According to the Journal Citation Reports, the Harvard Law Review's 2015 impact factor of 4.979 placed the journal first out of 143 journals in the category "Law". It is published monthly from November through June, with the November issue dedicated to covering the previous year's term of the Supreme Court of the United States. The journal also publishes the online-only Harvard Law Review Forum, a rolling journal of scholarly responses to the main journal's content.
The Harvard Law Review Association, in conjunction with the Columbia Law Review, the University of Pennsylvania Law Review, and the Yale Law Journal, publishes the Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation, a widely followed authority for legal citation formats in the United States.
The Harvard Law Review published its first issue on April 15, 1887, making it one of the oldest operating student-edited law reviews in the United States. The establishment of the journal was largely due to the support of Louis Brandeis, then a recent Harvard Law School alumnus and Boston attorney who would later go on to become a Justice on the Supreme Court of the United States.
From the 1880s to the 1970s, editors were selected on the basis of their grades; the president of the Review was the student with the highest academic rank. The first female editor of the journal was Priscilla Holmes (1953-1955, Volumes 67-68); the first woman to serve as the journal's president was Susan Estrich (1977), who later was active in Democratic Party politics and became the youngest woman to receive tenure at Harvard Law School; its first non-white ethnic minority president was Raj Marphatia (1988, Volume 101), who is now a partner at the Boston law firm of Ropes & Gray; its first African-American president was the 44th President of the United States Barack Obama (1991); its first openly gay president was Mitchell Reich (2011); its first Latino president was Andrew M. Crespo. The first female African-American president, ImeIme Umana, was elected in 2017.
Gannett House, a white building constructed in the Greek Revival style that was popular in New England during the mid-to-late 19th century, has been home to the Harvard Law Review since the 1920s. Before moving into Gannett House, the journal resided in the Law School's Austin Hall.
Since the change of criteria in the 1970s, grades are no longer the primary basis of selection for editors. Membership in the Harvard Law Review is offered to select Harvard law students based on first-year grades and performance in a writing competition held at the end of the first year except for twelve slots that are offered on a discretionary basis. The writing competition includes two components: an edit of an unpublished article and an analysis of a recent United States Supreme Court or Court of Appeals case. The writing competition submissions are graded blindly to assure anonymity. Fourteen editors (two from each 1L section) are selected based on a combination of their first-year grades and their competition scores. Twenty editors are selected based solely on their competition scores. The remaining twelve editors are selected on a discretionary basis. According to the law review's webpage, "Some of these discretionary slots may be used to implement the Review's affirmative action policy." The president of the Harvard Law Review is elected by the other editors.
Prominent alumni of the Harvard Law Review include:
Barack Obama, served as president of volume 104Stephen Breyer, served as articles editor of volume 77Felix FrankfurterRuth Bader Ginsburg, served as editor for one year before transferring to Columbia Law SchoolElena Kagan, served as supervising editor of volume 99John G. Roberts, Jr., served as managing editor for volume 92Antonin Scalia, served as notes editor for volume 73Edward SanfordDavid J. Barron, judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit, served as articles editorMichael Boudin, judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit, served as president of volume 77Henry Friendly, late judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, served as presidentMerrick Garland, judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, served as articles editorHarris Hartz, judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit, served as case and developments editorKetanji Brown Jackson, judge of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia, supervising editor of volume 109.William Kayatta, judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the First CircuitPierre Leval, judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, served as notes editorDebra Ann Livingston, judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Second CircuitJames Kenneth Logan, judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth