Supriya Ghosh (Editor)

100th United States Congress

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Senate President
George H. W. Bush (R)

House Speaker:
House Majority:
Senate Pres. pro tem:
Senate Majority:
100th United States Congress

100 Senators435 Representatives5 Non-voting members

The One Hundredth United States Congress was a meeting of the legislative branch of the United States federal government, composed of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives. It met in Washington, D.C. from January 3, 1987, to January 3, 1989, during the last two years of Ronald Reagan's presidency. The apportionment of seats in the House of Representatives was based on the Twentieth Census of the United States in 1980. Both chambers had a Democratic majority.


Major events

  • October 19, 1987: Black Monday: Stock market levels fell sharply on Wall Street and around the world
  • November 18, 1987: Iran-Contra affair: Senate and House panels released reports charging President Reagan with 'ultimate responsibility' for the affair
  • January 25, 1988: 1988 State of the Union Address
  • November 8, 1988: United States presidential election, 1988: George Bush was elected over Michael Dukakis; United States Senate elections, 1988 & United States House of Representatives elections, 1988: Democrats retained control of Congress
  • Major legislation

  • April 2, 1987 — Surface Transportation and Uniform Relocation Assistance Act, Pub.L. 100–17, 101 Stat. 132
  • July 22, 1987 — McKinney-Vento Act, Pub.L. 100–77, 101 Stat. 482
  • August 20, 1987 — Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Improvement Act of 1987, Pub.L. 100–107, 101 Stat. 724
  • September 29, 1987 — Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Reaffirmation Act of 1987 (Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Balanced Budget Act), Pub.L. 100–119, title I
  • January 7, 1988 — Computer Security Act of 1987, Pub.L. 100–235, 101 Stat. 1724
  • March 22, 1988 - Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987 Pub.L. 100–259
  • June 27, 1988 — Supreme Court Case Selections Act of 1988, Pub.L. 100–352, 102 Stat. 662
  • July 1, 1988 — Medicare Catastrophic Coverage Act, Pub.L. 100–360, 102 Stat. 683
  • August 4, 1988 — Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act, Pub.L. 100–379, 102 Stat. 890
  • August 10, 1988 — Civil Liberties Act of 1988, Pub.L. 100–383, title I, 101 Stat. 904
  • October 13, 1988 — Family Support Act, Pub.L. 100–485, 102 Stat. 2343
  • October 17, 1988 — Indian Gaming Regulatory Act, Pub.L. 100–497, 102 Stat. 2467
  • October 24, 1988 — Health Maintenance Organization Amendments of 1988, Pub.L. 100–517, 102 Stat. 2578
  • October 25, 1988 — Department of Veterans Affairs Act, Pub.L. 100–527, 102 Stat. 2635
  • November 4, 1988 - AIDS amendments of 1988, Pub.L. 100–607, 102 Stat. 3048
  • November 17, 1988 — Water Resources Development Act of 1988, Pub.L. 100–676
  • November 18, 1988 — Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988, Pub.L. 100–690, including Child Protection and Obscenity Enforcement Act and Alcoholic Beverage Labeling Act
  • Treaties ratified

  • May 27, 1988: Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty
  • Hearings

  • May 6, 1987: Iran-Contra affair hearings began
  • October 23, 1987: Robert Bork Supreme Court nomination: Senate rejected Robert Bork's nomination 42–58 to the Supreme Court of the United States
  • February 3, 1988: Senate approved Anthony Kennedy's nomination 97–0 to the Supreme Court of the United States
  • Senate

  • President: George Bush (R)
  • President pro tempore: John Stennis (D)
  • Deputy President pro tempore: George J. Mitchell (D)
  • Majority (Democratic) leadership

  • Majority Leader, Democratic Conference Chairman, and Democratic Policy Committee Chairman: Robert Byrd
  • Majority Whip: Alan Cranston
  • Democratic Campaign Committee Chairman: John Kerry
  • Caucus Secretary: Daniel Inouye
  • Minority (Republican) leadership

  • Minority Leader: Bob Dole
  • Minority Whip: Alan Simpson
  • Republican Conference Chairman: John Chafee
  • Republican Conference Secretary: Thad Cochran
  • Republican Policy Committee Chairman: William L. Armstrong
  • Republican Campaign Committee Chairman: Rudy Boschwitz
  • House of Representatives

