Supriya Ghosh (Editor)

Vote Leave

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Vote Leave

8 October 2015 (2015-10-08)

10 September 2016 (2016-09-10)

UK withdrawal from the EU in the 2016 referendum

Vote Leave was an organisation that campaigned for a Leave vote in the United Kingdom European Union membership referendum, 2016. On 13 April 2016, Vote Leave was designated by the Electoral Commission as the official campaign in favour of leaving the European Union for the referendum on EU membership.


Vote Leave was created in October 2015 by political strategists Matthew Elliot and Dominic Cummings as a cross-party campaign, including members of Parliament from Conservatives, Labour, and UKIP. Labour MP Gisela Stuart served as chairman and leader of the Vote Leave Campaign Committee as Co-Convenor with Michael Gove MP. The campaign was also supported by a number of prominent politicians, including Boris Johnson who became a key figurehead for Vote Leave.

Vote Leave was funded by former Conservative treasurer Peter Cruddas and Labour supporter John Mills. Vote Leave cooperated with Labour Leave, Conservatives for Britain and Business for Britain throughout the referendum campaign.

In the United Kingdom European Union membership referendum, 2016, the vote for the United Kingdom to leave the European Union won a 51.9% share of the vote, therefore setting into motion the steps to be taken for the United Kingdom's withdrawal from the European Union. This meant that the Vote Leave campaign was the victorious side in this referendum.

During and after the 23rd June, both Vote Leave and its rival organisation, "Britain Stronger In Europe", were excoriated by sections of the media and academia for a campaign, described by the Electoral Reform Society as 'dire' with democracy-related problems which left the public seriously lacking proper information.

In September 2016, Change Britain was formed to act as a successor organisation.


The Vote Leave campaign was launched on 8 October 2015 with support from MPs including Labour MP Kate Hoey and UKIP MP Douglas Carswell, and supporters from the business world including CMC Markets founder Peter Cruddas, entrepreneur Luke Johnson and businessman John Mills, the Labour Party's biggest individual donor. Matthew Elliott, founder and former chief executive of the TaxPayers' Alliance and Big Brother Watch as well as the campaign director of the successful NOtoAV campaign in 2011 was announced as the chief executive of Vote Leave.

On 2 November 2015, Vote Leave called on the British Polling Council to investigate "serious violations" of the Council's rules by polling organisation YouGov in a survey conducted in 2013 for the Confederation of British Industry (CBI). The poll appeared to show that 8 out of 10 businesses backed Britain's continued membership of the EU. Vote Leave claimed that the poll was "wholly unrepresentative" of Britain's businesses due to skewed sampling in the poll and alleged that the research had "caused the public to be misled about the views of British businesses on the EU for nearly two years." The British Polling Council's formal response concluded that YouGov had "not provided an adequate explanation of the sampling procedures that had been used to conduct the survey" at the time of publishing the survey, whilst a leaked email sent in response to the initial complaint by Nick Moon, secretary of the British Polling Council, stated: “Survey looks pretty dodgy but luckily we don’t need to rule on that. But my initial thought is that YouGov did not give as much info as they should have.” Vote Leave described the CBI as the "Voice of Brussels" and also published research allegedly showing that the CBI had received over £1million in funding from the EU over the previous six years.

Research released by Vote Leave in November argued that David Cameron's plan to reduce the level of economic migration from the EU by restricting in-work benefits paid to EU migrants would be outweighed by the Government's plans to introduce a National Living Wage of £9-an-hour by 2020. Vote Leave submitted an official statement in November in response to a House of Lords inquiry on the relationship between EU membership and UK science, calling for science research to "replace EU membership as a fundamental priority for national policy." An analysis by Vote Leave, published in December 2015, found that the costs of EU membership outweighed the benefits of the EU's single market as reported in the European Commission's own figures.

On 3 February 2016, Vote Leave announced that former Conservative Chancellor of the Exchequer Lord Lawson would be taking over as interim chairman of the Vote Leave board. Lord Forsyth, the former Secretary of State for Scotland, was also appointed to the board at this time.

On 20 February 2016, following David Cameron's announcement that the EU referendum would take place on 23 June 2016, five Cabinet ministers publicly declared their support for Vote Leave: Michael Gove, the Lord Chancellor and Justice Secretary, Chris Grayling, Leader of the House of Commons, Iain Duncan Smith, the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, John Whittingdale, the Culture Secretary, Theresa Villiers, the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, as well cabinet-attending minister Priti Patel, the Minister of State for Employment. This was followed by an announcement on 21 February by the then-Mayor of London, Boris Johnson MP, that he would also be backing the Vote Leave campaign. Boris Johnson subsequently became one of the key figureheads for Vote Leave throughout the referendum campaign.

