Motto Latin: Deo et Patriæ Endowment CAN$214 million Acceptance rate 72.3% (2011) Phone +1 306-966-4343 | Motto in English For God and Country Established 1907 Chancellor Blaine Favel Total enrollment 20,957 (2014) | |
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Undergraduate tuition and fees Domestic tuition: 5,824 CAD (2014), International tuition: 15,142 CAD (2014) Notable alumni Similar University of Regina, Saskatchewan Polytechnic, University of Manitoba, Athabasca University, Dalhousie University Profiles |
The university of saskatchewan saskatoon saskatchewan canada
The University of Saskatchewan (U of S) is a Canadian public research university, founded in 1907, and located on the east side of the South Saskatchewan River in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. An "Act to establish and incorporate a University for the Province of Saskatchewan" was passed by the provincial legislature in 1907. It established the provincial university on April 3, 1907 "for the purpose of providing facilities for higher education in all its branches and enabling all persons without regard to race, creed or religion to take the fullest advantage". The University of Saskatchewan is the largest education institution in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan. It is also the only Canadian University that has a partnership agreement with University of Oxford. The University of Saskatchewan is one of Canada’s top research universities (based on the number of Canada Research Chairs) and is a member of the U15 Group of Canadian Research Universities (the 15 most research-intensive universities in Canada).
- The university of saskatchewan saskatoon saskatchewan canada
- University of saskatchewan
- Beginnings
- Campus
- Establishment of colleges
- Later development
- Land holdings
- Rankings
- Programs
- Students and alumni
- Notable faculty and researchers
- Notable alumni
- Rhodes Scholars
- Distinguished research
- Royal connections
- University administration and governance
- University presidents
- University chancellors
- Partner universities
- Notable companies started by alumni and spin offs
- Museums and galleries
- Campus life
- Song
- Residence life
- Aboriginal
- Science outreach Kamsknow program
- References
The university began as an agricultural college in 1907 and established the first Canadian university-based department of extension in 1910. There were 120 hectares (300 acres) set aside for university buildings and 400 ha (1,000 acres) for the U of S farm, and agricultural fields. In total 10.32 km2 (3.98 sq mi) was annexed for the university. The main University campus is situated upon 981 ha (2,425 acres), with another 200 ha (500 acres) allocated for Innovation Place Research Park. The University of Saskatchewan agriculture college still has access to neighbouring urban research lands. The University of Saskatchewan's Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization (VIDO) facility, (2003) develops DNA-enhanced immunization vaccines for both humans and animals. The University is also home to the Canadian Light Source synchrotron, which is considered one of the largest and most innovative investments in Canadian science. Since its origins as an agricultural college, research has played an important role at the university. Discoveries made at the U of S include sulphate-resistant cement and the cobalt-60 cancer therapy unit. The university offers over 200 academic programs. Duncan P. McColl was appointed as the first registrar, establishing the first convocation from which Chief Justice Edward L. Wetmore was elected as the first chancellor. Walter Charles Murray became the first president of the university's board of governors.
University of saskatchewan
The institution was modelled on the American state university, with an emphasis on extension work and applied research. The University of Saskatchewan, in Saskatoon, was granted a provincial charter on April 3, 1907. A provincial statute known as the University Act. It provided for a publicly funded, yet independent institution to be created for the citizens of the whole province.
The governance was modelled on the provincial University of Toronto Act of 1906 which established a bicameral system of university government consisting of a senate (faculty), responsible for academic policy, and a board of governors (citizens) exercising exclusive control over financial policy and having formal authority in all other matters. The president, appointed by the board, was to provide a link between the two bodies and to perform institutional leadership. The scope of the new institution was to include colleges of arts and science, including art, music and commerce, agriculture with forestry, domestic science, education, engineering, law, medicine, pharmacy, veterinary science and dentistry.
Saskatoon was chosen as the site for the University on April 7, 1909 by the board of governors. On October 12, 1912 the first building opened its doors for student admission. It awarded its first degrees in 1912. In the early part of this century, professional education expanded beyond the traditional fields of theology, law and medicine. Graduate training based on the German-inspired American model of specialized course work and the completion of a research thesis was introduced.
Battleford, Moose Jaw, Prince Albert, Regina, and Saskatoon all lobbied to be the location of the new university. Walter Murray preferred the provincial capital, Regina. In a politically influenced vote, Saskatoon was chosen on April 7, 1909.