CircuitNina Pillard, judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia CircuitJames L. Oakes, late judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Second CircuitLearned Hand, late judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, served as an editor but later resigned.Richard Posner, judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, served as president of volume 75Dean Acheson, Secretary of StateMichael Chertoff, Secretary of Homeland Security and former judge on United States Court of Appeals for the Third CircuitWilliam Coleman, Jr., Secretary of Transportation, Brown v. Board of Education attorney, and first African-American Supreme Court clerkElliot Richardson, Attorney General, Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, Secretary of Defense, Secretary of Commerce, served as president (1947)Paul Clement, former U.S. Solicitor General, served as Supreme Court editorArchibald Cox, late U.S. Solicitor GeneralChristopher Cox, former chairman of U.S. Securities and Exchange CommissionTed Cruz, U.S. Senator from TexasViet Dinh, former Assistant Attorney General, served as Bluebook editorCharles Evans Hughes Jr., former U.S. Solicitor GeneralMichael Froman, U.S. Trade RepresentativeJulius Genachowski, former chairman of the Federal Communications CommissionIan Gershengorn, former acting U.S. Solicitor GeneralDanielle Gray, former Cabinet SecretaryErwin N. Griswold, a dean of the Harvard Law School and Solicitor General under presidents Lyndon B. Johnson and Richard M. NixonAlger Hiss, former U.S. State Department Official and alleged spyRon Klain, former chief of staff to vice presidents Al Gore and Joe BidenMichael Leiter, former Director of the U.S. National Counterterrorism Center, president of volume 113Mark S. Martins, Brigadier General in the United States Army Judge Advocate General's Corps, Chief Prosecutor of Military CommissionsBernard Nussbaum, former White House Counsel, served as notes editorF. Whitten Peters, former Secretary of the Air Force, served as presidentMike Pompeo, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. Edith Ramirez, chairwoman of the Federal Trade CommissionRod Rosenstein, nominee for U.S. Deputy Attorney GeneralJamie Raskin, U.S. Representative from MarylandRobert A. Taft, U.S. Senator from OhioBarry B. White, former United States Ambassador to NorwayPreeta D. Bansal, former New York State Solicitor General, served as supervising editorAllan Gotlieb, former Canadian Ambassador to the United StatesEliot Spitzer, former Governor of New YorkRobert Stanfield, former Premier of the Province of Nova Scotia, and former leader of Canada's Official Opposition. He was the Review's first Canadian editor in the late 1930s.Stephen Barnett, legal scholar at University of California, Berkeley School of Law who opposed the Newspaper Preservation Act of 1970Alexander Bickel, late professor at Yale Law SchoolDerek Bok, former president of Harvard UniversityKingman Brewster, former president of Yale University, served as treasurerAmy Chua, professor at Yale Law School, served as executive editorStephen J. Friedman, president of Pace UniversityJohn H. Garvey, president of The Catholic University of AmericaAnnette Gordon-Reed, professor at Harvard Law School and winner of the Pulitzer Prize for HistoryCharles Hamilton Houston, former Dean of Howard University Law School and NAACP Litigation DirectorWesley Newcomb Hohfeld, professor at Yale Law SchoolHarold Koh, former Dean of Yale Law SchoolDavid Leebron, president of Rice University, served as presidentLance Liebman, former Dean of Columbia Law School, served as presidentWilliam C. Powers, former president of University of Texas, served as managing editorJohn Sexton, former president of New York UniversityJames Vorenberg, former Dean of Harvard Law School, served as presidentMichael K. Young, president of Texas A&M UniversityBennett Boskey, law clerk to Judge Learned Hand and two U.S. Supreme Court justicesJoe Flom, noted M&A attorney and name partner at Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & FlomJohn B. Quinn, founder and name partner of Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & SullivanWriters and journalists
Phil Graham, former publisher of The Washington PostArchibald MacLeish, Pulitzer Prize-winning poetCliff Sloan, former publisher of SlateJeffrey Toobin, print and broadcast journalistDavid Bonderman, co-founder of private equity firm TPG CapitalNorman Dorsen, former American Civil Liberties Union presidentJeff Kindler, former CEO of PfizerRob Manfred, commissioner of Major League Baseball, served as articles editorAdebayo Ogunlesi, chairman and managing partner of Global Infrastructure PartnersNadine Strossen, former American Civil Liberties Union president