Supriya Ghosh (Editor)

Sinara Group

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Sinara Group wwwsinaragroupcomupload79e79e23b17b2bf987e08

CJSC (Closed joint stock company)

Key people
Mikhail Khodorovsky CEODmitry Alexandrovich Pumpyansky Chairman of the Board

Sinara transport machines

Sinara Group is a Russian investment company founded in 2001 with holdings in the property development, transportation (rail) and financial services sectors.



The company was founded in 2001, and in 2004 acquired industrial and agricultural companies. In 2006 the group merged with Металлпром. The company division ОАО Синара – Транспортные Машины (Open joint stock company 'Sinara - transport machines') was formed in 2007, and the division Синара – Девелопмент (Sinara - development) was formed in 2009.

In 2009 Sinara Group and Siemens created a joint venture for the production of twin unit electric locomotive to be based at Sinara's Ural Locomotive works near Ekaterinburg.

Transport engineering and production

The group division ОАО "Синара – Транспортные машины" (Open joint stock company 'Sinara - transport machines') (STM) is based in Ekaterinburg and comprises ОАО "Уральский завод железнодорожного" (JSC Ural locomotive factory) in Verkhnyaya Pyshma, the ОАО "Людиновский тепловозостроительный завод" (Lyudinovsky locomotive factory) in Lyudinovo, the ООО "Уральский дизель-моторный завод" (Ural diesel engine factory Ltd.) and the ООО "Центр инновационного развития СТМ" (STM research centre) in Ekaterinburg.

Property development

The group division "Синара – Девелопмент" (Sinara - development) includes ООО "фирма КОМ-БИЛДИНГ" (COM-Building company) based in Volgograd, КОТ Новокольцовский (Novokoltsovsky development); a 600ha residential, commercial and industrial development near Ekaterinburg, the ОАО "Архыз-Синара" in Karachay–Cherkessia, the ОАО "Центральный стадион" (Central Stadium company) in Ekaterinburg; a sports arena development, and ЗАО "Интурист-Синара" (Intourist-Sinara); a joint venture with Intourist headquartered in Moscow.

Financial services

The financial services division includes the ООО "СИНАРА-ИНВЕСТ" (Sinara invest) and ОАО "СКБ-банк" (SKB-Bank), both in Ekaterinburg.

Other business areas

The group has holdings in the agricultural business area via ОАО "Каменское", hotels and tourism via ОАО "Пансионат отдыха Бургас" based in Sochi, and energy business via ЗАО "Синэрго" in Ekaterinburg.


Sinara Group Wikipedia

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