Designed by David Robertson Brown (architect), the Memorial Gates were erected in 1927 at the corner of College Drive and Hospital Drive in honour of the University of Saskatchewan alumni who served in the First World War. A stone wall bears inscriptions of the names of the sixty seven university students and faculty who lost their lives while on service during World War I. The hallways of the Old Administrative Building (College Building) at the University of Saskatchewan are decorated with memorial scrolls in honour of the University of Saskatchewan alumni who served in the World Wars.
The National Film Board of Canada documentary "Prairie University" (1955) directed by John Feeney explores diverse research activities at the University of Saskatchewan on agriculture, medicine, and ice cream.
A college of veterinary medicine opened at the University of Saskatchewan on July 2, 1969. The University of Saskatchewan's Arms were registered with the Canadian Heraldic Authority on February 15, 2001.
A location next to the South Saskatchewan River, across from the city centre of Saskatoon, was selected for the campus. David Robertson Brown of Brown & Vallance were the initial architects constructing a campus plan and the first university buildings in Collegiate Gothic style: The Prime Minister of Canada, Sir Wilfrid Laurier, laid the cornerstone of the first building, the College Building, on July 29, 1910. The first building to be started on the new campus, the College Building, built 1910–1912 opened in 1913; in 2001, it was declared a National Historic Site of Canada.
Brown & Vallance designed the Administration Building (1910–12); Saskatchewan Hall Student Residence (1910–12). Brown & Vallance designed the Engineering Building (1910–12) as well as additions 1913 in 1920 and rebuilt the building after it burned in 1925. Brown & Vallance designed the Barn and Stock Pavilion (1910–12) and Emmanuel College (1910–12). Brown & Vallance built the Faculty Club (1911–12) and rebuilt it after it burned in 1964. Brown & Vallance constructed the President's Residence (1911–13) Qu'Appelle Hall Student Residence (1914–16) Physics Building (1919–21); Chemistry Building (1922–23); St. Andrew's Presbyterian College (1922–23); Memorial Gates (1927–28) and the Field Husbandry Building (1929).
The original buildings were built using native limestone – greystone – which was mined just north of campus. Over the years, this greystone became one of the most recognizable campus signatures. When the local supply of limestone was exhausted, the University turned to Tyndall stone, which is quarried in Manitoba. Saskatchewan's Provincial University and Agricultural College were officially opened May 1, 1913 by Hon. Walter Scott.
The original architectural plan called for the university buildings to be constructed around a green space known as The Bowl. The original university buildings are now connected by skywalks and tunnels. Clockwise, from the north; Thorvaldson Building (August 22, 1924) (Spinks addition); Geology, W.P. Thompson Biology (1960) adjoined to Physics Building (1921); College Building (May 1, 1913) (Administration addition); Saskatchewan cojoined with Athabasca Hall (1964); Qu'Appelle Hall (1916); Marquis Hall adjoined to Place Riel – Qu'Appelle Addition; Murray Memorial Main Library (1956); Arts (1960) cojoined with Law and adjoined to Commerce building complete the initial circle around the perimeter of the bowl.
Francis Henry Portnall and Frank Martin designed the Dairy & Soils Laboratory (1947).
Establishment of colleges
Roughly adhering to the original plan of 1909, numerous colleges were established: Arts & Science (1909); Agriculture, now called Agriculture and Bioresources (1912); Engineering (1912); Law (1913); Pharmacy, now called Pharmacy & Nutrition (1914); Commerce, now the N. Murray Edwards School of Business (1917); Medicine (1926); Education (1927); Home Economics (1928); Nursing (1938); Graduate Studies and Research (1946); Physical Education, now called Kinesiology (1958); Veterinary Medicine (1964); Dentistry (1965); and the School of Physical Therapy (1976).
The U of S also has several graduate programs amongst these colleges, which give rise to a masters or doctorate degree. In 1966, the University of Saskatchewan introduced a masters program in adult education. Diploma, and certificate post secondary courses are also available to aid in professional development.
Theological Colleges, affiliated with the university, were also established: Emmanuel College – (Anglican denomination) (1909), St. Andrew's College (as Presbyterian College, Saskatoon) then United Church of Canada (1913), Lutheran Theological Seminary (1920), St. Thomas More College (1936), and Central Pentecostal College (1983).
Regina College was saved from bankruptcy and became part of the university in 1934, and was given degree-granting privileges in 1959, making it a second University of Saskatchewan campus. By another act of legislation in 1974, Regina College was made an independent institution known as the University of Regina.
The policy of university education initiated in the 1960s responded to population pressure and the belief that higher education was a key to social justice and economic productivity for individuals and for society. The single-university policy in the West was changed as existing colleges of the provincial universities gained autonomy as universities.
