Girish Mahajan (Editor)

Dahlgren system

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One of the modern systems of plant taxonomy, the Dahlgren system was published by monocot specialist Rolf Dahlgren in 1975 and revised in 1977, and 1980. However, he is best known for his two treatises on monocotyledons in 1982 and revised in 1985. His wife Gertrud Dahlgren continued the work after his death.


Dahlgren ranked the dicotyledons and monocotyledons as subclasses of the class of flowering plants (angiosperms) and further divided them into superorders. Originally (1975) he used the suffix -anae, as did Cronquist, to designate these, but in 1980 changed this to -florae in accordance with Thorne. In the 1989 revision, published by his wife, the alternate names Magnoliidae and Liliidae were dropped in favour of Dicotyledon and Monocotyledon, and the suffix -florae reverted to -anae (e.g. Alismatanae for Alismatiflorae).

Reveal provides an extensive listing of Dahlgren's classification. (Note the synonyms, both nomenclatural and taxonomic, for each name in the system.)


  • class Magnoliopsida (Flowering Plants (Angiospermae or Magnoliophyta)subclass Magnoliidae (Dicotyledons) 24 superorderssubclass Liliidae (Monocotyledons) 7 superorders
  • Summary

    6 Superorders

  • Superorder Alismatiflorae
  • Superorder Ariflorae
  • Superorder Liliiflorae
  • Superorder Zingiberiflorae
  • Superorder Commeliniflorae
  • Superorder Areciflorae
  • Details

  • Superorder Alismatiflorae 5 Orders
  • Superorder Ariflorae 1 Order
  • Order Arales
  • Superorder Liliiflorae 11 Orders
  • Order Dioscoreales
  • Order Taccales
  • Order Asparagales
  • Family Smilacaceae
  • Family Petermanniaceae
  • Family Philesiaceae
  • Family Convallariaceae
  • Family Asparagaceae
  • Family Herreriaceae
  • Family Dracaenaceae
  • Family Doryanthaceae
  • Family Dasypogonaceae
  • Family Phormiaceae
  • Family Xanthorrhoeaceae
  • Family Agavaceae
  • Family Hypoxidaceae
  • Family Asphodelaceae
  • Family Aphyllanthaceae
  • Family Dianellaceae
  • Family Tecophilaeaceae
  • Family Cyanastraceae
  • Family Eriospermaceae
  • Family Hemerocallidaceae
  • Family Funkiaceae
  • Family Hyacinthaceae
  • Family Alliaceae
  • Family Amaryllidaceae
  • Order Liliales
  • Family Iridaceae
  • Family Geosiridaceae
  • Family Colchicaceae
  • Family Alstroemeriaceae
  • Family Tricyrtidaceae
  • Family Calochortaceae
  • Family Liliaceae
  • Family Melanthiaceae
  • Order Burmanniales
  • Order Orchidales
  • Order Pontederiales
  • Order Haemodorales
  • Order Philydrales
  • Order Velloziales
  • Order Bromeliales
  • Superorder Zingiberiflorae 1 Order
  • Order Zingiberales
  • Superorder Commeliniflorae 8 Orders
  • Superorder Areciflorae 3 Orders
  • Summary

    10 superorders

  • Superorder Liliiflorae
  • Superorder Ariflorae
  • Superorder Triuridiflorae
  • Superorder Alismatiflorae
  • Superorder Bromeliiflorae
  • Superorder Zingiberiflorae
  • Superorder Commeliniflorae
  • Superorder Cyclanthiflorae
  • Superorder Areciflorae
  • Superorder Pandaniflorae
  • References

    Dahlgren system Wikipedia

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