Puneet Varma (Editor)


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Scientific name
Tussilago farfara



Higher classification

Tussilago Tussilago farfara coltsfoot Go Botany

Yarrow, Plantains, Common Dandelion, Field horsetail, English marigold

How to identify plants coltsfoot tussilago farfara

Tussilago farfara, commonly known as coltsfoot, is a plant in the groundsel tribe in the daisy family Asteraceae, native to Europe and parts of western and central Asia. The name "tussilago" is derived from the Latin tussis, meaning cough, and ago, meaning to cast or to act on. It has had uses in traditional medicine, but the discovery of toxic pyrrolizidine alkaloids in the plant has resulted in liver health concerns.


Tussilago medicinal herbs COLTSFOOT Tussilago farfara

Tussilago farfara is the only accepted species in the genus Tussilago, although more than two dozen other species have at one time or another been considered part of this group. Most of them are now regarded as members of other genera (Chaptalia, Chevreulia, Farfugium, Homogyne, Leibnitzia, Petasites, Senecio).

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Tussilago Plant World Tussilago farfara

Coltsfoot is a perennial herbaceous plant that spreads by seeds and rhizomes. Tussilago is often found in colonies of dozens of plants. The flowers, which superficially resemble dandelions, open on leafless stems in early spring before the leaves appear. The leaves, which resemble a colt's foot in outline appear after the flowers have set seed and wither and die in the early summer. The plant is typically 10–30 cm in height. The leaves have angular teeth on their margins.


Tussilago FileHuflattich Coltsfoot Tussilago farfara 3jpg Wikimedia Commons

Coltsfoot is widespread across Europe, Asia, and North Africa, from Svalbard to Morocco to China and the Russian Far East. It is also a common plant in North America and South America where it has been introduced, most likely by settlers as a medicinal item. The plant is often found in waste and disturbed places and along roadsides and paths. In some areas it is considered an invasive species.


Tussilago Tussilago Wikiwand

Other common names include tash plant, ass's foot, bull's foot, coughwort (Old English), farfara, foal's foot, foalswort and horse foot. Sometimes it is confused with Petasites frigidus, or western coltsfoot.

It has been called bechion bechichie or bechie, from the Ancient Greek word for "cough". Also ungula caballina ("horse hoof"), pes pulli ("foal's foot"), and chamæleuce.

Traditional uses

Coltsfoot has been used in herbal medicine and has been consumed as a food product with some confectionery products, such as Coltsfoot Rock. Tussilago farfara leaves have been used in the traditional Austrian medicine internally (as tea or syrup) or externally (directly applied) for treatment of disorders of the respiratory tract, skin, locomotor system, viral infections, flu, colds, fever, rheumatism and gout.

Food source

Coltsfoot is used as a food plant by the larvae of some Lepidoptera species including the gothic and small angle shades.


Tussilago farfara contains tumorigenic pyrrolizidine alkaloids. Senecionine and senkirkine, present in coltsfoot, have the highest mutagenetic activity of any pyrrolozidine alkaloid, tested using Drosophila melanogaster to produce a comparative genotoxicity test. There are documented cases of coltsfoot tea causing severe liver problems in an infant, and in another case, an infant developed liver disease and died because the mother drank tea containing coltsfoot during her pregnancy. In response the German government banned the sale of coltsfoot. Clonal plants of colstfoot free of pyrrolizidine alkaloids were then developed in Austria and Germany. This has resulted in the development of the registered variety Tussilago farfara 'Wien' which has no detectable levels of these alkaloids.


Tussilago Wikipedia

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