Correspondence courses were established in 1929.
Other federated and affiliated colleges include Briercrest Bible College and Biblical Seminary in Caronport, Saskatchewan; Gabriel Dumont College and St. Peter's Historic Junior College in Muenster, Saskatchewan.
Later development
In the late 1990s, the U of S launched a major revitalisation program, comprising new capital projects such as an expansion to the Western College of Veterinary Medicine, the building of a new parkade, and a revision of its internal road layout (which has already seen the East Road access being realigned). The Thorvaldson Building, which is home to the departments of chemistry and computer science, hosts a new expansion known as the Spinks addition. The College of Pharmacy and Nutrition has also had a number of renovations.
Land holdings
Up until the late 1980s, the University of Saskatchewan held an extensive area of land in the northeast quadrant of Saskatoon, stretching far beyond the core campus, east of Preston Avenue and north of the Sutherland and Forest Grove subdivisions. Much of this land was used for farming, though some areas were intended for future campus and facility development. In the late 1980s, most U of S land beyond Circle Drive was earmarked for residential development; Silverspring was the first of these neighbourhoods to be developed.
Another section of land, west of the Preston Avenue/Circle Drive interchange and north of the Canadian Pacific Railway line, was zoned for commercial use, and led to "big box" retail development in the early 2000s called Preston Crossing. Realignment of two major roads in the area around this same time (Preston Avenue and 108th Street) also used up a portion of university land. The U of S obtained a large tract of land immediately east of the Saskatoon city limits after the city annexed the northeastern section of U of S land (this land has since been itself annexed into the city). The U of S leased a site to the Correctional Service of Canada north of Attridge Drive on Central Avenue for the Regional Psychiatric Centre. It has an additional undeveloped parcel of land at Central Avenue and Fedoruk Drive.
In the 1970s and again in the 1980s, the U of S considered opening up some of its land holdings south of College Drive and north of 14th Street for residential development, but opposition from nearby neighbourhoods that appreciated the "green belt" offered by the university led to these plans being dropped. The city has refrained from indicating any residential development plans for the newer land holdings in the northeast, allowing another green belt to be created separating the new communities of Evergreen and Aspen Ridge from other parts of the city.
University of Saskatchewan ranks among the top ten in medical doctoral universities in Canada according to Maclean's Guide to Canadian Universities, the most notable ranking for the universities in Canada. As per 2013 Maclean's Ranking, this University becomes 9th among the Canadian Universities which offers a broad range of PhD programs and have medical schools and 10th among the universities which are largely focused on undergraduate education.
As per Shanghai Academic Ranking for World universities, one of the most notable rankings in the world, in 2013, the University of Saskatchewan ranks 151-200 in the world in Engineering/Technology and Computer Sciences subjects and 201-300 among all institutions in the world. The College of Engineering excellence was portrayed internationally with the University of Saskatchewan Space Design Team (USST) multiple first finishes at the X-Prize Foundation NASA challenges. The team was composed of undergraduate students, graduate students, faculty, and researchers drawn from across multiple disciplines. These finishes included world records in wireless energy transfer and space robotics technologies with features on Discovery Channel.
As per QS ranking 2013, the university stands 51-100 in Agriculture & Forestry and 151-200 in Education and Training, Geography, Engineering and Pharmacy.
The National Post and Financial Post "Top 500" ranking of Universities places the U of S 13th of the top 20 Canadian Universities with a population of 15,397 and revenue of $566,596,000. The Sidhpur Foundation places the University of Saskatchewan at spot 14 out of the top 25 universities in Canada. The Gourman Report Ranking of Canadian Universities gave the U of S a score of 3.28, which places it at spot 20 out of 60 Canadian Universities. The Globe and Mail's University Report Card reflects the opinions of 25,000 current undergraduates who responded to some 100 questions about their respective universities. The University of Saskatchewan received scores between B+ and A+ in the following categories
The University of Saskatchewan offers a wide variety of programs and courses. Agriculture and Bioresources, Arts and Science, Biotechnology, Edwards School of Business, Dentistry, Education, Engineering, Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, Kinesiology, Law, Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy and Nutrition, Physical Therapy and Veterinary Medicine.
In addition, the University's affiliated colleges and Centre for Continuing and Distance Education offer degree programs, certificates, and training programs. Many affiliated colleges allow students to complete the first two years of a Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts degree, and some offer full degrees in Education, Native Studies, and Theology.
