Kalpana Kalpana (Editor)

Q function

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In statistics, the Q-function is the tail probability of the standard normal distribution ϕ ( x ) . In other words, Q(x) is the probability that a normal (Gaussian) random variable will obtain a value larger than x standard deviations above the mean.


If the underlying random variable is y, then the proper argument to the tail probability is derived as:

x = y μ σ

which expresses the number of standard deviations away from the mean.

Other definitions of the Q-function, all of which are simple transformations of the normal cumulative distribution function, are also used occasionally.

Because of its relation to the cumulative distribution function of the normal distribution, the Q-function can also be expressed in terms of the error function, which is an important function in applied mathematics and physics.

Definition and basic properties

Formally, the Q-function is defined as

Q ( x ) = 1 2 π x exp ( u 2 2 ) d u .


Q ( x ) = 1 Q ( x ) = 1 Φ ( x ) ,

where Φ ( x ) is the cumulative distribution function of the normal Gaussian distribution.

The Q-function can be expressed in terms of the error function, or the complementary error function, as

Q ( x ) = 1 2 ( 2 π x / 2 exp ( t 2 ) d t ) = 1 2 1 2 erf ( x 2 )      -or- = 1 2 erfc ( x 2 ) .

An alternative form of the Q-function known as Craig's formula, after its discoverer, is expressed as:

Q ( x ) = 1 π 0 π 2 exp ( x 2 2 sin 2 θ ) d θ .

This expression is valid only for positive values of x, but it can be used in conjunction with Q(x) = 1 − Q(−x) to obtain Q(x) for negative values. This form is advantageous in that the range of integration is fixed and finite.

  • The Q-function is not an elementary function. However, the bounds
  • become increasingly tight for large x, and are often useful. Using the substitution v =u2/2, the upper bound is derived as follows: Similarly, using ϕ ( u ) = u ϕ ( u ) and the quotient rule, Solving for Q(x) provides the lower bound.
  • The Chernoff bound of the Q-function is
  • Improved exponential bounds and a pure exponential approximation are
  • A tight approximation of Q ( x ) for x [ 0 , ) is given by Karagiannidis & Lioumpas (2007) who showed for the appropriate choice of parameters { A , B } that
  • f ( x ; A , B ) = ( 1 e A x ) e x 2 B π x erfc ( x ) . The absolute error between f ( x ; A , B ) and erfc ( x ) over the range [ 0 , R ] is minimized by evaluating { A , B } = a r g   m i n { A , B } 1 R 0 R | f ( x ; A , B ) erfc ( x ) | d x . Using R = 20 and numerically integrating, they found the minimum error occurred when { A , B } = { 1.98 , 1.135 } , which gave a good approximation for x 0. Substituting these values and using the relationship between Q ( x ) and erfc ( x ) from above gives Q ( x ) ( 1 e 1.4 x ) e x 2 2 1.135 2 π x , x 0.

    Inverse Q

    The inverse Q-function can be related to the inverse error functions:

    Q 1 ( y ) = 2   e r f 1 ( 1 2 y ) = 2   e r f c 1 ( 2 y )

    The function Q 1 ( y ) finds application in digital communications. It is usually expressed in dB and generally called Q-factor:

    Q - f a c t o r = 20 log 10 ( Q 1 ( y ) )   d B

    where y is the bit-error rate (BER) of the digitally modulated signal under analysis. For instance, for QPSK in additive white Gaussian noise, the Q-factor defined above coincides with the value in dB of the signal to noise ratio that yields a bit error rate equal to y.


    The Q-function is well tabulated and can be computed directly in most of the mathematical software packages such as R and those available in Python, MATLAB and Mathematica. Some values of the Q-function are given below for reference.

    Generalization to high dimensions

    The Q-function can be generalized to higher dimensions:

    Q ( x ) = P ( X x ) ,

    where X N ( 0 , Σ ) follows the multivariate normal distribution with covariance Σ and the threshold is of the form x = γ Σ l for some positive vector l > 0 and positive constant γ > 0 . As in the one dimensional case, there is no simple analytical formula for the Q-function. Nevertheless, the Q-function can be approximated arbitrarily well as γ becomes larger and larger.


    Q-function Wikipedia