  • Speaker: Jim Wright (D)
  • Majority (Democratic) leadership

  • Majority Leader: Tom Foley
  • Majority Whip: Tony Coelho
  • Chief Deputy Majority Whip: David E. Bonior
  • Democratic Caucus Chairman: Dick Gephardt
  • Caucus Vice-Chairman: Mary Rose Oakar
  • Democratic Campaign Committee Chairman: Beryl Anthony Jr.
  • Minority leadership

  • Minority Leader: Robert H. Michel
  • Minority Whip: Trent Lott
  • Chief Deputy Whip: Edward Rell Madigan
  • Republican Conference Chairman: Dick Cheney
  • Conference Vice-Chair: Lynn Morley Martin
  • Conference Secretary: Robert J. Lagomarsino
  • Policy Committee Chairman: Jerry Lewis
  • Campaign Committee Chairman: Guy Vander Jagt
  • Caucuses

  • Congressional Arts Caucus
  • Congressional Automotive Caucus
  • Congressional Black Caucus
  • Congressional Fire Services Caucus
  • Congressional Friends of Ireland Caucus
  • Congressional Hispanic Caucus
  • Congressional Pediatric & Adult Hydrocephalus Caucus
  • Congressional Travel & Tourism Caucus
  • Congresswomen's Caucus
  • House Democratic Caucus
  • Members

    This list is arranged by chamber, then by state. Senators are listed in order of seniority, and Representatives are listed by district.


    Senators are popularly elected statewide every two years, with one-third beginning new six-year terms with each Congress.


    Lists of committees and their party leaders.


  • Aging (Special) (Chair: John Melcher)
  • Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry (Chair: Patrick Leahy)
  • Agricultural Credit
  • Agricultural Production and Stabilization of Prices
  • Agricultural Research and General Legislation
  • Domestic, Foreign Marketing and Product Promotion
  • Nutrition and Investigations
  • Rural Development and Rural Electrification
  • Appropriations (Chair: John C. Stennis)
  • Agriculture, Rural Development and Related Agencies
  • Commerce, Justice, State, Judiciary and Related Agencies
  • Defense
  • District of Columbia
  • Energy and Water Development
  • Foreign Operations
  • HUD-Independent Agencies
  • Interior and Related Agencies
  • Labor-Health, Human Services, Education and Related Agencies
  • Legislative Branch
  • Military Construction
  • Transportation and Related Agencies
  • Treasury, Postal Service and General Government
  • Armed Services (Chair: Sam Nunn)
  • Conventional Forces and Alliance Defense
  • Defense Industry and Technology
  • Manpower and Personnel
  • Projection Forces and Regional Defense
  • Readiness, Sustainability and Support
  • Strategic Forces and Nuclear Detterence
  • Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs (Chair: William Proxmire)
  • Consumer Affairs
  • Housing and Urban Affairs
  • International Finance and Monetary Policy
  • Securities
  • Budget (Chair: Lawton Chiles)
  • Commerce, Science and Transportation (Chair: Ernest Hollings)
  • Aviation
  • Business, Trade and Tourism
  • Communications
  • Consumer
  • Foreign Commerce and Tourism
  • Merchant Marine
  • Science, Technology and Space
  • Surface Transportation
  • National Ocean Policy Study
  • Energy and Natural Resources (Chair: J. Bennett Johnston)
  • Energy Regulation and Conservation
  • Natural Resources Development and Production
  • Public Lands, National Parks and Forests
  • Research and Development
  • Water and Power
  • Environment and Public Works (Chair: Quentin N. Burdick)
  • Environmental Protection
  • Hazardous Wastes and Toxic Substances
  • Nuclear Regulation
  • Superfund and Environmental Oversight
  • Water Resources, Transportation and Infrastructure
  • Ethics (Select) (Chair: Howell Heflin)
  • Finance (Chair: Lloyd Bentsen)
  • Energy and Agricultural Taxation
  • Health
  • International Debt
  • International Trade
  • Private Retirement Plans and Oversight of the Internal Revenue Service
  • Social Security and Family Policy
  • Taxation and Debt Management
  • Foreign Relations (Chair: Claiborne Pell)
  • African Affairs
  • East Asian and Pacific Affairs
  • European Affairs
  • International Economic Policy, Trade, Oceans and Environment
  • Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs
  • Terrorism, Narcotics and International Communications
  • Western Hemisphere and Peace Corps Affairs
  • Governmental Affairs (Chair: John Glenn)
  • Federal Services, Post Office and Civil Service
  • Federal Spending, Budget and Accounting
  • Energy, Nuclear Proliferation and Federal Services
  • Government Efficiency, Federalism and the District of Columbia
  • Oversight of Government Management
  • Indian Affairs (Select) (Chair: Daniel Inouye)
  • Judiciary (Chair: Joe Biden)
  • Antitrust, Monopolies and Business Rights
  • Constitution
  • Courts and Administration Practice
  • Immigration and Refugee Affairs
  • Patents, Copyrights and Trademarks
  • Technology and the Law
  • Intelligence (Select) (Chair: David L. Boren)
  • Labor and Human Resources (Chair: Ted Kennedy)
  • Aging
  • Children, Family, Drugs and Alcoholism
  • Education, Arts and Humanities
  • Employment and Productivity
  • Handicapped
  • Labor
  • Nutrition and Human Needs (Select)
  • Rules and Administration (Chair: Wendell H. Ford)
  • Small Business (Chair: Dale Bumpers)
  • Competition and Antitrust Enforcement
  • Export Expansion
  • Government Contracting and Paperwork Reduction
  • Innovation, Technology and Productivity
  • Export Promotion and Market Development
  • Rural Economy and Family Farming
  • Urban and Minority-Owned Business Development
  • Veterans' Affairs (Chair: Alan Cranston)
  • House of Representatives