Students and alumni
The University Act provided that the University should provide "facilities for higher education in all its branches and enabling all persons without regard to race, creed or religion to take the fullest advantage". It further stated that "no woman shall by reason of her sex be deprived of any advantage or privilege accorded to the male students of the university." Seventy students began the first classes on September 28, 1909. The first class graduated on May 1, 1912. Of the three students who earned graduation honours, two were women.
342 students, faculty, and staff enlisted for World War I. Of these, 67 were killed, 100 were wounded, and 33 were awarded medals of valour.
Between 1907 and 2007 there have been over 132,200 members of the University of Saskatchewan Alumni Association. The alumni feature those who have successfully graduated from a degree, certificate and/or diploma programme at the University of Saskatchewan.
Notable faculty and researchers
Notable alumni
Rhodes Scholars
In all, 69 graduates of the University of Saskatchewan have gone on to receive the Rhodes Scholarship. These include Wilbur Jackett (1933) and Mark Abley (1975).
Distinguished research
Over the years, some of the most prominent projects at the University have been associated with the Department of Physics. In 1948, the university built the first betatron facility in Canada. Three years later, the world's first non-commercial cobalt-60 therapy unit was constructed. (The first female Chancellor of the University, Sylvia Fedoruk, was a member of the cobalt-60 research team. She also served as Saskatchewan's Lieutenant-Governor from 1988–1994.) The success of these facilities led to the construction of a linear accelerator as part of the Saskatchewan Accelerator Laboratory in 1964 and placed university scientists at the forefront of nuclear physics in Canada. Experience gained from years of research and collaboration with global researchers led to the University of Saskatchewan being selected as the site of Canada's national facility for synchrotron light research, the Canadian Light Source. This facility opened October 22, 2004 and is the size of a football field. The Plasma Physics Laboratory operates a tokamak on campus. The University used the SCR-270 radar in 1949 to image the Aurora for the first time.
The university owns the Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization. Innovation Place Research Park is an industrial science and technology park that hosts private industry working with the university.
Royal connections
The University of Saskatchewan has numerous royal and vice-regal connections. Lieutenant Governor Archibald McNab is credited with bringing the institution to Saskatoon. Its campuses have been venues for royal and vice-regal visits, including visits by the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh, who lodged at the President's Residence in 1978. A handful of University alumni were invited to a reception for Canadians at Buckingham Palace ahead of that visit to Saskatoon. The main campus is home to Saskatoon's only royally designated institution, the Royal University Hospital. The Diefenbaker Canada Centre, also on campus, houses original correspondence between the Queen and Prime Minister John Diefenbaker, and has staged such exhibits as Happy and Glorious: The Royal Presence in Canada, opened by Lieutenant Governor Lynda Haverstock in 2004. The campus was the first in Western Canada to host the Vanier Cup, named for Governor General Georges Vanier, in 2006. Fifteen fellows of the Royal Society of Canada are affiliated with the University of Saskatchewan.
Saskatchewan's Lieutenant Governors have filled the office of Visitor to the University of Saskatchewan since its establishment. Former Lieutenant Governor Sir Richard Lake was famously called upon to assume the visitor's role in the so-called Crisis of 1919. Four senior members of the Board of Governors had been dismissed after three among them abstained from a vote of confidence in university president Walter Murray. Murray was under scrutiny for his maintenance of University finances. The public and press clamoured for an explanation, and, in accordance with provincial law, Lake held a series of hearings through the office of the King’s Bench. His findings, delivered in April 1920, vindicated the dismissals, saying they were “regular, proper and in the best interest of the university.” In other words, their acts of disloyalty were enough to cost them their jobs.
Certain vice-regal representatives have held teaching and governance positions on campus. Before becoming Lieutenant Governor, Gordon Barnhart was university secretary and professor in Canadian politics. Sylvia Fedoruk was university chancellor, professor in oncology and associate member in physics. Grant MacEwan, before becoming Lieutenant Governor of Alberta, was director of the School of Agriculture and professor of animal husbandry at the University of Saskatchewan. Honorary Doctor of Laws degrees have been conferred by the university on vice-regal representatives. Recipient Lieutenant Governors include William Patterson in 1955, Robert Hanbidge in 1968, Stephen Worobetz in 1984 and Sylvia Fedoruk in 2006. Recipient Governors General include Vincent Massey in 1955 and Ramon Hnatyshyn in 1990.
In 2014, Dr. Gordon Barnhart, who served as Lieutenant Governor of Saskatchewan from 2006 to 2012, was appointed acting president of the university.
On October 24, 2015, Professor Peter Stoicheff was installed as the 11th president of the University of Saskatchewan.
