Samiksha Jaiswal (Editor)

Academia Europaea

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Vice President
Anne Buttimer

The Secretary to the Board
David Coates

1988; 29 years ago (1988)

Arnold Burgen, Hubert Curien, Umberto Columbo, David Magnusson, Eugen Seibold, Ruud van Lieshout

Academia Europaea founded in 1988, is a European non-governmental scientific association acting as an Academy. Members are scientists and scholars who collectively aim to promote learning, education and research. It publishes European Review through Cambridge Journals.



The concept of a 'European Academy of Sciences' was raised at a meeting in Paris of the European Ministers of Science in 1985. The initiative was taken by the Royal Society (United Kingdom) which resulted in a meeting in London in June 1986 of Arnold Burgen (United Kingdom), Hubert Curien (France), Umberto Columbo (Italy), David Magnusson (Spain), Eugen Seibold (Germany) and Ruud van Lieshout (the Netherlands) – who agreed to the need for a new body that could express the ideas and opinions of individual scientists from across Europe.

This body was seen to be a complement to the European Science Foundation in its role as a co-ordinator of the European interests of national research funding agencies and organisations. The objectives were kept deliberately broad covering the humanities, social and natural sciences, so as to ensure interdisciplinary discourse and activities. Initial modalities were to include annual meetings of members, multidisciplinary meetings, an interdisciplinary journal, a newsletter, providing independent advice, improving mobility of scholars within Europe and improving public understanding of science. The new body was named the Academia Europaea and its Foundation Meeting was held in Cambridge in September 1988 under the first President, Arnold Burgen. Hubert Curien, who was at that time the French Minister of Science (and later became the second President of the Academia) arrived by helicopter and gave the inaugural address and provided the active support of the French government. The first Plenary Meeting was held in London in June 1989, by which time there were 627 members.

Since 1989, there has been a period of remarkable changes to the scientific, political and economic landscape of the continent of Europe. The Academia Europaea has evolved within this environment, from its origins as an organisation of predominantly "western European" scholars, into a uniquely independent body - a truly pan-European Academy of Sciences, Humanities and Letters.

The funding of the Academy is based on an original endowment, contributions from some of the member countries, special projects and by other organisations like the Academia Leopoldina who is also supporting the Academia Europaea financially.


The Academy:

  • Promotes a wider appreciation of the value of European scholarship and research.
  • Makes recommendations to national governments and international agencies concerning matters affecting science, scholarship and academic life in Europe.
  • Encourages interdisciplinary and international research in all areas of learning, particularly in relation to European issues.
  • Identifies topics of trans-European importance to science and scholarship, and propose appropriate action to ensure that these issues are adequately studied.
  • The Academy will endeavour to:

  • Encourage the highest possible standards in scholarship, research and education.
  • Promote a better understanding among the public at large of the benefits of knowledge and learning, and of scientific and scholarly issues which affect society, its quality of life and its standards of living.
  • Presidents

  • Arnold Burgen (1988–1994)
  • Hubert Curien (1994–1997)
  • Stig Strömholm (1997–2002)
  • Jürgen Mittelstraß (2002–2008)
  • Lars Walløe (2008-2014)
  • Sierd Cloetingh (since 2014)
  • Academic management and sections

    The scholarly interests of the Academia are managed through a section structure. On election, all members are assigned to a section. At the present time there are twenty academic sections covering History & Archaeology; Classics & Oriental Studies; Linguistic Studies; Literary & Theatrical Studies; Musicology & History of Art & Architecture; Philosophy, Theology & Religious Studies; Behavioural Sciences; Social Sciences; Law; Economics, Business and Management Sciences; Mathematics; Informatics; Physics and Engineering Sciences; Chemical Sciences; Earth and Cosmic Sciences; Biochemistry and Molecular Biology; Cell Biology; Physiology and Medicine; Organismic and Evolutionary Biology; and Applied and Translational Biology.

    Honorary members

    The Board may elect individuals to Honorary Membership of the Academia Europaea. To be considered for election to this category of membership: the candidate should be a person who, by means other than through his own individual scholarship has made a significant contribution to the achievement of the objectives of the Academia Europaea. Current Honorary Members:

  • Olivier Appert
  • Irina Bokova
  • Dan A Brändström
  • Gro Harlem Brundtland
  • Philippe Busquin
  • Rafał Dutkiewicz
  • Francesco Fedi
  • Marcal Grilo
  • Seamus Heaney
  • Ralph Kohn
  • Wilhelm Krull
  • Frank H. T. Rhodes
  • Klaus Tschira
  • Members with special distinctions

