C. Shelby, Chair; Dan Coats, Ranking Member)
  • Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs (Donald W. Riegle, Jr., Chair; Al D'Amato, Ranking Member)
  • Housing and Urban Affairs (Paul Sarbanes, Chair; Kit Bond, Ranking Member)
  • International Finance and Monetary Policy (Jim Sasser, Chair; Connie Mack, Ranking Member)
  • Securities (Chris Dodd, Chair; Phil Gramm, Ranking Member)
  • Economic Stabilization and Rural Development (Richard Shelby, Chair; Lauch Faircloth, Ranking Member)
  • Budget (Jim Sasser, Chair; Pete Domenici, Ranking Member)
  • Commerce, Science and Transportation (Ernest F. Hollings, Chair; John Danforth, Ranking Member)
  • Aviation (Wendell H. Ford, Chair; Larry Pressler, Ranking Member)
  • Communications (Daniel K. Inouye, Chair; Bob Packwood, Ranking Member)
  • Consumer (Richard H. Bryan, Chair; Slade Gorton, Ranking Member)
  • Foreign Commerce and Tourism (John F. Kerry, Chair; Bob Packwood, Ranking Member)
  • Merchant Marine (John Breaux, Chair; Trent Lott, Ranking Member)
  • Science, Technology and Space (John D. Rockefeller IV, Chair; Conrad Burns, Ranking Member)
  • Surface Transportation (J. James Exon, Chair; John McCain, Ranking Member)
  • National Ocean Policy Study (Ernest Hollings, Chair; Ted Stevens, Ranking Member)
  • Energy and Natural Resources (J. Bennett Johnston, Chair; Malcolm Wallop, Ranking Member)
  • Energy Research and Development ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Mineral Resources Development and Production ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Public Lands, National Parks and Forests ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Competitiveness ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Water and Power ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Environment and Public Works (Max Baucus, Chair; John H. Chafee, Ranking Member)
  • Water Resources, Transportation, Public Buildings and Economic Development ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Superfund, Recycling and Solid Waste Management ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Toxic Substances, Research and Development ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Clean Water, Fisheries and Wildlife ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Clean Air and Nuclear Regulation
  • Ethics (Select) (Richard Bryan, Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Finance (Daniel Moynihan, Chair; Bob Packwood, Ranking Member)
  • Deficits, Debt Management and Long-Term Economic Growth ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Energy and Agricultural Taxation ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Health for Families and the Uninsured ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • International Trade ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Medicare and Long Term Care ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Private Retirement Plans and Oversight of the Internal Revenue Service ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Social Security and Family Policy ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Taxation ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Foreign Relations (Claiborne Pell, Chair; Jesse Helms, Ranking Member)
  • Federal Services, Post Office and Civil Service ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • International Economic Policy, Trade, Oceans and Environment ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Western Hemisphere and Peace Corps Affairs ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Terrorism, Narcotics and International Communications ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • African Affairs ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • East Asian and Pacific Affairs ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Governmental Affairs (John Glenn, Chair; Bill Roth, Ranking Member)
  • Federal Services, Post Office and Civil Service ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • General Services, Federalism and the District of Columbia ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Oversight of Government Management ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Regulation and Government Information ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Indian Affairs (Daniel K. Inouye, Chair; John McCain, Ranking Member)
  • Judiciary (Joe Biden, Chair; Orrin Hatch, Ranking Member)
  • Antitrust, Monopolies and Business Rights ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Constitution ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Courts and Administration Practice ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Immigration and Refugee Affairs ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Juvenile Justice ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Patents, Copyrights and Trademarks ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Technology and the Law ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Intelligence (Select) (Dennis DeConcini, Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Labor and Human Resources (Edward M. Kennedy, Chair; Nancy Landon Kassebaum, Ranking Member)
  • Labor ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Education, Arts and Humanities ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Employment and Productivity ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Disability Policy ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Children, Family, Drugs and Alcoholism ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Aging ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Rules and Administration (Wendell H. Ford, Chair; Ted Stevens, Ranking Member)
  • Small Business (Dale Bumpers, Chair; Larry Pressler, Ranking Member)
  • Competitiveness, Capital Formation and Economic Opportunity ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Export Expansion and Agricultural Development ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Government Contracting and Paperwork Reduction ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Innovation, Technology and Productivity ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Rural Economy and Family Farming ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Urban and Minority-Owned Business Development ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Veterans' Affairs (John D. Rockefeller IV, Chair; Frank H. Murkowski, Ranking Member)
  • House of Representatives