University administration and governance
The University of Saskatchewan has a tricameral governance structure, defined by the University of Saskatchewan Act, consisting of a Board of Governors, University Council, and Senate, as well as the General Academic Assembly. Financial, management, as well as administration affairs are handled by the Board of Governors, which comprises 11 members. The University of Saskatchewan liaison between the public and professional sector is dealt with by the university Senate, a body of 100 representatives. Finally, University Council is made up of a combination of 116 faculty and students. Council is the University's academic governing body, responsible for "overseeing and directing the University's academic affairs." The General Academic Assembly consists of all faculty members and elected students. As of 2006, faculty and staff total 7,000, and student enrolment comprised 15,005 full-time students as well as 3,552 part-time students.
In October 2008, the University of Saskatchewan was named one of Saskatchewan's Top Employers, which was announced by the Saskatoon StarPhoenix and Regina Leader-Post newspapers.
The University senior administration consists of Chancellor Blaine Favel, the President and Vice-Chancellor (Professor Peter Stoicheff); the Provost and Vice-President Academic (Professor Ernie Barber, interim); Greg Fowler, Vice-President (Finance & Resources); and Professor Karen Chad, Vice-President (Research).
University presidents
The past 100+ years have seen 11 university presidents beginning with Walter Charles Murray (1908–37) who helped establish and set the groundwork for the University of Saskatchewan. In other words,
to make a University where no University existed.
James Sutherland Thomson (1937–49) was the second president
during some of the most difficult years in the institution's history. His term spanned the final years of the Great Depression, the Second World War, and the hectic, early post-war years.
Walter Palmer Thompson presidency term (1949–59) spanned the university's 50th anniversary year. Dr. Walter Murray said to him
"Do not be appalled at the absence of all you have been accustomed to find in other Universities. We have all had to start with nothing.. .You have virgin soil to break."
In many fields Biologist Walter P. Thompson leadership brought innovation, insight and research to new areas beginning with rust resistant varieties of wheat which curtailed the 1916 catastrophic outbreak of rust. He also was instrumental in developing in Saskatchewan a comprehensive medicare program. His popularity and qualities of administrator and teacher served the U of S well during his presidency. The fourth and youngest Canadian university president, John William Tranter Spinks (1959–74) brought in a whirlwind era for the university.
...enrolment sky rocketed, a new campus was opened, new buildings were erected, new colleges and schools were started and course offerings were increased. This included a comprehensive health care complex, establishment of a Crop Development Centre, a Linear Accelerator Laboratory, SED Systems, an Institute for Northern Studies, and an Indian and Northern Education Program.
Robert William Begg (1974–80) became the fifth U of S president, who received the Order of Canada during his term in office
for his distinguished career in education and for his contributions to cancer research.
The sixth president was Leo Friman Kristjanson (1980–89) who served a foreshortened term due to the onset of Parkinson's disease. However, even during this tenure from which he left early, the University saw the addition of the Innovation Place research park, Geology Building, Kinsmen Children's Centre, The Centre for the Study of Co-operatives, a new Saskatoon Cancer Clinic, expansion of health science facilities, the Rt. Hon. John G. Diefenbaker Centre, and the groundwork was laid for the new agriculture building. The seventh university president was George Ivany (1989–99).
The J.W. George Ivany Internationalization Award, to be presented annually, was established in 1998 to acknowledge Dr. Ivany's "commitment to internationalization and his leadership in fulfillment of that commitment".
The eighth president of the University of Saskatchewan was Professor R. Peter MacKinnon (1999–2012).
The 9th president of the University of Saskatchewan was Professor Ilene Busch-Vishniac (2012–2014). She was the first female appointed to the position. She was removed from office by the Board of Governors on May 21, 2014, in the aftermath of the temporary firing of a tenured professor.
The 10th president of the University of Saskatchewan is Dr. Gordon Barnhart (2014– 2015). Barnhart served as Lieutenant-Governor of Saskatchewan from 2006 to 2012 and is the first former holder of that office to serve as president of the U of S. He was appointed in an acting capacity by the Board of Governors on May 21, 2014.
The 11th and current present of the University of Saskatchewan is Professor Peter Stoicheff (2015-). Professor Stoicheff served as Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences from 2011-2015 and as Vice-Dean for the Division of Humanities and Fine arts in the College of Arts and Science from 2005-2010. Professor Stoicheff joined the University in 1986 as a faculty member of the English department.
University chancellors
The University of Saskatchewan chancellor would have the duties to preside over convocation ceremonies whereupon they would confer degrees, they chair the Senate and become members of the Board of Governors.
