Tripti Joshi (Editor)

Noël Mitrani

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Noel Mitrani

Film director

Noel Mitrani

November 11, 1969 (age 54) (
Toronto, Ontario

Film director, Producer and Writer

The Kate Logan Affair, On the Trail of Igor Rizzi, Le Militaire, Les Siens, After Shave, Viol a la tire

Similar People
Laurent Lucas, Noemie Godin‑Vigneau, Pierre‑Luc Brillant, Serge Houde, Isabelle Blais

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Noël Mitrani is a Canadian-born French film director, film writer and a film producer through his own production company, StanKaz Films.


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Born in Toronto from French parents, he went back to France age of 5. A graduate of History and Philosophy at the Sorbonne, and for some time a press illustrator, Noël Mitrani entered cinema as a writer. He directed his first short film After Shave in 1999, a comedy set in a suburban supermarket.

Noël Mitrani httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu

Three other short films followed, the last of which Les Siens addresses the confusion possible between dream and reality.

In 2005, Mitrani established his own production company, StanKaz Films, and produced his first feature-length film Sur la trace d'Igor Rizzi, a black comedy starring Laurent Lucas and Isabelle Blais. His second picture The Kate Logan Affair is a dark and mysterious thriller starring Alexis Bledel playing a psychologically unstable police woman.

His third picture Le Militaire is a drama starring Laurent Lucas playing a former French soldier who fought in Afghanistan.

His life is marked by his split cultural identity, French and Canadian, and this, along with his fascination for the 1970s and his compulsion to depict solitary figures fighting to overcome their torments, has found its way into his work.

Writer, Director

  • Le Militaire (2013)
  • The Kate Logan Affair (2010)
  • Sur la trace d'Igor Rizzi (2006)
  • Les Siens (2001)
  • Viol à la tire (2001)
  • Mal Barré (2000)
  • After Shave (1999)
  • Producer

  • Sur la trace d'Igor Rizzi (2006)
  • Viol à la tire (2001)
  • Interviews

  • Torontoist [6]
  • LucidMedia [7]
  • References

    Noël Mitrani Wikipedia

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