Puneet Varma (Editor)

Team PNoy

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Mga tunay na tuwid sa daang matuwid (The truly righteous people on the straight path)

Team PNoy, formerly known as the LP-Akbayan-NPC-NP-LDP Coalition, is political umbrella coalition in the Philippines, originally formed to support the administration-backed senatorial line-up for the 2013 Philippine Senate election. Team PNoy is composed mostly of supporters of the former President of the Philippines, Benigno Aquino III (President Noynoy, or "PNoy"). The coalition is composed of the Liberal Party, the Nacionalista Party, the Nationalist People's Coalition, the Laban ng Demokratikong Pilipino, the Akbayan Citizens' Action Party, the PDP-Laban, and the National Unity Party.


Its official slogan is "Mga tunay na tuwid sa daang matuwid" ("The truly righteous people on the straight path.").

2013 Elections

The Liberal Party was open to creating coalitions or alliances with other parties for the 2013 election, as long as the politicians had aligning principles. Secretary of Budget and Management Florencio Abad said on April 7, 2012 that it was too early to make conclusions.

Two days later, the Liberals revealed 14 names as potential candidates on their ticket, including candidates that were being considered on the UNA ticket; this meant there were common names on both tickets.

On April 2012, the Nacionalista Party was choosing between the UNA and the LP tickets, with party Secretary-General Alan Peter Cayetano saying that it was too early to decide on such matters. The verdict in the impeachment of Renato Corona could affect their decision.

On May 17, 2012, Aquino revealed the party's four certain senatorial bets: Aurora Rep. Sonny Angara, TESDA Chairman Joel Villanueva, and 2010 senatorial candidates Risa Hontiveros-Baraquel and Ruffy Biazon. All four, however, were still considering their options to run for Senator. On June 28, 2012, party vice chairman Sen. Franklin Drilon announced the candidacy of former Senator Ramon Magsaysay Jr.

Senator Francis Escudero, who formerly campaigned for the Nationalist People's Coalition (NPC)'s presidential nomination in 2010 before resigning from the party and withdrawing from the race abruptly, said he believed that the NPC and the Liberals "are in coalition with one another."

It was announced on July 5, 2012, that the ruling Liberal Party (LP), Nationalist People's Coalition (NPC) and Nacionalista Party (NP) would most likely field a common senatorial ticket in the May 2013 elections. A meeting between Aquino and Manny Villar resulted in an agreement to coalesce for the 2013 elections, and details, such as local candidates, would be dealt with upon on further meetings. Senator and Liberal Party vice chairman Franklin Drilon cautioned though that the agreement was "not yet sealed" as the distribution of slots in the ticket would also be a factor. The Nacionalistas had already endorsed four candidates in Senators Antonio Trillanes and Alan Peter Cayetano, and Representatives Robert Ace Barbers and Cynthia Villar.

However, NPC official and Senator Tito Sotto in September said that the three-party coalition might not be pursued as the determination of candidates at the local level remained a stumbling block in the formation of the coalition; the NPC had more local officials than the Liberals and Nacionalistas. Meanwhile, Representative Mark Villar of the Nacionalistas said that they would stay put with their coalition agreement with the Liberals, and that most issues had already been resolved.

Bam Aquino, the President's cousin, and Jamby Madrigal, one of the defeated presidential candidates in 2010, were sworn in as Liberal Party members. On October 1, the president announced the administration coalition's nominees in a speech at Club Filipino. The ruling coalition, aside from the Liberals, the Nacionalistas and the NPC, included the Laban ng Demokratikong Pilipino (LDP) and Akbayan.

In October 2012, Senators Francis Escudero, Loren Legarda and Fernando Poe Jr's daughter, former MTRCB Chair, Grace Poe formally joined the proclamation rally as independent candidates. The three independent candidates were also adopted by the United Nationalist Alliance coalition.

According to Joseph Emilio Abaya, the ruling party's spokesman, the independent candidates did not intend to campaign with the UNA, which had also adopted them. However, Loren Legarda, when asked with whom she will campaign, said "I will campaign with the Filipino people."

On January 26, 2013, it was announced that the administration ticket would be called "Team PNoy". It is a play on the words "pinoy", an informal term used to denote the Filipino people, and "P-Noy", the Administration's preferred reference to President Aquino, whose nickname is "Noynoy". Angara said that "we decided to use ‘PNoy’ to send the message that this campaign is for all Filipinos." The coalition released its first TV advertisement the next day, with the "Team PNoy" spelling.

2016 Elections

A few days after his final SONA, President Aquino endorsed Secretary of the Interior Mar Roxas as the standard bearer of his Administration in the 2016 Philippine Elections

Mainstream party members

  • Liberal Party
  • Laban ng Demokratikong Pilipino
  • Nationalist People's Coalition (Legarda wing)
  • Nacionalista Party (Villar wing)
  • National Unity Party (Barzaga wing)
  • Akbayan Citizens' Action Party
  • Election results

    9 out of 12 candidates won the possible 12 seats in the Senate namely: (in Alphabetical order)

  • Sonny Angara
  • Bam Aquino
  • Alan Cayetano
  • Chiz Escudero
  • Loren Legarda
  • Koko Pimentel
  • Grace Poe
  • Antonio Trillanes
  • Cynthia Villar
  • References

    Team PNoy Wikipedia

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