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600 m (2,000 ft)

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Province of Potenza

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Atella Rionero in Vulture

Drone ripresa aerea laghi di monticchio pz

Monticchio is an Italian hamlet (frazione) belonging to the municipalities of Rionero in Vulture and Atella, in the Province of Potenza, Basilicata. The village is divided into 3 zones: Monticchio Laghi (part of Atella), Monticchio Bagni and Monticchio Sgarroni (both in Rionero).


Map of 85028 Monticchio Bagni Province of Potenza, Italy

Monticchio laghi monte vulture pz aerial showreel


First inhabited by the Normans, that occupied the ancient castle near Sgarroni (Castrum Monticuli), it became, in the second half of 19th century, a strategic point for brigands after Italian unification. It was the shelter for some brigands as Carmine Crocco and his subordinates Ninco Nanco (Giuseppe Summa), Giuseppe Caruso, Teodoro Gioseffi and Giovanni Fortunato. Nowadays it is a touristic place receptive for its natural environment and for mineral waters, due to the presence of some extinct volcanoes.


Monticchio is part of the Vulture region and lies near the borders with the Province of Avellino, Campania. The 3 tiny villages composing it are located in west of Mount Vulture and few km away from each other. A regional road links Monticchio Bagni and Monticchio Laghi.

  • Monticchio Bagni (M. Baths, 40°56′57.23″N 15°34′7.08″E) is the northernmost locality, situated few km from the borders with Campania and from the closed railway station on the Avellino-Lioni-Rocchetta line. With a population of circa 250, it is the most populated locality.
  • Monticchio Laghi (M. Lakes, 40°56′6.83″N 15°36′31.08″E) lies on the slopes of Mount Vulture and counts circa 150 inhabitants. In front of it there are situated two little volcanic lakes and the locality is receptive for tourism. From 1971 the littler of the two lakes, habitat of the European Owl Moth, constitutes a natural reserve, named Riserva regionale Lago piccolo di Monticchio. Around the village are situated two abbeys: St. Michael and the ruins of St. Hippolytus.
  • Monticchio Sgarroni (40°55′6.75″N 15°34′16.8″E), with a population of circa 50, is the lesser populated one. Also known as Sgarroni, close to it are located the ruins of a castle.
  • Monticchio is 13 km far from Melfi, 16 km from Rionero in Vulture, 22 from Atella, 68 from Potenza, 71 from Foggia and 123 from Avellino.


    The economy of Monticchio is mainly based on tourism and agriculture. Local industry is based on the export of the mineral waters, owned by the Italian companies Gaudianello (based in Melfi) and Fonti del Vulture (based in Rionero). This second company has a local factory that produces the waters Toka, Solaria and Felicia.


    Monticchio Wikipedia

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