Valerio Olgiati studied architecture until 1986 at ETH Zürich. Having lived and worked first in Zurich and later in Los Angeles for some years with Frank Escher, in 1996 he opened his own practice in Zurich and in 2008 in Flims. As a guest professor he taught at ETH Zürich, at Architectural Association School of ArchitectureLondon and at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York. Since 2002 he has been a full professor at the Accademia di architettura Mendrisio at the Università della Svizzera italiana. From fall 2009 he holds the Kenzo Tange Chair at Harvard University, Cambridge, United States.
Principal works
1991 Master Plan Cuncas, Sils i.E.
1991 House Kucher, Rottenburg a. N., Germany
1994 Master Plan for the Reconstruction of the Souk in Beirut, Lebanon
1995 Korean American Museum of Art and Colture (KOMA), Los Angeles, United States
1993 Award of the German Architectural Prize for the House Kucher, Rottenburg a/N, Germany
1994 Eidgenössisches Kunststipendium, Switzerland
1995 Eidgenössischer Preis für freie Kunst (with Frank Escher), Switzerland
1995 Award for the House Kucher, Rottenburg a/N, Architektenkammer Baden-Württemberg, Germany
1998 Award "Bester Bau 1998 in der Schweiz", Bronze Rabbit, Schweizer Fernsehen "10 vor 10", for the School in Paspels, Switzerland
1999 Award "Bester Bau 1999 in der Schweiz", Golden Rabbit, Schweizer Fernsehen "10 vor 10", for The Yellow House in Flims, Switzerland
1999 International Architectural Prize "Neues Bauen in den Alpen", Sexten-Kultur, Award for the School in Paspels, Italy
2001 Award "Gute Bauten Kanton Graubünden" for School in Paspels and The Yellow House in Flims, Switzerland
2001 Architectural Concrete Prize for the School in Paspels, Switzerland
2006 International Architectural Prize "Neues Bauen in den Alpen", Sexten-Kultur, Award for The Yellow House in Flims, Italy
2007 Award "Bester Bau 2007 in der Schweiz", Bronze Rabbit, Schweizer Fernsehen 10vor10, for the Atelier Bardill in Scharans, Switzerland
2008 Award "Bester Bau 2008 in der Schweiz", Golden Rabbit, Schweizer Fernsehen 10vor10, for the Visiting Center Swiss National Park in Zernez, Switzerland
2011-2012 MOMAT, Tokyo, Japan, "VALERIO OLGIATI / ヴァレリオ・オルジャティ展"
Literature (Monographs)
A Lecture by Valerio Olgiati, Birkhäuser Verlag Basel, Switzerland 2011; English: ISBN 978-3-0346-0783-4; German: ISBN 978-3-0346-0782-7; Spanish: ISBN 978-3-0346-0787-2; French: ISBN 978-3-0346-0784-1; Italian: ISBN 978-3-0346-0785-8; Japanese: ISBN 978-3-0346-0786-5, 108 pages
VALERIO OLGIATI AT THE MUSEUM / ヴァレリオ・オルジャティ展, Editor Hosaka Kenjiro, MOMAT, The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo, Japan 2011-2012; Japanese and English: ISBN 978-4-9902409-3-6, 40 pages
El Croquis #156, VALERIO OLGIATI 1996–2011, croquis edotorial Madrid, Spain 2011; ISSN 0212-5633, ISBN 978-84-88386-65-6, 215 pages
Valerio Olgiati, Parliament Entrance Chur, editor Grisons Building Department, Switzerland 2011; German: ISBN 978-3-9523831-0-0; English: ISBN 978-3-9523831-3-1; Italian: ISBN 978-3-9523831-1-7; Romansh: ISBN 978-3-9523831-2-4, 24 pages
Valerio Olgiati, Weber Auditorium Plantahof, editor Grisons Building Department, Switzerland 2011; German: ISBN 978-3-9523831-4-8; English: ISBN 978-3-9523831-5-5, 24 pages
Dado, Built and Inhabited by Rudolf Olgiati and Valerio Olgiati, Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 2010; English: ISBN 978-3-0346-0430-7, German: ISBN 978-3-0346-0375-1, 100 pages
VALERIO OLGIATI, edited by Laurent Stalder, Texts by Mario Carpo, Bruno Reichlin and Laurent Stalder, Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Köln 2008 (1st Edition) / Quart Verlag, Luzern 2010 (2nd edition); German: ISBN 978-3-03761-031-2, English: ISBN 978-3-03761-030-5, 192 pages
The Significance of the Idea in the Architecture of Valerio Olgiati, Text in German and English by Markus Breitschmid, Verlag Niggli AG, Switzerland 2008, ISBN 978-3-7212-0676-0, 80 pages
Valerio Olgiati, Scharans - House for a Musician, Edition Dino Simonett, Zurich 2007, ISBN 9783905562545, 64 pages
Valerio Olgiati, Conversation with Students, Edited by Markus Breitschmid, Virginia Tech Architecture Publications, USA, 2007, ISBN 978-0-9794296-3-7, 63 pages
Valerio Olgiati, PLAN 1:100, Edition Dino Simonett, 2004, ISBN 3-905562-13-8, 64 pages
Valerio Olgiati, Das Gelbe Haus, Kunsthaus Bregenz, archiv kunst architektur, Werkdokumente 19, 2000, Verlag Gerd Hatje, ISBN 3-7757-1004-3, 82 pages
14 Studentenprojekte bei Valerio Olgiati 1998 - 2000, Quart Verlag, 2000, ISBN 3-907631-04-8, 66 pages
VALERIO OLGIATI, Das Gelbe Haus, Publikation zur Ausstellung an der ETH Zürich 28. Mai - 15. Juli 1999, gta Verlag, ETH Zürich, ISBN 3-85676-091-1, 18 pages