The first University of Saskatchewan chancellor was Justice Edward Ludlow Wetmore B.A. (1909–1917). The University of Saskatchewan Board of Governors honoured him with an honorary D.C.L., in recognition of the contributions Edward Wetmore gave to
both (the province and country) [which] enjoy in rich measure the results of his great common sense, his judiciousness and his high sense of public duty in shaping those fundamental traditions which give character and direction to the activities of two of the most influential institutions of the State, the judiciary and the University.
Honourable Sir Frederick W. A. G. Haultain K.B., the second chancellor served the university 1917–1940. Sir Frederick W. A. G. Haultain, Chief Justice of Saskatchewan, was instrumental in the establishment of the provinces of Saskatchewan and Alberta from the North West Territories, also Commissioner of Education, he also spent time and energy developing the early school system on the rugged frontier. Next, in line was Justice P. E. MacKenzie B.A. and LL.B. between 1940–1946. In the years 1946–1947 Donald Maclean BSc, LL.B and was a valued contributor to the University of Saskatchewan, and was awarded an honorary bachelor of law as well as appointed fourth chancellor. F. H. Auld LL.D., OBE became the University's fifth chancellor holding several three-year terms between 1947–1965. Francis Hedley received great recognition as Deputy Minister of Agriculture in Saskatchewan for his improvements.
E. M. Culliton CC, S.O.M., Q.C., D.C.L., served the university as chancellor from 1965 to 1969. He served Saskatchewan in many fields and was regarded as the
cornerstone of a sound Saskatchewan judiciary.
John Diefenbaker CH, PC, QC, FRSC, FRSA became the seventh chancellor between 1969–1979. He served country as Prime Minister and province as Member of Parliament well, and strived toward the
ultimate balance for free enterprise, profit-making and economic growth on the one hand, and social justice and respect for the interests of the common man on the other."
Emmett M. Hall CC, QC, LL.B, LL.D served as next chancellor for two terms between 1979–1986. Emmett M. Hall was chairman of several committees that helped to shape Saskatchewan. Saskatchewan's public health insurance was the precursor for Canada's national medicare system, as well as reforms to the current issues involving education, court structure and grain handling. Sylvia Fedoruk OC, SOM followed as ninth University Chancellor from 1986–1989. Sylvia Fedoruk is renowned as a famous physics scientist who was implemental in developing the world’s first cobalt-60 unit and first nuclear medicine scanning machines. Sylvia also was a renowned curler, and Lieutenant Governor of Saskatchewan and contributed to Saskatchewan's growth in many areas. Between 1989–1995, E. K. Turner, C.M., LL.D., S.O.M. served as the University of Saskatchewan's ambassador, becoming the university's tenth chancellor. Saskatchewan agriculture benefited from the life work of E. K. Turner both internationally and nationally. Peggy McKercher C.M., SOM, B.A., LL.D. elected by acclamation served as university chancellor between 1995–2001. Peggy McKercher has been always involved in civic growth and development. She has been honoured and gain tremendous recognition for her involvement in the fields of heritage, culture, and municipal development. W. Thomas Molloy OC, QC served between 2001–2007. He received the Order of Canada for
his integrity, commitment to a just settlement and personable rapport.
On July 1, 2007, Dr. Vera Pezer BA, MA PhD. was elected thirteenth chancellor of the University of Saskatchewan. Vera Pezer has served the university for a number of years as student counsellor, faculty member and dean. She has achieved success as a champion curler, author, and member of several civic steering committees.
On April 20, 2013, Blaine Favel, president and CEO of Calgary-based One Earth Oil and Gas Inc. and an influential First Nations leader in the province and the country, was confirmed as 14th chancellor of the University of Saskatchewan.
On October 15, 2016, Roy Romanow, senior fellow public policy fellow with the University of Saskatchewan's department of political studies and former Premier of Saskatchewan (1991-2001), was confirmed as the 15th chancellor. He will be officially installed at the June 5, 2017 convocation ceremony.
Partner universities
Notable companies started by alumni and spin-offs
Museums and galleries
The Agricultural Displays and Kloppenburg Collection are hosted in the Agriculture & Bioresources College. The agricultural wall displays are located in the walkway connecting the Agriculture Building and the Biology Building. The Kloppenburg Collection is featured on the sixth floor of the College of Agriculture and Bioresources building which opened in 1991. Twenty seven works by famous Saskatchewan artists are featured in this donation to the University of Saskatchewan. Beamish Conservatory and Leo Kristjanson Atrium is also located within the Agriculture & Bioresources College. The Leo Kristjanson atrium is located in the College of Agriculture and Bioresources building and hosts the conservatory. The Beamish Conservatory is named in honour of the donor May Beamish who is the daughter of artist Augustus Kenderdine.
