Neha Patil (Editor)

UNITY (programming language)

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UNITY is a programming language that was constructed by K. Mani Chandy and Jayadev Misra for their book Parallel Program Design: A Foundation. It is a theoretical language, which tries to focus on what, instead of where, when or how. The language has no flow control, the statements in the program run in a random order, until none of the statements causes change if run. This allows for programs that run indefinitely (auto-pilot or power plant safety system) as well as programs that would normally terminate (which here converge to a fixed point).



All statements are assignments, and are separated by #. A statement can consist of multiple assignments, of the form a,b,c := x,y,z, or a := x || b := y || c := z. You can also have a quantified statement list, <# x,y : expression :: statement>, where x and y are chosen randomly among the values that satisfy expression. A quantified assignment is similar. In <|| x,y : expression :: statement >, statement is executed simultaneously for all pairs of x and y that satisfy expression.

Bubble sort

Bubble sort the array by comparing adjacent numbers, and swapping them if they are in the wrong order. Using Θ ( n ) expected time, Θ ( n ) processors and Θ ( n 2 ) expected work. The reason you only have Θ ( n ) expected time, is that k is always chosen randomly from { 0 , 1 } . This can be fixed by flipping k manually.

Program bubblesort declare n: integer, A: array [0..n-1] of integer initially n = 20 # <|| i : 0 <= i and i < n :: A[i] = rand() % 100 > assign <# k : 0 <= k < 2 :: <|| i : i % 2 = k and 0 <= i < n - 1 :: A[i], A[i+1] := A[i+1], A[i] if A[i] > A[i+1] > > end


You can sort in Θ ( log n ) time with rank-sort. You need Θ ( n 2 ) processors, and do Θ ( n 2 ) work.

Program ranksort declare n: integer, A,R: array [0..n-1] of integer initially n = 15 # <|| i : 0 <= i < n :: A[i], R[i] = rand() % 100, i > assign <|| i : 0 <= i < n :: R[i] := <+ j : 0 <= j < n and (A[j] < A[i] or (A[j] = A[i] and j < i)) :: 1 > > # <|| i : 0 <= i < n :: A[R[i]] := A[i] > end

Floyd–Warshall algorithm

Using the Floyd–Warshall algorithm all pairs shortest path algorithm, we include intermediate nodes iteratively, and get Θ ( n ) time, using Θ ( n 2 ) processors and Θ ( n 3 ) work.

Program shortestpath declare n,k: integer, D: array [0..n-1, 0..n-1] of integer initially n = 10 # k = 0 # <|| i,j : 0 <= i < n and 0 <= j < n :: D[i,j] = rand() % 100 > assign <|| i,j : 0 <= i < n and 0 <= j < n :: D[i,j] := min(D[i,j], D[i,k] + D[k,j]) > || k := k + 1 if k < n - 1 end

We can do this even faster. The following programs computes all pairs shortest path in Θ ( log 2 n ) time, using Θ ( n 3 ) processors and Θ ( n 3 log n ) work.

Program shortestpath2 declare n: integer, D: array [0..n-1, 0..n-1] of integer initially n = 10 # <|| i,j : 0 <= i < n and 0 <= j < n :: D[i,j] = rand() % 10 > assign <|| i,j : 0 <= i < n and 0 <= j < n :: D[i,j] := min(D[i,j], <min k : 0 <= k < n :: D[i,k] + D[k,j] >) > end

After round r , D[i,j] contains the length of the shortest path from i to j of length 0 r . In the next round, of length 0 2 r , and so on.


UNITY (programming language) Wikipedia

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