Girish Mahajan (Editor)

Eindhoven University of Technology

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Motto in English
Mind moves matter

23 June 1956

+31 40 247 9111

23 June 1956

Public, Technical

Total enrollment
9,859 (2014)

North Brabant

Eindhoven University of Technology

Former names
Technische Hogeschool Eindhoven

€287.4M (2011) €319.9M (2014)

Prof.dr. ir. F.P.T. Baaijens

5612 AZ Eindhoven, Netherlands

Mens Agitat Molem (Mind moves matter)

Undergraduate tuition and fees
Domestic tuition: 1,984 EUR (2016), International tuition: 10,000 EUR (2016)

Notable alumni
Wil van der Aalst, Jacob Appelbaum, Camiel Eurlings, Jo Coenen, Wiel Arets

Delft University of Techno, University of Twente, Tilburg University, Radboud University Nijmegen, Fontys University of Applie


Introduction eindhoven university of technology

The Eindhoven University of Technology (Dutch: Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, abbr. TU/e) is a university of technology located in Eindhoven, Netherlands. Its motto is Mens agitat molem (Mind moves matter). The university was the second of its kind in the Netherlands, only Delft University of Technology existed previously. Until mid-1980 it was known as the Technische Hogeschool Eindhoven (abbr. THE). In 2011 QS World University Rankings placed Eindhoven at 146th internationally, but 61st globally for Engineering & IT. Furthermore, in 2011 Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) rankings, TU/e was placed at the 52-75 bucket internationally in Engineering/Technology and Computer Science (ENG) category and at 34th place internationally in the field of Computer Science. In 2003 a European Commission report ranked TU/e at third place among all European research universities (after Cambridge and Oxford and at equal rank with TU Munich), thus making it the highest ranked Technical University in Europe.


Graduate school eindhoven university of technology


The Eindhoven University of Technology was founded as the Technische Hogeschool Eindhoven (THE) on 23 June 1956 by the Dutch government. The University was acknowledged for its research in Automobile sector. It was the second institute of its kind in the Netherlands, preceded only by the Delft University of Technology. It is located on its own campus in the center of Eindhoven, just north of the railway station. It is currently home to about 240 professors, 7200 students, 250 PDEng-students, 600 Ph.D. students, 200 post-doc students and 3000 regular employees. It supports about 100 student associations and 15 alumni associations. Yearly, the Eindhoven University of Technology produces almost 3000 scientific publications, 140 PhD-awards, and 40 patents.

The Eindhoven University of Technology is main participant in the technological top institutes DPI and M2i. One of its former students is Gerard Kleisterlee, a former CEO of Philips.

The university is in an area where several companies active in technology are doing their research, like Philips, ASML and DAF. The university maintains close contacts with most of these companies.

As of 29 April 2005, C.J. van Duijn has the position of rector magnificus.

In 2006, the university celebrated its 50th birthday.

In a 2003 European Commission report, TU/e was ranked as 3rd among European research universities (after Cambridge and Oxford, at equality with TU Munich and thus making it the highest ranked Technical University in Europe), based on the impact of its scientific research. In 'The Times Higher Education Supplement World University Ranking 2005'. it was ranked 74th among world universities, and 67th in 2006.

The university operates several international cooperations with other universities all over the world; the Brain Bridge with Zhejiang University, People's Republic of China, is an example of such a cooperation. Also, the university maintains partnerships with several Dutch universities and announced a "preferred partnership" with the Universiteit Utrecht on 3 January 2011.

Strategic Vision 2020

On 3 January 2011, ir. Arno Peels presented the university's strategic vision document for the period up to 2020, the "Strategic Plan 2020". Despite the economic crisis and the budget cutbacks announced by the Dutch government for the period up to 2014, the university has set itself an ambitious strategic vision for the period up to 2020. This vision includes establishing a University College to foster both in-depth and wide-interest, society-interest driven education for upcoming engineers; establishing a combined Graduate School to manage the graduate programs; an increase of the student body by 50 percent; a 50 percent increase in the number of annual Ph.D graduations; an increase of knowledge valorisation to a campus-wide score of 4.2; increasing the international position of the university to within the top-100 universities; and increasing the embedding of the university within the city and the Brainport region by transforming the campus into a high-grade science park with laboratories, housing facilities for 700 students and researchers and supporting facilities. Particularly the science park of the vision is costly, with an expected 700 million euro investment in the campus needed for realization of the plan.