The University of Saskatchewan's 75th Anniversary in 1984 was the starting catalyst for the Athletic Wall of Fame at which time 75 honours were bestowed. The wall of fame celebrates achievements by athletes, teams securing a regional and/or national championship, as well as builders who can be either an administrator, coach, manager, trainer or other major contributor toward the Huskie athletic community for a time period of at least 10 years and have provided outstanding notable support. As of 2001, an annual event, the Huskie Salute inaugurates a new candidate into the Athletic Wall of Fame.
The College Building was officially declared a Canadian National Historic Site by Sheila Copps, Minister of Canadian Heritage on February 27, 2001. The College Building was the first building under construction on the University, and upon completion was used for agriculture degree classes.
The Right Honourable John G. Diefenbaker Centre for the Study of Canada, also known as the Diefenbaker Canada Centre, houses the Diefenbaker paper collection and legacy, changing exhibit, Centre for the Study of Co-operatives and the Native Law Centre. The grave site of Canadian Prime Minister John Diefenbaker is located near this museum.
The Gordon Snelgrove Gallery is teaching facility and a public gallery that is managed through the Department of Art & Art History. It provides a venue for new work by artists and curators both within the department and the wider community. It has a full-time director and a number of part-time staff.
Additionally, the gallery curates The Department of Art and Art History Collection, consisting of select works from graduating students. Art from the collection is displayed throughout the Murray Building, the university library, a number of sites on campus and the gallery website.
The gallery is located at 191 Murray Building on the University of Saskatchewan campus. It is open Monday to Friday, 9:30am to 4:30pm and closed weekends and holidays.
The Kenderdine Art Gallery celebrated its official opening October 25, 1991. Augustus Frederick Lafosse (Gus) Kenderdine began the University Art Camp at Emma Lake in 1936, the precursor to the Emma Lake Kenderdine Campus, a bequest was donated to the University of Saskatchewan by his daughter, Mrs. May Beamish, and initialized the formation of the Kenderdine Art Gallery which has a permanent collection started by Dr. Murray, as well as ongoing exhibits. The Kenderdine collection consists of archival material and 4,000 works, including paintings, sketches, ceramics, porcelain or pottery, glass, textiles or tapestries many by 19th and 20th century Saskatchewan, Canadian and international artists. The MacAulay Pharmaceutical Collection is located in the Thorvaldson Building, Room 118A. The collection showcases early 20th-century pharmaceutical paraphernalia, as well as early First Nations remedies such as cherry bark syrup and smartweed.
The Memorial Gates were constructed in honour of those U of S students who made the ultimate sacrifice. Inscribed on the gates themselves is an inscription, “These are they who went forth from this University to the Great War and gave their lives that we might live in freedom.” The gates originally straddled the main road entrance to the campus via University Drive (later, this became the access road into Royal University Hospital); when a new road access, Hospital Drive, was constructed to the west in the 1990s, the gates were preserved in their original location.
The Museum of Antiquities started its collection in 1974, and opened in 1981 at its new location. The museum celebrates notable artistic, sculptural and art achievements of various civilizations and eras.
The Museum of Natural Sciences in the geology building features a two-story high plant-filled atrium demonstrating the evolution of life on earth. It houses a live gallery of animals including aquariums, and extensive geological specimens as well as paleontological specimens, including a full-size skeletal replica of a Tyrannosaurus Rex.
The University of Saskatchewan Observatory offers public viewing hours, school tours, as well as an adopt-a-star program. An adopted star can commemorate a special or significant achievement, or person and the award is given via certificate, honourable registry mention and maps of star location and facts sheet.
The Rugby Chapel, built in 1912 (as a gift from the students of Rugby School) and moved from Prince Albert, has been declared a City of Saskatoon Municipal Heritage Property. Rugby Chapel, the precursor to College of Emmanuel and St. Chad was first constructed in 1883 and designated The University of Saskatchewan (Saskatchewan Provisional District of the North West Territories), in Prince Albert.
The St. Thomas More College Art Gallery was first opened in 1964 and hosts artwork of local and regional artists.
The Victoria School House, known also as the Little Stone School House, was built in 1888 as the first school house of the Temperance Colony. The one room school house was originally constructed in Nutana. The location is now known as five corners at the south or top of the Broadway Bridge. The school yard at one time comprised three school houses, as the population grew. The little stone school house was preserved and moved on campus. It was declared a historic site on June 1, 1967.