Campaign Committee

On 13 March 2016 Vote Leave announced the Vote Leave Campaign Committee, the public facing governing body that meets weekly to set the campaign strategy for Vote Leave. This coincided with the announcement of Labour MP Gisela Stuart as the new Chairman of Vote Leave (replacing Lord Lawson) along with Gisela Stuart and Michael Gove as Co-Conveners of the Committee. The Vote Leave Campaign Committee is

  • Michael Gove (Co-Convener), Conservative MP for Surrey Heath, Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice
  • Gisela Stuart (Co-Convener), Labour MP for Birmingham Edgbaston
  • Matthew Elliott (Chief Executive)
  • Dominic Cummings (Campaign Director), former government adviser
  • Boris Johnson, Conservative MP for Uxbridge and South Ruislip, former Mayor of London
  • Steve Baker, Conservative MP for High Wycombe
  • Douglas Carswell, then a UKIP MP for Clacton
  • Ian Davidson, former Labour MP for Glasgow South West
  • Nigel Dodds, Democratic Unionist Party MP for Belfast North, Deputy Leader of the DUP
  • Iain Duncan Smith, Conservative MP for Chingford and Woodford Green
  • Frank Field, Labour MP for Birkenhead, former Minister of Welfare Reform
  • Lord Forsyth, former Conservative MP for Stirling and Secretary of State for Scotland
  • Liam Fox, Conservative MP for North Somerset, former Secretary of State for Defence
  • Chris Grayling, Conservative MP for Epsom and Ewell, Leader of the House of Commons
  • Daniel Hannan, Conservative MEP for South East England
  • Paul Keetch, former Liberal Democrat MP for Hereford
  • Lord Lawson, former Conservative MP for Blaby and Chancellor of the Exchequer
  • Andrea Leadsom, Conservative MP for South Northamptonshire, Minister of State at the Department of Energy and Climate Change
  • John Longworth, former Director-General of the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC). Longworth was suspended from his role at the BCC following his public comments in support of Brexit on 3 March.
  • Lord Owen, former Labour and SDP MP for Plymouth Devonport and Foreign Secretary
  • Priti Patel, Conservative MP for Witham, Minister of State for Employment
  • Dominic Raab, Conservative MP for Esher and Walton, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Justice
  • Graham Stringer, Labour MP for Blackley and Broughton
  • Theresa Villiers, Conservative MP for Chipping Barnet, Secretary of State for Northern Ireland
  • John Whittingdale, Conservative MP for Maldon, Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport
  • Vote Leave Board

    The Vote Leave board is legally responsible for the campaign.

  • Gisela Stuart (Chairman), Labour MP for Birmingham Edgbaston
  • John Mills (Deputy chairman), founder and chairman, JML
  • Arabella Arkwright
  • Martin Bellamy, CEO, Salamanca Group
  • Peter Cruddas, founder, CMC Markets
  • Suzanne Evans, UKIP spokeswoman
  • Lord Forsyth, former Conservative MP for Stirling and Secretary of State for Scotland
  • Alan Halsall, former chairman, Silver Cross
  • Daniel Hodson, former Chief Executive, LIFFE
  • Bernard Jenkin, Conservative MP for Harwich and North Essex
  • Jon Moynihan, former Executive chairman, PA Consulting Group
  • Graham Stringer, Labour MP for Blackley and Broughton
  • Anne-Marie Trevelyan, Conservative MP for Berwick-upon-Tweed
  • Stuart Wheeler, founder, IG Index
  • Victoria Woodcock (company secretary)
  • Supporters of Vote Leave

  • Sir Ian Botham, former cricketer
  • Neville Baxter, director, RH Development
  • John Caudwell, entrepreneur and philanthropist
  • Joe Foster, Founder, Reebok
  • Michael Freeman, co-Founder, Argent Group
  • Christopher Foyle, Chairman, Foyles & Noved Investment Group
  • Oliver Hemsley, CEO, Numis Securities
  • Robert Hiscox, Honorary President, Hiscox Insurance
  • Alexander Hoare, Managing Partner, C. Hoare & Co
  • John Hoerner, former Chief Executive of Central European Clothing, Tesco
  • Luke Johnson, Chairman, Patisserie Valerie
  • Stanley Kalms, Baron Kalms, co-founder of Business for Sterling
  • Brian Kingham, Founder, Reliance Security Group
  • Crispin Odey, Founding Partner, Odey Asset Management
  • Andrew Roberts, historian
  • Members of Parliament supporting the organisation include UKIP MP Douglas Carswell, Labour MP Kelvin Hopkins, Conservative MPs Steve Baker, Bernard Jenkin and Owen Paterson, and former Ulster Unionist Party leader Lord Trimble.

    Leave.EU and Grassroots Out

    Vote Leave has focused on economic arguments against the European Union, while Leave.EU has made more of immigration-related issues. This has led to situations where Vote Leave and Leave.EU statements have contradicted each other, and sometimes to direct attacks by one pro-Brexit group against the other. Infighting within Vote Leave and Leave.EU, as well as disillusion with Cummings, led to the formation of Grassroots Out (GO). Nigel Farage is a key member of the organisation and of Leave.EU and UKIP donor Arron Banks is a major donor to GO, whereas Vote Leave is a mainly Conservative campaign.