The Eindhoven University of Technology is a public university of the Netherlands. As such its general structure and management is determined by the Wet op het Hoger Onderwijs en Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (English: Law on Higher Education and Scientific Research). Between that law and the statutes of the university itself, the management of the university is organized according to the following chart:

Executive college

The day-to-day running of the university is in the hands of the Executive College (Dutch: College van Bestuur). The College provides oversight for the departments, the service organizations and the Innovation Lab, plus the local activities of the Stan Ackermans Institute. The College consists of three people, plus a secretary:

The chairman
The chairman is the chairman of the college and the main face of the university to the outside world. Technically almost anybody can be chairman, as long as they have plenty of management experience. Over the last few years the post has been held by people from outside the university, chosen from industry top levels, in order to strengthen the ties between the university and industrial partners. The current chairman is ir. Jan Mengelers.
The rector magnificus
The rector magnificus is the one member of the College whose membership is mandated by law. The law allows the university to appoint a rector in any way, but the university statutes determine that the rector magnificus must be an active professor at the university (and must have been that before being appointed rector); in practice the rector is always a former department dean. The rector is the voice of the academic staff in the College and guards the academic interests of the university in the College. The current rector magnificus is Frank Baaijens.
The third member
The third member is a "tie-breaker" member of the College. The post is open to anybody (but generally not filled by an academic staff member). The current third member is Jo van Ham.
The secretary
The secretary is not a member of the College but a university functionary who does secretarial work for the College: he keeps the minutes and the records, plus takes care of the communication between the College and the university (posting announcements and so on). The College secretary is usually the secretary for the entire university. The current secretary is dr. M.M.N. (Nicole) Ummelen.

Oversight of the executive college

There are two bodies that provide oversight over the Executive College:

  • The Oversight Board is an external board of five people appointed by the Minister of Education (one member is appointed at the suggestion of the University Council). The Board provides external oversight of the running of the university, including changing of the statutes, the budget and other management decisions.
  • The University Council is a council of 18 people, half of whom are elected from the university staff (academic and otherwise) and half from the student body. The University Council is informed of the running of the university by the College at least twice a year and may advise the College as it sees fit. It guards against discrimination within the university. And the council must agree to changes in the management structure. The Council membership is open to all students and personnel, except those persons who are in the Oversight Board, the Executive College or who are the University Secretary.
  • Departments and service organizations

    Most of the work at the university is done in the departments and the service organizations.

  • The departments take care of most of the research and education at the university; each one is run by its professors, headed by the dean. The deans are all members of the executive deliberation meeting, which is a regular meeting of the deans and the rector.
  • The service organizations provide services to the inhabitants of the university campus. Examples of these organizations include the housing organization, the ICT organization and the Communication Expertise Center (which does external communications, including to the press). Each service organization is headed by an organization head.
  • Both for the departments and the service organizations, the staff (and students) are involved with the running of the body. For that reason both types of bodies have advisory councils which have advisory and co-decision authorities.

    TU/e Holding B.V.

    Over the past two decades, the TU/e has increasingly developed commercial interests and off-campus ties. These include commercial agreements and contracts directly between the university and external companies, but also interests in spinoff companies. In order to manage these kinds of contractual obligations the university started the TU/e Holding B.V. in 1997. The Holding is a limited company, dedicated to the commercial exploitation of scientific knowledge.


    The scientific departments (or faculties; Dutch: faculteiten) are the primary vehicles for teaching and research in the university. They employ the majority of the academic staff, are responsible for teaching and sponsor the research schools and institutions.

