Sneha Girap (Editor)

Eriprando Visconti

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Eriprando Visconti

Film director

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May 25, 1995, Mortara, Lombardy, Italy

Francesca Patrizia Ruspoli (m. 1969–1995), Fulvia Mammi

Ortensia Visconti, Guido Visconti, Edoardo Visconti

Edoardo Visconti di Modrone, Nicoletta Arrivabene Valenti Gonzaga

Snatch, Oedipus Orca, The Nun of Monza, A Spiral of Mist, The Hassled Hooker

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Terror en la abad a eriprando visconti 1969

Eriprando Visconti di Modrone, Count of Vico Modrone (September 24, 1932 – May 25, 1995) was an Italian film director, screenwriter, and producer. He was the nephew of the more famous Luchino Visconti.


Born in Milan into a noble family, in the early 1950s Visconti moved to Rome, against the wishes of his family, to pursue his dream to enter the cinema industry. After a few experiences as an actor and an assistant film editor under Mario Serandrei, in 1955 he wrote the early script and collaborated to the screenplay of Francesco Maselli's The Abandoned and in the second half of the 1950s he started working as assistant director, notably collaborating with Michelangelo Antonioni and his uncle Luchino Visconti. In 1959 he collaborated with Luigi Malerba to the libretto of the Franco Mannino's opera Hatikwa, and in the same period he started working in theatre as an assistant director.

Visconti made his feature film debut in 1962, with A Milanese Story. During his career he alternated great commercial successes such as The Lady of Monza and unexpected bombs such as Il caso Pisciotta, as well as critical acclaims and failures. He launched the career of several actors, and generally preferred to not work with major established stars. An exception was his sensitive drama A Spiral of Mist starring Claude Jade and Marc Porel, based on the novel by Michele Prisco. His films were mainly independent and wholly or partly self-funded.

He was married to Princess Francesca Patrizia Ruspoli.

35mm copies of all his films, as well as screenplays and photographic material related to his career are held by the Cineteca Nazionale in Milan.

Eriprando visconti il regista della nebbia


Eriprando Visconti Wikipedia

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