  • Aging (Select)
  • Agriculture (Chair: Kika de la Garza)
  • Conservation, Credit and Rural Development
  • Cotton, Rice and Sugar
  • Department Operations, Research and Foreign Agriculture
  • Domestic Marketing, Consumer Relations and Nutrition
  • Forests, Family Farms and Energy
  • Livestock, Dairy and Poultry
  • Tobacco and Peanuts
  • Wheat, Soybeans and Feed Grains
  • Appropriations (Chair: Jamie L. Whitten)
  • Commerce, Justice, State and the Judiciary
  • Defense
  • District of Columbia
  • Energy and Water Development
  • Foreign Operations
  • HUD-Independent Agencies
  • Interior and Related Agencies
  • Labor-Health and Human Services
  • Legislative
  • Military Construction
  • Agriculture, Rural Development and Related Agencies
  • Transportation and Related Agencies
  • Treasury, Postal Service and General Government
  • Armed Services (Chair: Les Aspin)
  • Investigations
  • Military Installations and Facilities
  • Military Personnel and Compensation
  • Procurement and Military Nuclear Systems
  • Readiness
  • Research and Development
  • Seapower, Strategic and Critical Materials
  • Acquisition Policy Panel
  • Defense Policy Panel
  • Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs (Chair: Fernand St. Germain)
  • Consumer Affairs and Coinage
  • Domestic Monetary Policy
  • Economic Stabilization
  • Financial Institutions Supervision, Regulation and Insurance
  • General Oversight and Investigations
  • Housing and Community Development
  • International Development Institutions and Finance
  • International Finance, Trade and Monetary Policy
  • Budget (Chair: William H. Gray
  • Budget Process
  • Community and Natural Resources
  • Defense and International Affairs
  • Economic and Trade Policy
  • Health
  • Human Resources
  • Income Security
  • State and Local Government
  • Children, Youth and Families (Select)
  • District of Columbia (Chair: Ron Dellums)
  • Fiscal Affairs and Health
  • Government Operations and Metropolitan Affairs
  • Judiciary and Education
  • Education and Labor (Chair: Augustus F. Hawkins)
  • Elementary, Secondary and Vocational Education
  • Employment Opportunities
  • Postsecondary Education
  • Health and Safety
  • Labor-Management Relations
  • Labor Standards
  • Human Resources
  • Select Education
  • Energy and Commerce (Chair: John Dingell)
  • Commerce, Transportation and Tourism
  • Energy and Power
  • Health and the Environment
  • Oversight and Investigations
  • Telecommunications and Finance
  • Transportation, Tourism and Hazardous Materials
  • Foreign Affairs (Chair: Dante Fascell)
  • Africa
  • Arms Control, International Security and Science
  • Asian and Pacific Affairs
  • Europe and the Middle East
  • Human Rights and International Organizations
  • International Economic Policy and Trade
  • International Operations
  • Western Hemisphere Affairs
  • Government Operations (Chair: Jack Brooks
  • Commerce, Consumer and Monetary Affairs
  • Employment and Housing
  • Environment, Energy and Natural Resources
  • Government Activities and Transportation
  • Government Information, Justice and Agriculture
  • Human Resources and Ingovernmental Relations
  • Legislation and National Security
  • House Administration (Chair: Frank Annunzio)
  • Accounts
  • Elections
  • Libraries and Memorials
  • Office Systems
  • Personnel and Police
  • Procurement and Printing
  • Task Force on Legislative Service Organizations
  • Hunger (Select)
  • Interior and Insular Affairs (Chair: Mo Udall)
  • Energy and the Environment
  • General Oversight, Northwest Power and Forest Management
  • Insular and International Affairs
  • Mining and Natural Resources
  • National Parks and Public Lands
  • Water and Power Resources
  • Investigate Covert Arms Transactions with Iran (Select)
  • Judiciary (Chair: Peter W. Rodino)
  • Administrative Law and Governmental Relations
  • Civil and Constitutional Rights
  • Courts, Civil Liberties and the Administration of Justice
  • Crime
  • Criminal Justice
  • Immigration, Refugees and International Law
  • Monopolies and Commercial Law
  • Merchant Marine and Fisheries (Chair: Walter B. Jones Sr.)
  • Coast Guard and Navigation
  • Fisheries, Wildlife Conservation and the Environment
  • Merchant Marine
  • Oceanography
  • Oversight and Investigations
  • Panama Canal and Outer Continental Stuff
  • Narcotics Abuse and Control (Select)
  • Post Office and Civil Service
  • Census and Population
  • Civil Service
  • Compensation and Employee Benefits
  • Human Resources
  • Investigations
  • Postal Operations and Services
  • Postal Personnel and Modernization
  • Public Works and Transportation (Chair: James J. Howard, then Glenn M. Anderson)
  • Aviation
  • Economic Development
  • Investigations and Oversight
  • Public Buildings and Grounds
  • Surface Transportation
  • Water Resources
  • Rules (Chair: Claude Pepper)
  • Rules of the House
  • The Legislative Process
  • Science and Technology (Chair: Robert A. Roe)
  • Energy Research and Development
  • International Scientific Cooperation
  • Investigations and Oversight
  • Natural Resources, Agriculture Research and Environment
  • Science, Research and Technology
  • Space Science and Applications
  • Transportation, Aviation and Materials
  • Small Business (Chair: John J. LaFalce)
  • Antitrust, Impact of Deregulation and Privatization
  • Energy and Agriculture
  • Exports, Tourism and Special Problems
  • Procurement, Innovation and Minority Enterprise Development
  • Regulation and Business Opportunities
  • SBA and the General Economy
  • Standards of Official Conduct (Chair: Julian C. Dixon)
  • Veterans' Affairs (Chair: Gillespie V. Montgomery)
  • Hospitals and Health Care
  • Compensation, Pension and Insurance
  • Education, Training and Employment
  • Oversight and Investigations
  • Housing and Memorial Affairs
  • Ways and Means (Chair: Dan Rostenkowski)
  • Health
  • Oversight
  • Public Assistance and Unemployment Compensation
  • Select Revenue Measures
  • Social Security
  • Trade
  • Whole
  • Joint committees