    The vast majority of education is undergraduate education provided by the departments to students, who are adults with no other academic qualifications than a secondary education diploma. Some education is also provided to members of the postgraduate designer programs, but they are employed by the university and do not count as part of the student body.

    Undergraduate education was given in four- or five-year programs until 2002, styled along the lines of the German system of education; graduates of these programs were granted an engineering title and allowed to prefix their name with the title ir. (an abbreviation of ingenieur; not to be confused with graduates of technical hogescholen, who were engineers abbreviated ing.). Starting in 2002, following the entry into force of the Bologna Accords, the university switched to the bachelor/master structure (students graduating in 2002 were given both an old-style engineering title and a new master's title). The undergraduate programs are now split into two programs each, a three-year bachelor program and a two-year master program. These programs are completely independent, in the sense that a bachelor can leave the university with his title and go to work, can enter a master's program at another university or continue on to the master's program of his department at the university. Of course bachelors from other universities can also enroll in the new master's programs.

    The departments also offer Ph.D programs (Dutch: promotiefase) whereby a qualified master may earn a Ph.D. Unlike in anglo-saxon countries these are not educational programs, however; rather, a person working towards promotion is a research assistant, employed by the department, with teaching responsibilities in addition to his research work.

    The TU/e has nine departments:

  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Built Environment
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Industrial Design
  • Chemical Engineering and Chemistry
  • Industrial Engineering & Innovation Sciences (formerly Technology Management)
  • Applied Physics
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Mathematics and Computer Science
  • Honors programs

    The university offers two honors programs for "top students": students who have proven to have a knack for studying, have the capacity to handle a higher academic load and have an interest in more depth in their programs. There are two honors programs, both aimed at the bachelor students:

    Honors Horizon
    The Honors Horizon program (started in September 2006) is aimed at bachelor students who are interested in introducing a multidisciplinary component into their program. Honors Horizon is intended to "expand students' horizon", by offering multidisciplinary honors classes, research activities and other activities that encourage academic well-roundedness. The Horizon project is an addition to the second and third years of the bachelor program.
    Honors Star
    The Honors Star program (started in September 2010) is complementary to the Horizon program; where Horizon is multidisciplinary, Star is aimed at providing more depth within the program of the student's own department. Activities are still being fleshed out, but are expected to include more in-depth questions in exams and more practical projects. The Star program is an addition to the full duration of the bachelor program.

    Qualifying students can choose between the Honors programs, or follow both at the same time.

    Shared minors

    As of September 2010 the university offers bachelors in their third year a minor on sustainable energy. This minor will focus on providing students with skills needed to work in the sustainable energy industry, or to start their own company in this industry. For that reason the minor is driven entirely by problems supplied by industry and knowledge institutes, which minor students must solve in multidisciplinary teams. In addition, students must come up with an innovative plan and develop a start-up company.

    Postgraduate designer programs (PDEng)

    The university started a number of postgraduate designer programs (PDEng) together with the other Dutch technological universities (TU Delft and University of Twente) in 1986. These programs are currently managed by the Stan Ackermans Institute on behalf of the 4TU Federation. Each program is two years in length and graduates earn a Professional Doctorate in Engineering degree. There are a total of twenty programs active, of which thirteen are available at the TU/e:

  • TU/e PDEng programs:
  • Automotive Systems Design
  • Clinical Informatics
  • Data Science
  • Design and Technology of Instrumentation
  • Design of Electrical Engineering Systems - Track Information and Communication Technology
  • Design of Electrical Engineering Systems - Track Healthcare Systems Design
  • Industrial Engineering
  • Mechatronics System Design
  • Process and Product Design
  • Qualified Medical Engineer
  • Smart Energy Buildings & Cities
  • Software Technology
  • User-System Interaction
  • The PDEng program nationally graduated its 3.500th PDEng.

    Other educational programs

    The university hosts a number of other educational programs that are in some way related to the main educational programs. These include the teacher's program and an MBA program.

