Neha Patil (Editor)

USS Jenkins (DD 447)

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31 July 1942

Construction started
27 November 1941

115 m

1.905 million kg

Laid down
27 November 1941

1 May 1946

21 June 1942

2,134 tons

Rear Admiral Thornton A. Jenkins

DDE-447, 2 January 1951

USS Jenkins (DD-447) was a Fletcher-class destroyer in the service of the United States Navy, the second ship named after Rear Admiral Thornton A. Jenkins. Beginning service during World War II, the destroyer saw action in the Pacific theatre. Jenkins was placed in reserve following the end of the war, remaining in this state until 1951, when the ship was reactivated for the Korean War. She served in the western Pacific until 1969 when the destroyer was taken out of service and sold for scrap in 1971.


Construction and career

Jenkins was laid down by Federal Shipbuilding & Drydock Co., Kearny, New Jersey on 27 November 1941 and launched on 21 June 1942; sponsored by Mrs. Marion Parker Embry. The destroyer was commissioned on 31 July 1942, Lieutenant Commander H. F. Miller in command.

After a training period during the summer of 1942, Jenkins departed Casco Bay, Maine on 24 October as escort to a convoy headed for the North African campaign. She screened heavy ships during the shore bombardment, as the attack force arrived off Casablanca on 8 November. Following the Naval Battle of Casablanca, the destroyer returned to New York on 19 November to prepare for action in the Pacific.

Arriving at Nouméa, New Caledonia on 4 January 1943, she immediately began escort and patrol duty among the Solomon Islands and in the Coral Sea. Her first Pacific landing operation began on 29 June, when she joined other units in supporting the invasion of New Georgia Island. Jenkins splashed several enemy planes, as the Japanese fought back with considerable air strength.

Assigned to Rear Adm. Walden L. Ainsworth's Task Group 36.1, Jenkins departed Tulagi on 5 July and steamed up the Slot to intercept a Japanese destroyer and transport force carrying reinforcements to Kolombangara. Radar detected the enemy during mid-watch; and during the Battle of Kula Gulf 6 July, American gunfire sank one destroyer and drove another ashore. Japanese torpedoes sank the cruiser USS Helena.

Following this operation, Jenkins was dispatched on 18 July to a position 100 miles (160 km) south of the Santa Cruz Islands to assist damaged seaplane tender Chincoteague. Although under attack from enemy bombers, the destroyer escorted Chincoteague back to Espiritu Santo.

During the next four months Jenkins engaged in escort duty, training exercises, and preparations for the Gilbert Islands campaign. She joined the screen of Rear Adm. Arthur W. Radford's Northern Carrier Group which bombed Makin and Tarawa during the landings 15 November. Then the destroyer sailed with the carrier force to attack Kwajalein and Wotje in the Marshalls on 4 December. During these raids the aircraft carrier USS Lexington was hit by a torpedo, and Jenkins was assigned to escort her back to Pearl Harbor where she arrived 9 December.

Jenkins departed Hawaii 25 January 1944 with a tanker unit to fuel fast carriers and ships covering the Marshall Islands campaign. She operated with the refueling group through February, and conducted shore bombardment on Bougainville during March. She departed Seeadler Harbor 20 April to rendezvous with Task Force 77 for amphibious operations at Hollandia and Aitape. The landings took place 22 April, and their successful conclusion gave American Pacific forces another base from which to unleash further attacks on remaining enemy held islands. After escort duty and anti-submarine patrols, Jenkins made a search in early June to thwart any attempt by the Japanese to reinforce their Biak garrison. She then covered and provided shore bombardment for the invasions of Noemfoor, Sansapor, and Morotai, as well as patrolling and escorting reinforcements for these operations throughout the summer.

Jenkins once again departed Manus, Admiralties, 12 October for the Leyte invasion scheduled 20 October. Upon arrival, the destroyer was assigned to radar picket duty, from which she performed fighter director duties. As the main fleet engaged in Battle for Leyte Gulf, Jenkins continued her services on the picket station until 27 November.

On 28 December Jenkins sortied from Aitape to provide close cover for the Luzon Attack Force. After receiving some damage from the enemy shore battery, the destroyer returned to Leyte 12 January 1945. Ten days later she departed to assist in hunter-killer operations in the Lingayen Gulf area. She remained on anti-submarine patrol until proceeding to cover minesweeping and shore bombardment on Corregidor 13 February. She continued to support the landings in the islands, giving valuable fire support and anti-submarine assistance until late April.

She departed Subic Bay 24 April to cover minesweeping and amphibious operations in the Celebes Sea off Borneo. Jenkins struck a mine off Tarakan Island on 30 April and sailed into Subic Bay for repairs. On 18 June she sailed for the United States to complete repairs, arriving at San Pedro, California 8 July. She remained on the West Coast through the duration of the war. The destroyer decommissioned at San Diego on 1 May 1946.

The outbreak of the Korean War necessitated additional naval strength to maintain America's worldwide commitments. Jenkins recommissioned as DDE-447 on 2 November 1951 under the command of Commander C. F. McGivern. She departed San Diego on 25 February 1952 for a training period at Pearl Harbor. Upon completion of training, she arrived at Japan on 12 June; and during the summer she operated with Task Force 77 which furnished air support for the ground forces in Korea. She also engaged in patrol duties off Korea and Taiwan before returning to her home port Pearl Harbor on 5 December.

She operated out of Pearl until 10 November 1953 when she sailed for another Far Eastern tour. This cruise was highlighted by Korean and Formosan patrols before returning to Pearl Harbor 15 June. From 1954 through 1963, Jenkins sailed annually to the Far East for peacekeeping operations with the 7th Fleet. In her 1958 deployment the 7th Fleet was on ready alert, as the Chinese Communists commenced harassment of the Chinese Nationalist islands of Quemoy and Matsu.

During the sixties the 7th Fleet deployments were of greater importance because of the Communist insurgency in Laos and Vietnam. For the greater part of 1964 and 1965, Jenkins operated out of Pearl Harbor.

Jenkins sailed for the Far East 9 February 1966 and on 21 February was assigned to gunfire support duty and effectively shelled enemy troop concentrations to assist Marines fighting in Vietnam. But for breathers in the Philippines and Japan, she continued this duty until returning to Pearl Harbor on 22 July.

Jenkins operated in Hawaiian waters until entering U.S. Naval Shipyard at Pearl Harbor on 11 September for a major overhaul which was completed early in 1967. The destroyer then prepared for another deployment in the war zone.


Jenkins received 14 battle stars for World War II service and 1 star for Korean War service.


USS Jenkins (DD-447) Wikipedia

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