Tripti Joshi (Editor)

Olivier Dassault

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Natacha Nikolajevic

French Politician

Olivier Dassault

Political party

Olivier Dassault Olivier Dassault Politician Pics Videos Dating amp News

1 June 1951 Boulogne-Billancourt (

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7 March 2021 (aged 69) Touques, Calvados, France


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Olivier Dassault (born 1 June 1951 in Boulogne-Billancourt, Hauts-de-Seine) was a French politician, who also served as a deputy in the French National Assembly.


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Question au gouvernement olivier dassault 20 octobre 2015


Olivier Dassault Lettre d39Olivier Dassault dput de l39Oise Franois

He was the son of Nicole (née Raffel) and Serge Dassault; and the grandson of Marcel Dassault. He was elected on 16 June 2002 as deputy for the first circonscription of Oise, running on the Union for a Popular Movement (UMP) ticket. He was re-elected in 2007.

Olivier Dassault httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu

A child of the founding family of the Dassault Group, he continued  to work in a number of roles within the family firm. He was president of Dassault Communications, president of the board of directors of French publisher Valmonde (a former family property), member of the board of the French financial newspaper Journal des Finances and an administrator of Dassault subsidiary Socpresse.

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He was a 1974 graduate of the École de l'Air Air Force academy and had a master's degree in mathematics as well a doctorate in business management computing. He was also passionate for photography and published several books of his photos. Dassault was also a composer and musician and contributed scores for several movies in the late 70s and early 80s.

Olivier Dassault Olivier Dassault Photos 20090909

Having qualified as a professional IFR pilot in 1975, he set a number of world speed records:

•  1977: New York to Paris in a Dassault Falcon 50.

•  1987: New Orleans to Paris in a Dassault Falcon 900 (both jointly with Hervé Le Prince-Ringuet).

•  1996: Paris to Abu Dhabi in a Falcon 900 EX.

•  1996: Paris to Abu Dhabi in a Falcon 900 EX (both jointly with Guy Mitaux-Maurouard and Patrick Experton).

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Dassault passed away on 7 March 2021 when the helicopter he was on crashed in Touques in northwestern France. The pilot of the helicopter was also killed, and no one else was on board.


Olivier Dassault Wikipedia

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