  • Eindhoven School of Education: Teacher's education for masters, to get their higher education teaching certificate. Also does research into educational sciences and innovation in education.
  • TIAS School for Business and Society: A shared MBA program with the University of Tilburg, for university graduates.
  • HBO minor program: Bachelor programs for students of HBO universities (four-year bachelor programs), to allow them access to university master programs.
  • Research

    The TU/e does not only host research in its departments. The TU/e participates in a large number of research institutes which balance in different ways between pure science and applied science research. Some of these institutes are bound strictly to the university, others combine research across different universities. Some have even been designated to be of national importance.

    Top in research partnerships with industry

    The TU/e is among the world’s ten best-performing research universities in terms of research cooperation with industry in 2011 (Number 1 in 2009). Ten to 20 percent of the scientific publications of these ten universities in the period 2006–2008 were the result of partnerships with researchers in industry. As well as TU/e and Delft University of Technology, the top 10 also includes two universities in Japan (Tokyo Institute of Technology and Keio University in Tokyo), two in Sweden (CTH Chalmers University of Technology and KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm), and one each in Denmark (DTU Technical University of Denmark in Lyngby), Finland (University of Helsinki), Norway (Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim) and the USA (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York).

    Technological Topinstitutes

    A Technological Topinstitute is a research institute that is a combined effort of different universities, commercial entities and the government. The Dutch government has identified a number of areas of research as "key areas" of vital, national interest and has commissioned a Top Institute for each of them. The TU/e hosts and manages two of them:

  • DPI
  • M2i (formerly NIMR)
  • Research schools

    The TU/e is commissioner and participant of a number of research schools:

    Off-campus activities

    The TU/e plays a central role in the academic, economic and social life of Eindhoven and the surrounding region. In addition the university maintains relations with institutions far beyond that region as well and participates in national and international events (sometimes through the student body).

    Economic and research motor

    The TU/e is enormously important to the economy of the Eindhoven region, as well as the wider areas of BrabantStad and the Samenwerkingsverband Regio Eindhoven. It provides highly skilled labor for the local knowledge economy and is a knowledge and research partner for technology companies in the area.

    The historic basis for the university's role as an economy and research motor was the interaction with Philips. The university was founded primarily to address the need of Philips for local personnel with academic levels of education in electronics, physics, chemistry and later computer science. Later that interest spread to DAF and Royal Dutch Shell (which became the primary employer for graduates of the chemistry department). There was also a synergy with these companies in that senior personnel were hired from them to form the academic staff of the university (which led to the Eindhoven joke that the university trains the engineers and Philips trains the professors).

    Changing economic times and business strategies changed the relationship during the 1980s and 1990s. As Philips started moving away from the region, its importance to the region and the university decreased. A struggle for economic survival forced the university to seek closer ties with the city and region of Eindhoven in the 1989–1995 period, resulting in the creation of the Brainport initiative to draw high tech business and industry to the region. The university started expending more effort in knowledge valorisation, in incubating technology startups, in providing direct knowledge support for local technology companies. Also the academic interests of the research shifted with the times, with more effort going into energy efficiency research, green technologies, and other areas of interest driven by social relevance (the call for better technology in the medical field, for example, led to cooperation with the Catharina Hospital and the University of Maastricht medical department and finally the creation of the Biomedical Technology department).

    The TU/e is host (and in some cases also commissioner) of a number of highly successful research schools, including the ESI and the DPI. These research institutes are a source of high-tech knowledge for high-tech companies in the area, such as ASML, NXP and FEI. The university also plays a large role as knowledge and personnel supplier to other companies in the High Tech Campus Eindhoven and helps incubate startups through the Eindhoven Twinning Center. It is also a knowledge supporter of the automotive industry in the Helmond region.

    In the extended region, the TU/e is part of the backbone of the Eindhoven-Leuven-Aachen triangle. This economic cooperation agreement between three cities in three countries has created one of the most innovative regions in the European Union (measured in terms of money invested in technology and knowledge economy); the agreement is based on the cooperative triangle that connects the three technical universities in those cities.

