Neha Patil (Editor)


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Place of origin
the Levant


Alternative names
Manaqish, manaeesh, manakeesh, man'ousheh

Main ingredients
Region or state
Jordan, Lebanon, State of Palestine, Syria, Israel

Za'atar, Lebanese cuisine, Fatayer, Fattoush, Akkawi

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Manakish, also manaqish, manaeesh or manakeesh or in singular form man'ousheh (Arabic: مناقيش‎‎ manāqīsh; sometimes called معجنات mu‘ajjanāt 'pastry') is a popular Levantine food consisting of dough topped with thyme, cheese, or ground meat. Similar to a pizza, it can be sliced or folded, and it can either be served for breakfast or lunch. The word manaqish is the plural of the Arabic word manqūshah (from the root verb naqasha 'to sculpt, carve out'), meaning that after the dough has been rolled flat, it is pressed by the fingertips to create little dips for the topping to lie in.


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Traditionally, women would bake dough in a communal oven in the morning, to provide their family with their daily bread needs, and would prepare smaller portions of dough with different toppings for breakfast at this time.

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Manakish is popular in most Levant countries, especially Syria, Lebanon, Palestine and Jordan, as well as in many cities throughout the world where people of Levant origin have settled.

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Classic toppings

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  • Za'atar (Arabic: زعتر ZAH-tər), “thyme”, manaqish bi'l za'tar). The most popular form of manakish uses za'atar (ground dried thyme, oregano, marjoram or some combination thereof, mixed with toasted sesame seeds, salt, and other spices such as sumac) as a topping. The zaatar is mixed with olive oil and spread onto the dough before baking it in the oven. It is a favorite breakfast preparation in Levantine cuisine. It is also served by Levantine cooks as part of a mezze, or as a snack with a glass of mint tea and feta cheese on the side. Popular also in the Arabian Peninsula, it was likely introduced there by Palestinians making the pilgrimage to Mecca.
  • Cheese (Arabic: جبنة, jubnah). There are two main types of cheese manakish: ‘Akkāwī (Arabic: عكاوي), Sfatit (Hebrew:צפתית) and Kashkaval (Arabic: قشقوان). Zaatar is often mixed with cheese manakish to enhance its flavor.
  • Minced lamb (Arabic: لحم بعجين, lāḥm bi-‘ajīn, "meat with dough", sfiha). Other manakish are served for lunch because of their heavier contents. This popular manakish has lamb topping. The minced lamb is mixed with tiny pieces of diced tomato and vegetable oil, and this manakish is optionally served with ground pepper or pickles and yogurt.
  • Chili (Arabic: فليفلة‎‎ or فلفل حر).
  • Kishq (Arabic: كشك‎‎) fermented dried yogurt and finely ground wheat mixture, can be used by itself or in combination with other toppings.
  • Spinach (Arabic: سبانخ‎‎), Swiss Chard (Arabic: سلق‎‎).

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