Nisha Rathode (Editor)

C W Nicol

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C. Nicol


C. W. Nicol Nikka CW Nicol Single Cask 19972013 Tokyo Whisky Hub

Moving Zen, From the roof of Africa, Harpoon

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Working with woodlands c w nicol at tedxtokyo english

Clive William Nicol, MBE (born July 17, 1940) is a Welsh-Japanese writer, singer/song writer, actor and a long-time resident and citizen of Japan.


C. W. Nicol C W Nicol at Kyoto University of Foreign Studies deep


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C.W. Nicol was born in Neath, Wales, and from a young age expressed an interest in wildlife and the environment.

C. W. Nicol httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu

In 1958 he visited the Arctic Circle to research eider duck with Dr Peter Driver of McGill University, taking up Canadian citizenship. By the early 1960s he was studying Shotokan karate-Do at the headquarters of the Japan Karate Association (JKA), and soon thereafter began to study Japanese and fisheries at Nihon University. He then spent two years (1967 to 1969) as a game warden in Ethiopia, setting up the new Semien Mountains National Park for the Ethiopian government. He returned to Japan, writing a book about his Ethiopian experiences: From the Roof of Africa (1971).

C. W. Nicol An Interview with CWNicol Part 2

Since taking up residence in Japan he has written numerous books and other literary works. In 1980 he won the Japan Broadcasting Writer's Award for a television drama written in Japanese. He continued to be an active environmentalist, and to this day he travels in Japan and elsewhere giving talks and lectures about the environment, addressing issues such as deforestation and the preservation of natural environments. He is particularly interested in restoring Japan's vast woodlands, and due to these and other endeavours he is well known in Japan. He now holds Japanese citizenship, which he wrote about in the book Boku ga Nihonjin ni natta riyū ("Why I became Japanese").

C. W. Nicol An Interview with C W Nicol Part 1

The C.W. Nicol Afan Woodland in Kurohime, Shinanomachi, Nagano Prefecture, was established in 1986.

He has written both fiction and non-fiction books, in both Japanese and in English. His books include books about whaling (for which he went on a trip on a whaling vessel), books about the environment, martial arts and also children's fiction. His books have been translated between English and Japanese, as well as into French, Italian, German, Mongolian, Korean, and Chinese. In 2005, he was awarded an Order of the British Empire.

C.W. Nicol is the chairman of the Afan Woodland Trust.

Selected list of works

  • The White Shaman
  • Harpoon / Isana
  • The Boy Who Saw the Wind
  • The Raven's Tale
  • From the Roof of Africa
  • Moving Zen: Karate as a Way to Gentleness
  • The White Hippo
  • Discography

  • Sail Down The River (1991)
  • The World of Little Twins (1992)
  • Whisky (1993)
  • References

    C. W. Nicol Wikipedia

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