    Eindhoven Energy Institute

    As of the summer of 2010, the TU/e is host to the Eindhoven Energy Institute (EEI). The EEI is a virtual research institute (meaning that it doesn't have any actual offices or facilities), which manages and coordinates the activities of a large number of groups and subinstitutes in the general area of sustainable and alternative energy technologies.

    The scientific director of the institute is David Smeulders. He is pro forma head of the research department, which is split into four key areas: Built Environment (energy usage and patterns in building, headed by Jan Hensen from the Department of the Built Environment), Future Fuels (headed by prof.dr. Philip de Goey of Mechanical Engineering), Energy Conversion (headed by René Janssen from Chemical Engineering) and Fusion and Plasma (headed by prof.dr. Niek Lopes Cardozo from Physics). The EEI also incorporates the Graduate School on Sustainable Energy, which the TU/e had already established together with the TU Munich and DTU Lyngby. Secretarial services will be provided by the Center Technology for Sustainable Development (TDO) which also already existed at the TU/e (since 1994).

    Energy research at the TU/e is among the best in academic Europe (a February 2010 study by Reed Elsevier puts it second only to Imperial College London). This fact, as well as the unique attention to energy in the built-up environment, drew the attention of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology. The EEI is now a full co-location of EIT's KIC on Sustainable Energy (InnoEnergy).

    International cooperation and appeal

    The TU/e sets a lot of store by international contacts and cooperation. The university maintains active, academic cooperation with sister institutions in several different countries, for example:

  • National University of Singapore, Singapore
  • Zhejiang University, China
  • Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
  • Fudan University, China
  • Northeastern University (China), China
  • International Institute of Information Technology, Bangalore, India
  • International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad, India
  • Manipal Academy of Higher Education, India
  • Georgia Institute of Technology, US
  • Northwestern University, US
  • Carnegie Mellon University, US
  • RMIT University, Australia
  • Middle East Technical University, Turkey
  • Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
  • The TU/e also provides education to an increasing number of foreign students and graduates. According to the 2009 annual report in the academic year 2008–2009 there were 490 exchange students, 103 foreign nationals registered in a bachelor program, 430 in a master program, 158 in a professional doctorate program (79% of the total). In 2009 the university employed 37 foreign professors (15.9% of the total) and 16 foreign associate professors (12.8%). Overall, 29.5% of the university staff was non-Dutch.

    In 2011/2012, the TU/e has Erasmus bilateral agreements with many universities in 30 countries across Europe in a diverse range of subjects for student exchange.

    Technological sports

    In addition to the "regular" types of sports practiced among the student body and by the staff, the TU/e collaborates with the student body in a number of "technology sporting efforts". These usually take the form of cross-department projects, which makes them multidisciplinary efforts. Some examples include:

    Robot football
    In 2010 TechUnited, the university's robot football team, won the European Championship, came second for the third time in a row at the world championship in Singapore and finally won the world championship in 2012. The team is part of the Mid-Size league of RoboCup.
    Auto racing
    The TU/e hosts and sponsors a student race team, University Racing Eindhoven (URE). This team competes annually in the Formula Student and other races with self-built racers. Starting in 2010 the team switched from a petrol engine to an electric car; this car came third at Silverstone, second at Hockenheim and won the Formula Student in its first year. The university also entered a car named Stella into the World Solar Challenge in 2013, winning the Cruiser class race.

    Student organizations and facilities

    The university offers many different facilities for its student body and hosts many different student organizations on campus as well.

    Student and study associations

    There are two main types of student clubs at Dutch universities: student associations (Dutch: studentenvereniging) and study associations (Dutch: studievereninging). The first are somewhat analogous to fraternities and sororities in the United States, except that they tend to be coed. The second are linked to the departments and educational programs.

