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Jürg Fröhlich

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Jurg Frohlich



Jürg Fröhlich Jrg Frhlich Wikipedia

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Jürg Fröhlich: A Minimalist's View of Quantum Mechanics

Jürg Martin Fröhlich (born 4 July 1946 in Schaffhausen) is a Swiss mathematician and theoretical physicist.


In 1965 Fröhlich began to study mathematics and physics at Eidgenössischen Technischen Hochschule Zürich. In 1969 he attained under Klaus Hepp and Robert Schrader the Diplom (“Dressing Transformations in Quantum Field Theory”), and 1972 he earned a PhD from the same institution under Klaus Hepp. After postdoctoral visits to the University of Geneva and Harvard University (with Arthur Jaffe), he took an assistant professorship in 1974 in the mathematics department of Princeton University. From 1978 until 1982 he was a professor at Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques in Bures-sur-Yvette in Paris, and since 1982 he has been a professor for theoretical physics at ETH, where he founded the Center for Theoretical Studies.

Jürg Fröhlich Blitzlicht Professor fr Physik derarbeitsmarktch

In 1978, Fröhlich gave an invited address to the International Congress of Mathematicians in Helsinki (“On the mathematics of phase transitions”) and in 1994 at the plenary talk of the ICM in Zurich (“The FQHE, Chern–Simons Theory and Integral Lattices”). He also co-authored a book on quantum triviality.

Jürg Fröhlich Jrg Frhlich BerlinBrandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities

Fröhlich works on quantum field theory (including axiomatic quantum field theory, conformal field theory, and topological quantum field theory), on the precise mathematical treatment of models of statistical mechanics, on theories of phase transition, on the fractional quantum Hall effect, and on non-commutative geometry.

Jürg Fröhlich Jrg Frhlich Opening remarks YouTube

Fröhlich has been married since 1972 and has two daughters.

Jürg Fröhlich - Quantum Theory and Causality

Awards and honors

Jürg Fröhlich Details Jrg M Frhlich

In 1991 he received with Thomas Spencer the Dannie Heineman prize, in 1997 he received the Marcel Benoist Prize, in 2001 he won the Max Planck Medal of the Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, and in 2009 he was awarded the Henri Poincaré Prize. He is a member of the Academia Europaea and the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities. In 2012 he became a fellow of the American Mathematical Society.

Selected works

  • J.Fröhlich “The Pure phases (harmonic functions) of generalized processes or: mathematical physics of phase transitions and symmetry breaking”, Bulletin of the AMS, 1978, S.165-193
  • Fröhlich, Spencer “Some recent rigorous results in the theory of phase transitions and critical phenomena”, Seminar Bourbaki 586, 1982
  • Driessler, Fröhlich “The reconstruction of local observable algebras from the euclidean Green's functions of relativistic quantum field theory”, Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré 1977, S.221-236
  • Eckmann, Epstein, Fröhlich “Asymptotic perturbation expansion for the S-matrix and the definition of time ordered functions in relativistic quantum field models”, Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré 1976, S.1-34
  • Fröhlich, Studer, Thiran “Quantum theory of large systems of non relativistic matter”, Les Houches Lectures 1994, 145 Seiten
  • Fröhlich, Chen, Seifert “Renormalization Group Methods: Landau-Fermi liquid and BCS Superconductor”, Les Houches 1994, 50 Seiten
  • Fröhlich, Grandjean, Recknagel „Supersymmetric quantum theory, non commutative geometry and gravitation, Les Houches Lectures 1995
  • Fröhlich, Simon, Spencer „Infrared bounds, phase transitions and continuous symmetry breaking”, Communications in mathematical physics, Bd.50, 1976, S.79-95
  • References

    Jürg Fröhlich Wikipedia

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