  • Deficit Reduction
  • Economic
  • Taxation
  • Library
  • Printing
  • Legislative branch agency directors

  • Architect of the Capitol: George M. White
  • Attending Physician of the United States Congress: William Narva
  • Comptroller General of the United States: Charles A. Bowsher
  • Director of the Congressional Budget Office: Rudolph G. Penner (until April 28), Edward Gramlich (starting April 28)
  • Librarian of Congress: Daniel J. Boorstin (until September 12), James H. Billington (starting September 14)
  • Public Printer of the United States: Ralph E. Kennickell, Jr. (until 1988), Joseph E. Jenifer (starting 1988)
  • Senate

  • Secretary of the Senate: Walter J. Stewart
  • Secretary for the Majority: David Pratt
  • Secretary for the Minority: Howard O. Greene, Jr.
  • Sergeant at Arms: Henry K. Giugni
  • Parliamentarian: William H. Brown
  • Historian [1]: Richard A. Baker
  • Chaplain: Richard C. Halverson
  • House of Representatives

  • Clerk [2]: Donnald K. Anderson
  • Sergeant at Arms: Jack Russ
  • Doorkeeper: James T. Molloy
  • Parliamentarian: William Holmes Brown
  • Postmaster: Robert V. Rota
  • Reading Clerks:
  • Historian: Ray Smock
  • Chaplain: James D. Ford
  • See also: Rules of the House: "Other officers and officials"
  • References

    100th United States Congress Wikipedia

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