Sneha Girap (Editor)

Stuart Agnew

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Member of Parliament

Stuart Agnew

Stuart Agnew

Full Name
John Stuart Agnew

30 August 1949 (age 75) Norwich, Norfolk, England (

Alma mater
Royal Agricultural University

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Political party

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John Stuart Agnew (born 30 August 1949) is a Member of the European Parliament for the East of England region for the UK Independence Party (UKIP). He was elected in 2009.


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Agnew was born in Norwich, and educated at Gordonstoun School and the Royal Agricultural College. A long-time UKIP member, he is a Norfolk farmer who formerly represented Norfolk on the NFU Council. He sits on the European Parliament Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development.

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He was the UKIP candidate in Mid Norfolk at the 2001 general election, in Norfolk North at the 2005 general election, and in Broadland at the 2010 and 2015 general elections.

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Agnew has described climate change science as "the global warming scam". In the European Parliament in 2015, he stated that plants need carbon dioxide as food, so "if you succeed in decarbonising Europe, our crops will have no natural gas to grow from". Richard A. Betts of the Met Office described this as a misunderstanding, since cutting emissions did not mean reducing existing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

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In the 2017 UKIP leadership election he is the running-mate of Anne Marie Waters.

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