Rahul Sharma (Editor)

United States Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works

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The United States Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works is responsible for dealing with matters related to the environment and infrastructure.


Members, 114th Congress

Source: 2013 Congressional Record, Vol. 159, Page S296

Chairmen of the Senate Committee on Public Buildings, 1838–1857

  • William S. Fulton (D-AR) 1838–1841
  • John Leeds Kerr (W-MD) 1841–1842
  • William L. Dayton (W-NJ) 1842–1845
  • Simon Cameron (D-PA) 1845–1846
  • Jesse D. Bright (D-IN) 1846–1847
  • Robert M. T. Hunter (D-VA) 1847–1851
  • James Whitcomb (D-IN) 1851–1852
  • Charles James (D-RI) 1852–1853
  • James Bayard (D-DE) 1853–1857
  • Chairmen of the Joint Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds, 1857–1883

  • Jesse D. Bright (D-IN) 1857–1861
  • Solomon Foot (R-VT) 1861–1866
  • B. Gratz Brown (R-MO) 1866–1867
  • William P. Fessenden (R-ME) 1867–1869
  • Justin S. Morrill (R-VT) 1869–1878
  • Henry Dawes (R-MA) 1878–1879
  • Charles W. Jones (D-FL) 1879–1881
  • Edward H. Rollins (R-NH) 1881–1883
  • Chairmen of the Senate Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds, 1883–1947

  • William Mahone (R-VA) 1883–1887
  • Leland Stanford (R-CA) 1887–1893
  • George Vest (D-MO) 1893–1895
  • Matthew S. Quay (R-PA) 1895–1899
  • Charles W. Fairbanks (R-IN) 1899–1905
  • Francis E. Warren (R-WY) 1905
  • Nathan B. Scott (R-WV) 1905–1911
  • George Sutherland (R-UT) 1911–1913
  • Claude A. Swanson (D-VA) 1913–1918
  • James A. Reed (D-MO) 1918–1919
  • Bert M. Fernald (R-ME) 1919–1926
  • Irvine L. Lenroot (R-WI) 1926–1927
  • Henry W. Keyes (R-NH) 1927–1933
  • Tom Connally (D-TX) 1933–1942
  • Francis Maloney (D-CT) 1942–1945
  • Charles O. Andrews (D-FL) 1945–1947
  • Chairmen of the Senate Committee on Public Works, 1947–1977

  • Chapman Revercomb (R-WV) 1947–1949
  • Dennis Chavez (D-NM) 1949–1953
  • Edward Martin (R-PA) 1953–1955
  • Dennis Chavez (D-NM) 1955–1962
  • Patrick V. McNamara (D-MI) 1962–1966
  • Jennings Randolph (D-WV) 1966–1977
  • Chairmen of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, 1977–present

  • Jennings Randolph (D-WV) 1977–1981
  • Robert T. Stafford (R-VT) 1981–1987
  • Quentin N. Burdick (D-ND) 1987–1992
  • Daniel Patrick Moynihan (D-NY) 1992–1993
  • Max Baucus (D-MT) 1993–1995
  • John H. Chafee (R-RI) 1995–1999
  • Bob Smith (R-NH) 1999–2001
  • Harry Reid (D-NV) 2001
  • Bob Smith (R-NH) 2001
  • James Jeffords (I-VT) 2001–2003
  • James Inhofe (R-OK) 2003–2007
  • Barbara Boxer (D-CA) 2007–2015
  • James Inhofe (R-OK) 2015-2017
  • John Barrasso (R-WY) 2017-Present
  • References

    United States Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works Wikipedia

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