Tripti Joshi (Editor)

Sukeban Deka The Movie

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Sukeban Deka The Movie movie poster

Release date
February 14, 1987 (1987-02-14)

Izo Hashimoto (screenplay), Tokio Tsuchiya (screenplay), Shinji Wada (comic)

Sukeban deka ii commercial 1987 sms

Sukeban Deka The Movie (スケバン刑事) is a live action Japanese film that was released in 1987. The movie closely follows a TV and manga series Sukeban Deka written and illustrated by Shinji Wada. The movie stars Yoko Minamino and Yui Asaka, who were also in the TV series. The movie was followed by Sukeban Deka II in 1988.


Sukeban Deka The Movie movie scenes

Sukeban deka the movie trailer youtube avi


Sukeban Deka The Movie OldtypeNewtype Sukeban Deka The Movie article in the 31987 issue

After the events of the TV series, the 18 year old Yoko Godai (Yoko Minamino) has abandoned her special agent Saki Asamiya name to return to her normal life, and is now studying for college entrance exams. However, she accidentally bumps into a young man named Kazuo Hagiwara (Shinobu Sakagami) trying to escape from a group of hitmen, and learns that he comes from Sankou Gakuen, a private school located in a remote island known as Hell's Castle. The school is ruled by a former revolutionary thought to be dead named Hattori (Masato Ibu) who is trying to brainwash students into terrorists to help him stage a fascist coup d'etat in Japan. They are then attacked and captured by a bus driven by the Sankou Gakuen hecnhmen, who proceed put Saki in electric torture, but they manage to escape.

Sukeban Deka The Movie BLACK HOLE REVIEWS SUKEBAN DEKA THE MOVIE 1987 deadly yoyo

Knowing they are in danger, Saki enlist the help of her long time friend Kyoko "Marble Okyo" Nakamura (Haruko Sagara) and Megumi Kato (Ayako Kobayashi), the sister of a friend of Kazuo who is still on the island, as well as Yoko's own successor as Saki Asamiya, the plucky and newly appointed Sukeban Deka agent Yui Kazama (Yui Asaka). However, before they can do a move, they are attacked by a helicopter sent by Hattori, and Hagiwara dies shielding Saki before she destroys it with her old yo-yo. After being joined by her other friend Yukino Yajima (Akie Yoshizawa), Saki plans a raid in Sankou Gakuen to take down Hattori. She reunites with her former caretaker Nishizawa (Keizo Kanie), who gives her an improved version of her weapon, a quadruple weighted yo-yo with 16 times the power of her previous weapon but with the risk to inflict irreparable damage in her own arm.

The team then successfully infiltrates the island through its shore, but they are captured after being betrayed by Megumi in return for the chance from Hattori to see her brother again. The girls are introduced to the evil headmaster, who is revealed to be a cyborg when he defeats Saki in a goaded duel with his in-built weapons. However, Megumi switches sides again upon discovering that her brother has been lobotomized, and helps them to escape. The team fights their way through Hattori's army and specially his elite juvenile fighters, and Megumi sacrifices her life to save Saki from an attack, making up for her betrayal. While her team prepares to blow up the island, Asamiya and Hattori fight again, but this time the Sukeban Deka defeats him with her new yo-yo, almost crushing her arm in the process, and kills him with electricity. The students are freed and Sankou Gakuen is destroyed for good.


Sukeban Deka The Movie Unlimited Sky Reseas de anime y otras cosas Resea Sukeban Deka

  • Yoko Minamino - Yôko Godai / Saki Asamiya II / Sukeban Deka II
  • Yui Asaka - Yui Kazama / Saki Asamiya III / Sukeban Deka II
  • Masatō Ibu - Hattori
  • Keizō Kanie - Nishiwaki
  • Goro Kataoka - Kagenuma
  • Ayako Kobayashi - Megumi Katô
  • Katsumi Muramatsu - Kôsaka
  • Hiroyuki Nagato - Director Kurayami / Dark Director
  • Haruko Sagara - Kyôko Nakamura / 'Okyô'
  • Yuka Onishi - Yuka Kazama
  • Yuma Nakamura - Yuma Kazama
  • Sukeban deka movie th me

    Sukeban deka the movie 1987 trailer


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