Campus life
The Sheaf, a student publication, was first published in 1912, monthly or less frequently. By 1920, it was published weekly with the aim of becoming a more unifying influence on student life. It has continued to publish.
In 1965, a student-run campus radio station, CJUS-FM began broadcasting on a non-commercial basis. In 1983, the station became a limited commercial station. By 1985, however, funding was no longer provided, and the campus radio presence died. In early 2005, CJUS was revived in an internet radio form and continues to broadcast today. The university also maintains a relationship with the independent community radio station CFCR-FM, which actively solicits volunteers on campus.
Place Riel Theatre, a campus theatre, was opened in 1975, as was Louis, a campus pub. Place Riel, the existing campus student centre, opened in 1980, and now holds retail outlets, arcade, lounge space, student group meeting areas, and a food court; it is undergoing expansion and renovation, slated for completion in 2012–2013. These facilities were named after Louis Riel. In the late 1990s, Place Riel Theatre stopped public showings and it is now used for campus movie features and lectures.
The University of Saskatchewan has adopted as its logo the book of knowledge and three wheat sheaves set inside of a green heraldic shield. The wheat sheaves and book of knowledge are yellow. In some versions of the logo, upon the pages of the book of knowledge is the Latin phrase Deo et Patriae, which means "For God and country". The official motto of the university is Deo et Patriae.
Campus sports teams in U Sports use the name Saskatchewan Huskies. The U of S Huskies compete in eight men's sports: Canadian football, basketball, cross country, hockey, soccer, track and field, volleyball and wrestling and seven women's sports: basketball, cross country, hockey, soccer, track and field, volleyball and wrestling. The men's Husky football team has won the Vanier Cup as national champions on three occasions; in 1990, 1996, and 1998.
Notable among a number of songs commonly played and sung at various events such as commencement and convocation, and athletic games are: "Fight", the University of Saskatchewan fight song, which was composed by Russell Hopkins: "Fight, fight, fight for the dear old Green and White, Saskatchewan, our University. And it's shout, shout, shout and let your voice ring out, For Saskatchewan, our University. We'll rise to a man, be it win or lose or draw, And cheer old Alma Mater with a rah-rah-rah! For Deo Patriae our mother strong and free – Saskatchewan our University – Rah!"
Residence life
Voyageur Place has historically been organized on the house system, with each house named after an explorer associated with Saskatchewan's early history. Thus, traditionally there were three male houses: Hearne House (named after Samuel Hearne and consisting of the residents of Saskatchewan Hall); Kelsey (named after Henry Kelsey and consisting of the residents of Qu'Appelle Hall); and Lav (named after Pierre Gaultier de Varennes, sieur de La Vérendrye and consisting of the residents of Qu'Appelle Hall Addition). There were also three female houses (all of which were composed of residents of the all-female Athabasca Hall): Pond (named after Peter Pond), Henday (named after Anthony Henday), and Palliser (named after John Palliser).
On February 6, 2009, the provincial government announced $15 million of funding toward the construction of additional residence buildings, for graduate students, adjacent to the existing McEown Park development. The project, headed by Saskatoon-based Meridian Development Corporation, is scheduled to begin in late 2009 with full occupancy anticipated for 2011.
The University of Saskatchewan provides services to Aboriginal people in more remote communities. The University of Saskatchewan Summer University Transition Course brings first-year Aboriginal students to campus before the start of the school year for some campus orientation. Academic counsellors, tutors and Aboriginal elders are present on campus at the University of Saskatchewan to provide academic and social supports. To assist with the transition to a fulfilling career, the University of Saskatchewan is participating in an Aboriginal Lynx Career and Employment Project led by University of Calgary.
Science outreach Kamskénow program
The Science outreach Kamskénow program, runs out of the College of Arts and Science at the University of Saskatchewan. PotashCorp Kamskénow is a science outreach program that provides hands-on learning in Saskatoon classrooms based on each of the Division of Science disciplines at the U of S: biology, chemistry, computer science, geological sciences, mathematics and physics. Rather than a one-time school visit, the program offers students 12 weeks of classroom activities culminating in a trip to on-campus labs in week 13. All sessions are led by U of S graduate and undergraduate students. This program has been chosen as the joint winner of the 2014 Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Award for the North America region. Additional funding for PotashCorp Kamskénow comes from NSERC, the Community Initiatives Fund, the College of Arts & Science and U of S Community Engagement and Outreach.