Kalpana Kalpana (Editor)

Chalukyas of Vemulavada

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Chalukyas of Vemulavada

The Chalukyas of Vemulavada were an Indian dynasty that ruled in the present-day Telangana between 7th and 10th centuries. Their capital was located at Vemulavada, and they were vassals of the Rashtrakutas.



The 966 CE Parabhani copper-plate inscription of Arikesari III claims that the dynasty descended from the Chalukyas of solar dynasty. Not much is known about the early rulers of the dynasty. The Kollapur copper-plate inscription attributes several military victories to Vinayaditya Yuddhamalla (not to be confused with the Badami Chalukya king Vinayaditya). These victories amount to the subjugation of almost the entire Indian subcontinent, and therefore, appear to be gross exaggerations. It is possible that Vinayaditya was a feudatory of a powerful king, and participated in this king's military campaigns. This king could have been the Rashtrakuta ruler Dantidurga, who was a contemporary of Vinayaditya.

Vinayaditya's successor Arikesari I is said to have conquered Vengi and Trikalinga. His descendant Baddega was a distinguished general, and defeated the Vengi Chalukya king Bhima I. According to the Vemulavada court poets, Baddega's grandson Narasimha II subjugated the Latas, the seven Malavas, and the Gurjara king Mahipala. He achieved these victories in the service of his Rashtrakuta overlord Indra III.

Arikesari II, the son of Narasimha II, married two Rashtrakuta princesses, including Lokambika and Revakanirmadi (the daughter of Indra III). His mother Jakavve was probably a sister of Indra III. Several military successes are attributed to him. The noted Kannada poet Pampa was a court poet of Arikesari II. His Vikramarjuna Vijaya is an important source of the dynasty's history.

Arikesari II was succeeded by his son Vagaraja, who probably died without a heir. The throne then passed on to Vagaraja's younger half-brother Bhadradeva. Subsequently, the Vemulavada Chalukya dynasty was overthrown by the Chalukyas of Kalyani.


Following is a list of the Vemulavada Chalukya rulers, with estimated periods of their reign:

  • Satyashraya (c. 650-675 CE)
  • Prithvipathi (c. 675-700 CE)
  • Maharaja (c. 700-725 CE)
  • Rajaditya (c. 725-750 CE)
  • Vinayaditya Yuddhamalla (c. 750-755 CE)
  • Arikesari I (c. 775-800 CE)
  • Narasimha I (c. 800-825 CE)
  • Yuddhamalla II (c. 825-850 CE)
  • Baddega Solada-ganda (c. 850-895 CE)
  • Yuddhamalla III (c. 895-915 CE)
  • Narasimha II (c. 915-930 CE)
  • Arikesari II (c. 930-941 CE)
  • Vagaraja (c. 941-950 CE); Bhadradeva or Baddega-Narasinga (c. 941-946 CE)
  • Arikesari III (c. 946-968 CE)
  • References

    Chalukyas of Vemulavada Wikipedia

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