Siddhesh Joshi (Editor)

Karine Chemla

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Karine Chemla

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Karine Chemla (born February 8, 1957) is a French historian of mathematics and sinologist who works as a director of research at the Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS). Her research interests include Chinese mathematics, 19th century French geometry, and the theory of the history of mathematics. She is also a senior fellow at the New York University Institute for the Study of the Ancient World.


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Chemla studied at Paris Diderot University and the École normale supérieure de jeunes filles, earning an agrégation in mathematics in 1978 and a diploma of advanced studies in 1979. At this time, her work was in pure mathematics. However, in 1980, influenced by the work of Ilya Prigogine, she won a Singer–Polignac scholarship to travel to China and study the history of Chinese mathematics. Returning to France, she earned her Ph.D. in the history of mathematics from Paris 13 University in 1982, and began working for CNRS at that time.

Karine Chemla Promo 76 Karine CHEMLA

With Guo Shuchun, Kemla published in 2004 a critical edition and translation into French of The Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art.

Karine Chemla Karine CHEMLAInstitute for the History of Natural Science

Chemla was an invited speaker at the International Congress of Mathematicians in 1998. She became a member of the Academy of Sciences Leopoldina in 2004, of the International Academy of the History of Science in 2005, and of the Academia Europaea in 2013. In 2013–2014 she was the holder of the Sarton Chair of History of Science at Ghent University.

Karine Chemla Sciences Philosophie Histoire UMR 7219 laboratoire SPHERE

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Karine Chemla Portrait de Karine Chemla historienne des mathmatiques de la Chine


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