Harman Patil (Editor)


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Higher classification
Daisy family


Scientific name


Senecio Senecio mandraliscae

Lower classifications
Senecio vulgaris, Senecio rowleyanus, Senecio inaequidens, Senecio vernalis, Senecio ovatus

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Senecio /sˈnʃi./ is a genus of the daisy family (Asteraceae) that includes ragworts and groundsels. The scientific Latin genus name, Senecio, means "old man."


Senecio Curio talinoides Senecio talinoides Blue Fingers World of

Variously circumscribed taxonomically, the genus Senecio is one of the largest genera of flowering plants. The traditional circumscription of Senecio is artificial, being polyphyletic, even in its new circumscription which is based on genetic data. Despite the separation of many species into other genera, the genus still contains c. 1250 species and is one of the largest genera of flowering plants. As no morphological synapomorphies are known to determine which species belong to the genus or not, no exact species numbers are known. The genus has an almost worldwide distribution and evolved in the mid to late Miocene.

Senecio Senecio serpens Blue Chalksticks World of Succulents

Some species produce natural biocides (especially alkaloids) to deter or even kill animals that would eat them.

Senecio species are used as food plants by the larvae of some Lepidoptera species — see list of Lepidoptera that feed on Senecio. Pyrrolizidine alkaloids have been found in Senecio nemorensis and in Senecio cannabifolius var. integrilifolius.

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Senecio Senecio barbertonicus Succulent Bush Senecio World of Succulents

The flower heads are normally rayed with the heads borne in branched clusters, and usually completely yellow, but green, purple, white and blue flowers are known as well.

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In its current circumscription, the genus contains species that are annual or perennial herbs, shrubs, small trees, aquatics or climbers. The only species which are trees are the species formerly belonging to Robinsonia occurring on the Juan Fernández Islands.


Senecio 1000 images about Amazing Succulents Senecios on Pinterest Sun

The genus Senecio is distributed almost worldwide. It is one of the few genera occurring in all five regions with a Mediterranean climate. Furthermore, species are found in mountainous regions, including tropical alpine-like areas.


Many genera and the whole tribe are in need of revision. Many species actually being placed in the genus need to be transferred to other or new genera, and others have been retransferred to Senecio. In its new delimitation the genus is still not monophyletic.

Genera that have been included are the following:

  • Aetheolaena
  • Culcitum
  • Hasteola
  • Iocenes B. Nord.
  • Lasiocephalus Willd. ex Schltdl.
  • Robinsonia
  • Synonyms

    The following genera contain species that are or have been included within Senecio.

  • Antillanthus B. Nord.
  • Barkleyanthus H. Rob. & Brettell
  • Brachyglottis J. R. Forst. & G. Forst.
  • Canariothamnus B. Nord.
  • Dauresia B. Nord. & Pelser
  • Dendrophorbium C. Jeffrey
  • Dendrosenecio (Hauman ex Hedberg) B. Nord. - Giant groundsels occurring in the high altitude areas of East Africa
  • Dorobaea Cass.
  • Dresslerothamnus H. Rob.
  • Elekmania B. Nord.
  • Herreranthus B. Nord.
  • Hubertia Bory
  • Jacobaea Mill.Leonis B. Nord.
  • Ligularia
  • Lundinia B. Nord.
  • Mesogramma DC.
  • Monticalia C. Jeffrey
  • Nelsonianthus H. Rob. & Brettell
  • Nesampelos B. Nord., nom. inval.
  • Oldfeltia B. Nord. & Lundin
  • Packera Á. Löve & D. Löve
  • Pentacalia Cass.
  • Pippenalia McVaugh
  • Pittocaulon H. Rob. & Brettell
  • Pojarkovia Askerova
  • Psacaliopsis H. Rob. & Brettell
  • Pseudogynoxys (Greenm.) Cabrera
  • Pseudojacobaea (Hook. f.) R. Mathur
  • Roldana La Llave
  • Sinosenecio B. Nord.
  • Synotis (C. B. Clarke) C. Jeffrey & Y. L. Chen
  • Telanthophora H. Rob. & Brettell
  • Tephroseris (Rchb.) Rchb.
  • Vendredia Baill.
  • Zemisia B. Nord.
  • Selected species

  • Senecio ampullaceus — Texas ragwort, Texas squaw-weed, Texas groundsel, clasping-leaf groundsel
  • Senecio angulatus L.f. — Creeping groundsel
  • Senecio antisanae
  • Senecio arborescens
  • Senecio aureus L. — Golden ragwort
  • Packera aurea (L.) A. & D. Löve
  • Senecio barbertonicus Klatt — Succulent bush senecio
  • Senecio battiscombei
  • Dendrosenecio battiscombei
  • Senecio bigelovii - Nodding groundsel
  • Senecio bosniacus G. Beck − Bosnian ragwort
  • Senecio brasiliensis (Spreng.) Less. — flor-das-almas
  • Cineraria brasiliensis
  • Senecio cambrensis — Welsh groundsel, Welsh ragwort
  • Senecio congestus (R. Br.) DC. — Marsh ragwort, Clustered marsh ragwort, marsh fleabane
  • Cineraria palustris
  • Othonna palustris
  • Tephroseris palustris
  • Senecio douglasii - Threadleaf groundsel
  • Senecio eboracensis Abbott & Lowe — York groundsel
  • Senecio flaccidus Less. — Douglas senecio, threadleaf groundsel, threadleaf ragwort
  • Senecio gallicus Chaix — French groundsel
  • Senecio glabellus Poir. — Butterweed
  • Packera glabella (Poir) C. Jeffrey
  • Senecio glaucus L. — Jaffa groundsel
  • Senecio haworthii — Woolly senecio
  • Senecio howeanus
  • Senecio iscoensis — Hieron.
  • Senecio jacobaea — is a synonym of Jacobaea vulgaris.
  • Senecio keniensis
  • Dendrosenecio keniensis
  • Senecio keniodendron — Giant groundsel
  • Dendrosenecio keniodendron
  • Senecio keniophytum
  • Senecio kleinia
  • Kleinia neriifolia
  • Senecio lamarckianus
  • Senecio leucanthemifolius Poir. — Coastal ragwort
  • Senecio littoralis
  • Senecio mikanioides — Cape ivy, German ivy
  • Delairea odorata
  • Senecio nivalis Kunth
  • Senecio obovatus Muhl. — Roundleaf ragwort
  • Packera obovata (Muhl. ex Willd.)
  • Senecio patagonicus
  • Senecio pauciradiatus
  • Senecio pulcher
  • Senecio rowleyanus — String of pearls
  • Senecio sanmarcosensis
  • Senecio scandens — German ivy
  • Senecio squalidus — Oxford ragwort
  • Senecio triangularis - Arrowleaf groundsel
  • Senecio vaginatus
  • Senecio vernalis — Eastern groundsel
  • Senecio viscosus — Sticky ragwort
  • Senecio vulgaris — Common groundsel, old-man-in-the-spring
  • Formerly in Senecio

  • Brachyglottis greyi (as S. greyi)
  • Florist's Cineraria, Pericallis × hybrida (as S. cruentus)
  • Rugelia nudicaulis — Rugels ragwort
  • References

    Senecio Wikipedia

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