    Although the groups have pledged to work together, relations between them have been difficult, with some sources saying that "the loathing within the Brexit camp surpasses even that between Remain and Leave". Farage has said that Vote Leave is headed by "apparatchiks" and "cretins", saying that the organisation "brief[s] every day that I'm toxic, I put voters off, and there is absolutely no statistical evidence to back that up at all. ... It's crackers to think that you can win a referendum campaign with Boris [Johnson] and the likes of the cabinet", and became irritated when UKIP's sole MP Douglas Carswell joined Vote Leave. Andy Wigmore, Leave.EU's director of communications, told Private Eye that "our private polling shows Remain will win if we carry on as we are".

    When Nigel Farage was selected for an interview with ITV's Robert Peston instead of a Vote Leave representative, Vote Leave issued a statement accusing Peston of bias and threatening "consequences" for the broadcaster if Vote Leave members formed a government post-referendum. Michael Grade, Conservative life peer and former head of both the BBC and ITV, accused Vote Leave of using "unacceptable" "bullying tactics". In response, Farage said that "I'm not going to compare myself to any of the others. ... But I do know the subject well. I've been doing this for a long time."

    Political parties

    Labour MPs who want to exit the European Union on left-wing grounds have expressed their concern over being marginalised by Conservative and UKIP domination of the Vote Leave campaign. Labour donor John Mills was replaced by Conservative peer Lord (Nigel) Lawson as chairman of the group on 5 February 2016, which prompted a source close to the campaign to tell The Morning Star that "Given that we need to win over Labour and socialist voters to win, how can we have a Tory grandee leading the campaign? Labour Leave's position in the campaign is very difficult after this." The Green Party of England and Wales' representative in the House of Lords, Baroness Jones, previously supported Vote Leave but withdrew her support for the organisation following its decision to appoint Lawson as its chairman, tweeting that she "Will vote to Leave EU but can't work with an organisation with so little judgement as to put Lawson at its head." However in mid-March Labour MP Gisela Stuart replaced Lawson as Chair of Vote Leave


    Matthew Elliott, the chief executive of Vote Leave, was former chief executive of the TaxPayers' Alliance (TPA) and founded Politics and Economics Research Trust (PERT) in 2004. Labour MP and former Shadow Minister for Europe, Emma Reynolds, questioned the affairs of the TPA and PERT, writing to the Charity Commission that "Pert may be in breach of charities legally binding commitments to preserve their independence, specifically regarding political activity and the delivery of charitable objectives". Of £532,000 PERT paid out in grants in 2014, £300,000 went to the TPA and £205,000 to Business for Britain, both of which are Eurosceptic. £10,000 went to Global Britain, which has campaigned for Brexit. Charitable trusts are not allowed to be used for political purposes under British charity law.


    During 2015, the group established a fake company to gain entry to a speech being given by Prime Minister David Cameron at the Confederation of British Industry where they heckled him and held banners stating "CBI = voice of Brussels". Cummings subsequently stated: "You think it is nasty? You ain’t seen nothing yet. These guys have failed the country, they are going to be under the magnifying glass. Tough shit ... It is going to be tough". The campaign also stated their intention to target and disrupt meetings of pro-EU organisations and companies. In a letter to the Electoral Commission, Sir Eric Pickles, the former Conservative cabinet minister, said he believed Vote Leave had disqualified itself from lead status in the referendum (which entitles the campaign to public funding) after it pledged to run a "nasty" campaign against opponents.

    Post referendum campaign

    Noting the absence of post victory celebrations, Nick Cohen in the Guardian believed it reflected the fear of two main leaders Johnson and Gove, both journalists, that they would be “found out.” The Leave camp had no plan and provided a single simplistic answer to EU problems condemning the UK Statistics Authority as “stooges” and other experts as “corrupt liars in Brussel’s pocket.” The campaign - a dubious alliance between those wanting an offshore tax haven and supporters of the welfare state -had made promises on immigration and the NHS which were already unwinding.

    Michael Dougan, Professor of European Law and Jean Monnet Chair in EU Law at the university of Liverpool, described the Vote Leave and other Leave campaigns as "one of the most dishonest political campaigns this country [the UK] has every seen". His position was mirrored by many other experts and academics.

    In August 2016 the Electoral Reform Society published a highly critical report and called for a review of how such future events are run. Contrasting it unfavourably with the 'well-informed grassroots' campaign for Scottish independence, Chief Executive Katie Ghose described it as "dire" with “glaring democratic deficiencies” which left voters bewildered. She noted a generally negative response to establishment figures with 29% of voters saying David Cameron made them more likely to vote leave whilst only 14% said he made them want to vote remain. Looking ahead, the society called for an official organisation to highlight misleading claims and for Ofcom to define the role broadcasters are expected to play.


    Vote Leave Wikipedia

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