  • Agriculture (Kika de la Garza, Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • General Farm Commodities ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Livestock ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Specialty Crops and Natural Resources ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Department Operations and Nutrition ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Environment, Credit and Rural Development ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Foreign Agriculture and Hunger ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Appropriations (William Huston Natcher, then Dave Obey, Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Commerce, Justice, State and the Judiciary ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Defense ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • District of Columbia ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Energy and Water Development ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Foreign Operations, Export Financing and Related Programs ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Interior ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Labor, Health, Human Services, Education and Related Agencies ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Legislative ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Military Construction ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Agriculture, Rural Development and Related Agencies ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Transportation ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Treasury, Postal Service and General Government ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • VA, HUD and Independent Agencies
  • Armed Services (Ron Dellums, Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Military Acquisition ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Research and Development ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Readiness ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Military Forces and Personnel ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Military Installations and Facilities ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Military Personnel and Compensation ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Oversight and Investigations ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs (Henry B. Gonzalez, Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Housing and Community Development ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Financial Institutions Supervision, Regulation and Deposit Insurance ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • International Development, Finance, Trade and Monetary Policy ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Economic Growth and Credit Formation ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Consumer Credit and Insurance ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • General Oversight, Investigations and the Resolution of Failed Financial Institutions ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Budget (Martin Olav Sabo, Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • District of Columbia (Pete Stark, Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Fiscal Affairs and Health ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Government Operations and Metropolitan Affairs ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Judiciary and Education ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Education and Labor (William D. Ford, Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Postsecondary Education ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Health and Safety ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Labor Standards, Occupational Health and Safety ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Elementary, Secondary and Vocational Education ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Labor-Management Relations ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Human Resources ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Select Education and Rights ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Energy and Commerce (John Dingell, Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Oversight and Investigations ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Health and the Environment ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Energy and Power ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Telecommunications and Finance ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Transportation and Hazardous Materials ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Commerce, Transportation and Competitiveness ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Foreign Affairs (Lee H. Hamilton, Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Europe and the Middle East ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Economic Policy, Trade and Environment ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • International Security, International Organizations and Human Rights ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Western Hemisphere Affairs ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • International Operations ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Asia and the Pacific ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Africa ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Government Operations (John Conyers, Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Elections ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Libraries and Memorials ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Office Systems ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Accounts ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Personnel and Police ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Administrative Oversight ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • House Administration (Charlie Rose, Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Elections ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Libraries and Memorials ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Office Systems ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Accounts ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Personnel and Police ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Administrative Oversight ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Interior and Insular Affairs ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Economic and Commercial Law ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Civil and Constitutional Rights ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • International Law, Immigration and Refugees ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Intellectual Property and Judicial Administration ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Crime and Criminal Justice ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Administrative Law and Governmental Relations ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Judiciary (Jack Brooks, Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Elections ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Libraries and Memorials ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Office Systems ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Accounts ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Personnel and Police ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Administrative Oversight ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Merchant Marine and Fisheries (Gerry Studds, Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Merchant Marine ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Environment and Natural Resources ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Fisheries Management ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Oceanography, Gulf of Mexico and the Outer Continental Shelf ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Coast Guard and Navigation ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Administrative Law and Governmental Relations ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Natural Resources (George Miller, Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Oversight and Investigations ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Native American Affairs ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • National Parks, Forests and Public Lands ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Insular and International Affairs ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Energy and Mineral Resources ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Post Office and Civil Service ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Oversight and Investigations ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Civil Affairs ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Census, Statistics and Portal Personnel ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Compensation and Employee Benefits ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Postal Operations and Services ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Public Works and Transportation (Norman Mineta, Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Aviation ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Economic Development ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Investigations and Oversight ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Public Buildings and Grounds ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Surface Transportation ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Rules (Joe Moakley, Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Rules of the House ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Legislative Process ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Science, Space and Technology (George Brown Jr., Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Energy ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Space ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Technology, Environment and Aviation ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Science ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Investigations and Oversight ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Small Business (John J. LaFalce, Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • SBA Legislation and the General Economy ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Regulation, Business Opportunities and Technology ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Procurement, Taxation and Tourism ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Minority Enterprise, Finance and Urban Development ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Rural Enterprises, Exports and the Environment ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Standards of Official Conduct (Jim McDermott, Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Veterans' Affairs (Gillespie V. Montgomery, Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Education, Training and Employment ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Compensation, Pension and Insurance ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Oversight and Investigations ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Hospitals and Health Care ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Housing and Memorial Affairs ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Ways and Means (Dan Rostenkowski, Chair, Sam Gibbons, acting; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Trade ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Oversight ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Select Revenue Measures ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Health ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Social Security ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Human Resources ([[]], Chair; [[]], Ranking Member)
  • Whole
  • Joint committees

  • Economic (Dave Obey, Chair; Paul Sarbanes, Vice Chair)
  • Taxation (Dan Rostenkowski, Chair; Daniel P. Moynihan, Vice Chair)
  • Library (Charlie Rose, Chair; Claiborne Pell, Vice Chair)
  • Organization of Congress (David L. Boren, Co-Chair; Lee H. Hamilton, Co-Chair)
  • Printing (Wendell Ford, Chair; Charlie Rose, Vice Chair)
  • Legislative branch agency directors

  • Architect of the Capitol: George M. White
  • Attending Physician of the United States Congress: Robert Krasner (until 1994), John F. Eisold (starting 1994)
  • Comptroller General of the United States: Charles A. Bowsher
  • Director of the Congressional Budget Office: Robert D. Reischauer
  • Librarian of Congress: James H. Billington
  • Public Printer of the United States: Robert Houk (until 1993), Michael F. DiMario (starting 1993)
  • Senate

  • Chaplain: Richard C. Halverson
  • Historian: Richard A. Baker
  • Parliamentarian: Alan Frumin
  • Secretary: Walter J. Stewart
  • Secretary for the Majority: C. Abbott Saffold
  • Secretary for the Minority: Howard O. Green, Jr.
  • Sergeant at Arms: Martha S. Pope (until April 14, 1994), Robert L. Benoit (starting April 15, 1994)
  • House of Representatives

  • Chaplain: James David Ford
  • Clerk: Donnald K. Anderson
  • Doorkeeper: James T. Molloy
  • Historian: Ray Smock
  • Parliamentarian: William H. Brown
  • Sergeant at Arms: Werner W. Brandt
  • Inspector General:
  • References

    103rd United States Congress Wikipedia

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