    Many of the Members of the Academia Europaea have received very prestigious awards, medals and prizes, such as:

  • Nobel Prize, e.g. Arvid Carlsson (2000, Physiology or Medicine), Paul Nurse (2001, Physiology or Medicine), Tim Hunt (2001, Physiology or Medicine), Kurt Wüthrich (2002, Chemistry), John Sulston (2002, Physiology or Medicine), Sydney Brenner 2002, Physiology or Medicine, Aaron Ciechanover (2004, Chemistry), Roy J. Glauber (2005, Physics), Roger D. Kornberg (2006, Chemistry), Gerhard Ertl (2007, Chemistry), Wilfried Thuiller (2007, shared winner of the Nobel Peace Prize), Richard Tol (2007, shared winner of the Nobel Peace Prize), Harald zur Hausen (2008, Physiology or Medicine), Luc Montagnier (2008, Physiology or Medicine), Robert G. Edwards (2010, Physiology or Medicine), John B. Gurdon (2012, Physiology or Medicine).
  • Wolf Prize, e.g. Peter Zoller (2013), Alain Aspect (2010), Anton Zeilinger (2010), Axel Ullrich (2010), David Baulcombe (2010), Howard Cedar (2008), Albert Fert (2006/2007), Alexander Levitzki (2005), Sergei P. Novikov (2005), Alexander Varshavsky (2001), Saharon Shelah (2001), Vladimir I. Arnold (2001).
  • Turing Award, e.g. Joseph Sifakis (2007), Adi Shamir (2002).
  • Fields Medal, e.g. Elon Lindenstrauss (2010), Cédric Villani (2010), Wendelin Werner (2006).
  • Lasker Award, e.g. Roy Calne (2012), David Weatherall (2010), John Gurdon (2009), David Baulcombe (2008), Alec Jeffreys (2005), Pierre Chambon (2004), Robert Edwards (2001), Sydney Brenner (2000), Aaron Ciechanover (2000), Alexander Varshavsky (2000).
  • Abel Prize, e.g. Endre Szemerédi (2012), Mikhail Leonidovich Gromov (2009), Jacques Tits (2008), Lennart Carleson (2006), Sir Michael Francis Atiyah (2004).
  • Gödel Prize, e.g. Christos H. Papadimitriou (2012), Johan Hastad (2011, 1994), Alexander Razborov (2007), Noga Alon (2005), László Lovász (2001), Moshe Vardi (2000), Pierre Wolper (2000).
  • Award and prizes

  • Erasmus Medal Lecture is a highlight of the year of the Academia Europaea. It is awarded to honour individual European scholarship and achievements over a sustained period.
  • The Academia Europaea Burgen Scholarships provide recognition to younger European scholars, at the post-doctoral level, who are emerging talents and possible potential future leaders in their fields.
  • The Russian Prizes Prizes for young scientists and scholars in Russia.
  • The Gold Medal of the Academia Europaea is awarded to non-members of the Academia and to organisations in recognition of the contribution made to European science through inspiration, public support, management expertise or by financial means.
  • Publications

    The Academia Europaea has published the 'European Review' (ER) since 1993 on behalf of members and in conjunction with the Cambridge University Press (since 1998). The ER is a quarterly, peer reviewed and international journal.

    Editorial control is in the hands of an independent board. The European Review publishes articles and reviews that will be of broad interest to an intellectual readership, world-wide. Contributions come from academics, professionals and those in public life and address multi, and interdisciplinary issues across the sciences arts, humanities and Letters. The Review provides the AE with a vehicle for publication of articles from sponsored conferences and workshops. The editorial board invites specific contributions and reviews from leading opinion formers world-wide. The review has become available fully on-line from Cambridge University.


    The registered office and headquarters of the Academia Europaea is based in London. This is also the location of the General Secretariat. In collaboration with local and regional partners, the Academia Europaea has established a number of regional hubs:

  • The Academia Europaea Knowledge Hub Wrocław - operational since January 2012 with focus on: knowledge activities, including international events, summer schools, lecture series and high-level expert panes and `Emeritus` scholarship; support to Central and Eastern European scholars.
  • The Academia Europaea Barcelona Knowledge Hub - operational since January 2013 with focus on the promotion of multidisciplinary scientific activities that include the perspective of the social sciences and the humanities.
  • The Academia Europaea Knowledge Hub Region Bergen - operational since spring 2014 with focus on Northern Seas related Resources - Opportunities - Challenges Advancing Europe`s Northern Seas Dimension.
  • Graz Information Centre - founded in 2010 is responsible for the development and application of the nomination system and membership administration and registration.
  • References

    Academia Europaea Wikipedia

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