    Student associations

    There are three main student associations associated with the TU/e, plus a number of independent clubs:

  • Student associations:
  • E.S.V. Demos
  • ESC
  • SSRE
  • Disputes
  • Onafhankelijk Heerendispuut Camelot Excalibur
  • Heerendispuut Dignitates
  • Rhetoricadispuut TAU
  • Other
  • l'Attaque Attique
  • Borrelgenootschap Nargileh
  • C.T.D. Kekulé
  • Culture, international association and spirituality

    There are several associations, clubs and circles associated with the TU/e, which are meant to help students and staff develop themselves in non-academic areas. Such areas include cultural development, building international contacts and investigating spiritual beliefs.

    Cultural activities

    The following associations organize activities with cultural or social/societal relevance:

    Bigband Studentproof
    A big band consisting of university students.
    ESDV Footloose
    Student dance association
    ESTV Doppio
    Student theatre association
    ESFF Dekate Mousa
    Film and photography association
    ESMG Quadrivium
    Student classical music ensemble
    ESRG Knights of the Kitchen Table
    Board game and role play
    JCES Kinjin
    Japanese culture association
    La Tuniña
    The tuna for female students
    Studium Generale
    Group that organizes lectures, expositions, outings and other activities
    Tuna Ciudad de Luz
    The university tuna.

    International associations

  • IEEE
  • Spirituality and philosophy

    4u2 Int. Studenten Groep Eindhoven
    Christian student group
    Emèt Qenee (C.S.F.R.)
    Bible study group
    Humanistisch Studentenraadswerk
    Humanist organization
    Eindhoven Christian student association
    Multicultural student union
    oecumenical association

    Sport associations

    There are many sports associations within the university. They are overseen by the general sports council ESSF.

    Service organizations

    There university is more than just the departments, research bodies and the students. There are several ancillary activities necessary to the running of the university, activities that cross the boundaries and interests of the different departments. These activities are carried out by the universities' service organizations.

    The university has the following service organizations:

    Distinguished alumni

  • Wil van der Aalst, Dutch Computer scientist
  • Wiel Arets, Dutch architect
  • Michiel Boersma, former chairman of the board at Essent
  • Jo Coenen, Dutch architect and former Chief Architect of the Netherlands
  • Frank van Dalen, chairman COC Nederland
  • Martijn van Dam, member of the House of Representatives (2006–2010, 2010–present)
  • Marijn Dekkers, Chairman of the Board of Management of Bayer AG (per 1 October 2010)
  • Jan Dietz, Dutch computer scientist
  • Teun van Dijck, member of the House of Representatives (2006–2010, 2010–present)
  • Camiel Eurlings, Dutch Minister of Transport, Public Works and Water Management (2006-2010)
  • Gerard Kleisterlee, Chairman of Vodafone and a former President and Chief Executive Officer of Royal Philips Electronics
  • Betje Koolhaas, actor
  • John Körmeling, artist and architect
  • Arno Kuijlaars, mathematician, professor at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
  • Karel Luyben, chemical engineer, professor of bioprocess technology, rector magnificus of the Delft University of Technology per 1 January 2010
  • G.M. Nijssen, Dutch computer scientist
  • Harry Otten, physicist, founder and first director of Meteo Consult
  • Kees Schouhamer Immink, scientist and president Turing Machines Inc, co-inventor of the compact disc
  • Sjoerd Soeters, architect
  • René van Zuuk, Dutch architect
  • Distinguished and otherwise notable faculty

