Kalpana Kalpana (Editor)

Matterhorn (Nevada)

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Topo map
USGS Gods Pocket Peak

1,429 m

3,303 m

Mountain range
Jarbidge Mountains

Matterhorn (Nevada) httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu

Elko County, Nevada, U.S.

Easiest route
From the Jarbidge River trail, Class 2 scramble east along one of several side ridges, then south or north along the main ridgeline to the summit

Hole in the Mountain Peak, Troy Peak, Currant Mountain, Diamond Peak, North Schell Peak

Matterhorn is the highest mountain in the Jarbidge Mountains of northern Elko County, Nevada, United States. It is the fifteenth-most topographically prominent peak in the state. The summit is located in the Jarbidge Wilderness, which is administered by the Jarbidge Ranger District of the Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest. Its name is derived from the Matterhorn in the Alps of Europe, due mainly to the cliffs located immediately adjacent to the summit on the north and northeast.

Map of Matterhorn, Nevada 89826, USA


Matterhorn (Nevada) Wikipedia

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