Suvarna Garge (Editor)


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Side dish


Place of origin
Belgium Netherlands

Main ingredients
Potato, Vegetable

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Potato, Vegetable, Waterzooi, Carbonade flamande, Stamppot

Passe vite stoemp van bij ons

Stoemp is the richer Brussels variant of the stamppot dish in the cuisine of Belgium and the Netherlands. It consists of pureed or mashed potatoes, other root vegetables and can also include cream, bacon, onion or shallot, herbs, and spices.


Stoemp Stoemp Mash Potatoes Belgian Style Recipe Pabular

The name of the dish sometimes includes the kind of vegetables inside it, for example Wortelstoemp (as wortel means "carrot" in Dutch). This specific combination may also contain egg yolk.

Stoemp Stoemp Aux Poireaux Stoemp Met Prei Belgian Mashed Potatoes Recipe

Rizla azzili kakma et seyt freestyle chez stoemp 2


Stoemp Cooking Around the World Go for Belgium with Stoemp

Stoemp is pronounced [ˈstump], and in some dialects [ˈʃtump]. It is a typical word of Brabantian dialects, in which, as in standard Dutch, oe is pronounced as an oo between boot and hook.

Ingredients and culture

As a simple, rural dish, stoemp enjoys wide appeal.


It is a dish of mashed potatoes with one or more vegetables, such as onions, carrots, leeks, spinach, green peas and cabbage, seasoned with thyme and bayleaf.

Stoemp stoemp avec saucisse BrusselsPicturescom

Stoemp is traditionally featured alongside fried boudin, fried braadworst, grilled bacon, fried mince or fried eggs. In some families, it is served with an entrecôte or a horse tenderloin.

Similar dishes

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  • Bubble and squeak, from England.
  • Colcannon and Champ, from Ireland.
  • Rumbledethumps, from Scotland
  • Pyttipanna, from Sweden
  • Biksemad, from Denmark
  • Trinxat, from the Empordà region of Catalonia, northeast Spain, and Andorra
  • Roupa Velha (Portuguese for "old clothes"), from Portugal, often made from leftovers from Cozido à Portuguesa
  • Stamppot from The Netherlands
  • Hash (food), from the United States
  • Also see hash browns and potato cake entries
  • References

    Stoemp Wikipedia

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