  • Riek Bakker, city planner
  • Annelies van Bronswijk, winner Ig Nobelprize
  • Nicolaas Govert de Bruijn, mathematician
  • Henk Buck, professor of chemistry
  • Jo Coenen, Dutch architect and former Chief Architect of the Netherlands
  • Henk Dorgelo, physicist and first rector magnificus
  • Edsger W. Dijkstra, mathematician and computer scientist
  • Helga Fassbinder, urban planner
  • Hugo Christiaan Hamaker, physicist
  • Hubert-Jan Henket, architect
  • Alexandre Horowitz, mechanical engineer; inventor of the Philishave
  • Niek Lopes Cardozo, physicist, member of the Board of Governors of FOM, head of the Fusion Research Division at FOM Rijnhuizen, Rijnhuizen representative at the ITER project
  • Arie Andries Kruithof, physicist, discovered the Kruithofeffect and Kruithofcurve
  • Jean Leering, architect, director of the Van Abbemuseum
  • Piet Lemstra, inventor of the Dyneema fibre
  • Jack van Lint, mathematician
  • Harry Lintsen, historian in technology history, former chairman Foundation for the History of Technology
  • Archer Martin, Fellow of the Royal Society, 1952 Nobel laureate in chemistry (professor TU/e 1964–1974)
  • Bert Meijer, chemical engineer, pioneer in polymer research
  • Sjoerd Romme, professor of Entrepreneurship & Innovation
  • Rutger van Santen, 1997 Spinozapremie, former rector magnificus, 2005 KNAW-professor, 2008 Fellow of the National Academy of Engineering
  • Johan Schot, historian, professor of technology history
  • Piet Steenkamp, lawyer, co-founder of the CDA
  • Martinus Tels, chemical engineer, rector magnificus, pioneer of waste management processes in the Netherlands
  • Ton van Trier, rector magnificus, Minister of Education in the cabinet Van Agt-I
  • Wietse Venema, programmer and physicist
  • Notable honors for research done at the university

  • prof. dr. ir.René de Borst: Spinozapremie (1999)
  • prof. dr. Bert Meijer: KNCV Gold Medal (1993), Arthur K. Doolittle Award (1995), Spinozapremie (2001), Wheland Medal 2010/2011
  • prof. dr. Philip de Goey: Simon Stevin Master 2010
  • René Janssen: KIvI/NIRIA Speurwerkprijs 2010, Spinozapremie (2015)
  • prof. Arthur van Roermund: Simon Stevin Master 2004
  • prof. dr. Rutger van Santen: Spinozapremie (1997)
  • prof. Jaap Schouten: Simon Stevin Master 2006
  • Spinoffs

    Over the years several spin off companies have been started by TU/e graduates, based on some research done at the university. Examples include:

  • B-Invented: green innovations in building materials
  • Dolphys Medical: medical devices
  • EmulTech: technology for precision delivery of medicines
  • Fistuca: Construction equipment engineering
  • Flowid: microreactor expertise for chemical analysis
  • Fluxicon: process mining technology
  • Ioniqa: smart magnetic materials.
  • Novameer: polymer composite panels and fabrics (e.g. for bulletproof doors)
  • OptiMal Forming Solutions: thermoplastic forming moulds
  • PrecEyes: surgical robots to assist with eye surgeries
  • Progression Industry green automotive technologies
  • QTIS: cardiovascular tissue engineering
  • SlimRenoveren: home improvement expertise
  • Sorama: sound and vibration visualization
  • SPINID: Designs and engineers chemical reactors and separators based on a spinning disc technology developed at the TU/e.
  • Studio:Ludens: Pattern Design
  • TUSTI:
  • UXsuite: product usage mapping software
  • Vabrema: knowledge and technologies for cell culture manipulation
  • Xeltis: Enabling cardiovascular restoration (artificial temporary heart valves)
  • International acclaim

    On the 2009 THE–QS World University Rankings (From 2010 two separate rankings will be produced by the Times Higher Education World University Rankings and the QS World University Rankings) list, the Eindhoven University of Technology was ranked inside the top 200 for the fifth consecutive year. An overview of the 2005–2009 rankings can be seen below. In 2010 the QS World University Rankings ranked the university 126th in the world. On the Times Higher Education ranking of 2010 Eindhoven University of Technology is the highest ranked (#114) University of the Netherlands. They are followed by Leiden University (#124).

    In a 2003 European Commission report, TU/e was ranked as third among European research universities (after Cambridge and Oxford, at equality with TU Munich and thus making it the highest ranked Technical University in Europe), based on the impact of its scientific researches. In 2011 Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) rankings, TU/e was placed at the 52-75 bucket internationally in Engineering/Technology and Computer Science ( ENG ) category and at 34th place internationally in the Computer Science subject field.


    Eindhoven University of Technology Wikipedia

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