Kalpana Kalpana (Editor)

Bibra family

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Bibra family

The Bibra family was one of the leading Uradel (ancient noble) families in Franconia (northern part of Bavaria) and present day Thuringia from the mid-15th century to about 1600. Later on the family rose from Reichsritter (Imperial Knights) to Reichsfreiherr (Barons of the Holy Roman Empire). After the Holy Roman Empire dissolved, they were made ‘’Freiherr’‘ (Barons) of Bavaria and Bohemia.



The earliest references to the family include a document of Bishop Otto of Bamberg from the year 1119 of a Rupertus de Bibra. In 1151 a Pertholdus (Berthold) de Bibra and his sons Pertholdus (Berthold) and Tagino are referenced in another document. The family prospered in numbers, wealth, and influence in the 15th century and early 16th century. By the time of Siebmachers Wappenbuch of 1605, the family is listed as the most important family of Franconia under the rank of Freiherr. By 1600 most of the family died off without heirs partially due natural causes such as the Bubonic plague and the number of family members who took church positions. After the death of Heinrich von Bibra in 1602, the Prince-Bishop Julius Echter von Mespelbrunn seized most of the family’s assets as part of the Counter-Reformation resulting in a 79-year lawsuit. The lawsuit (Reichskammergericht) was eventually settled with the family receiving all the properties except Burgwallbach but without income during the suit. From 1602 on there were many important members of the family but the family itself never recovered the leading position it previously had in the late 15th and 16th centuries. Between 1698 and 1772, the various lines were raised to Reichsfreiherr (Barons of the Holy Roman Empire). In later times, the family spread to the Austrian Empire, the British Empire, and the United States. According to Wagenhöfer, the Bibra family is the most researched family of the low nobility in Franconia after the Guttenberg and Seckendorff families.

Prominent members of the family

  • Dr. Kilian von Bibra (* about 1425; † 1494), 1 December 1450 Gilianus de Bibrach de Alemania receives doctorate in church law (doctoratus in iure canonico) in Padua, Italy, Dean of the Cathedral Chapter of Würzburg, Generalvicar of Bishopric of Würzburg, statesman (German Wikipedia article)
  • Wilhelm von Bibra (*1442 † 1490), Lorenz’ half brother, Papal emissary, Knight of the Golden Spur
  • Lorenz von Bibra, Prince-Bishop of Würzburg, Duke in Franconia (1459–1519)
  • Conrad von Bibra, Prince-Bishop of Würzburg, Duke in Franconia (1490–1544)
  • Christoph Erhard Frhr. von Bibra (1656–1706) participant at Battle of Blenheim, 12.10.1704 kaiserlichen (imperial) Generalfeldwachtmeister, 2.5.1705 (Elector of Mainz) Generalfeldmarschalleutnant (Lieutenant General), Commander of the Plassenburg and Kulmbach (German Wikipedia article)
  • Johann Ernst Frhr. von Bibra (10.2.1662 – 19.8.1705) 12.4.1701 kaiserlichen (imperial) Feldmarschall-Leutnant, 11.5.1704 Reichsgeneralfeldmarschallleutnant, 20.5.1704 kaiserlichen (imperial) Feldzeugmeister (German Wikipedia article)
  • Heinrich Carl Frhr. von Bibra (aka Karl Siegmund) (1666 + 1734) Franconian Circles, Bamberg Generalfeldmarschalleutnant (Lieutenant General), father Prince-Bishop Heinrich of Fulda, builder of the Bibra Palais (Bibra Haus) in Bamberg (German Wikipedia article)
  • Heinrich von Bibra, (Karl Sigmund Frhr. von Bibra) Prince-Bishop, Prince-Abbot of Fulda (1711–1788) was Prince-Bishop from (1759–1788)
  • Siegmund von Bibra (Philipp Anton Frhr. von Bibra; * 1750; † 1803), high official Bishopric and Abby of Fulda and editor of Journal von und für Deutschland (German Wikipedia article)
  • Franz Ludwig von Bibra (1783–1823) was soldier, author, and early settler of Tasmania, Australia.
  • Ernst Frhr. von Bibra (1806–1878), German naturalist (natural history scientist) and author. Ernst was a botanist, zoologist, metallurgist, chemist, geographer, travel writer, novelist, duellist, art collector and trailblazer in ethnopsychopharmacology.
  • Ernst Freiherr von Bibra (1910–1942) German officer during World War II and recipient of the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross
  • August Frhr. von Bibra (1808–1894) general manager of the Adelsverein, or Verein zum Schutze Deutscher Einwanderer in Texas ("Society for the Protection of German Immigrants in Texas").
  • Wilhelm Franz Frhr. von Bibra (1824–1879) Generalfeldmarschalleutnant (Lieutenant General) Austro-Hungarian Army (German Wikipedia article)
  • Sir Eric Ernest von Bibra (O.B.E., Kt.) (1895–1958) Order of the British Empire (1938) for services to local government and returned servicemen, Knight Bachelor (7 July 1953) Agent-General for Tasmania in Britain, former Alderman and Mayor Launceston
  • Sir Donald Dean von Bibra (C.M.G., O.B.E., K.B.) (1905–1982) Order of the British Empire (1970), Companion of the Order of St Michael and St George(1979), Knight Bachelor (1982): former chairman of the Australian Wool Industry Conference and Tasmanian grazier
  • Eve von Bibra living actress and singer active in Australia
  • Nikolaus von Bibra, 13th-century Erfurt monk, is unknown whether he is connected to von Bibra family. Listed under theology and satire, he wrote under the pseudonym Occultus Erfordernis and his satirical work is called Carmen Satiricum. (German Wikipedia article)
  • Riemenschneider patronage

    The tomb of Lorenz von Bibra by Tilman Riemenschneider (c. 1460 – 7 July 1531) in the Würzburg Dom (cathedral) is one of Riemenschneider's most famous works. Lorenz also commissioned Riemenscheider to do the tomb of his predecessor, Rudolf von Scherenberg. In Bibra the family commissioned Riemenschneider to do the Altar of the Apostles, Altar of the Church Fathers, Altar of the Annunciation, Carving of St. Kilian, a crucifix, and an epitaph of Hans von Bibra (Lorenz’ father). Kilian von Bibra also commissioned a work by Riemenscheider other than at Bibra.

    Localities associated with family

    Family seat:

  • Burg Bibra near Meiningen (c.1100–present) is reportedly the longest continuously owned castle by a family in Thuringia having been in the family since written records began including during the East German period.
  • Second seat:

  • Schloss Irmelshausen (1376–present) is a five sided water castle in Franconia, frequently featured in books and calendars.
  • Historical holdings still in family:

  • Schloss Brennhausen (1681–present) is a unique and beautifully situated castle frequently featured in books and calendars.
  • Dörfleshof farming estate (between Aubstadt and Ottelmannshausen)(1859–present)
  • Estates, castles, manor houses, and villages that previously came under Bibra control (Germany unless otherwise stated):

  • Schloss Adelsdorf (1687–1993)
  • Schloss Aschach (1391–1407)
  • Aroldshausen (by Jüchsen) (c.1435-c.1990) property taken by East Germany, compensated about 1990
  • Aubstadt (c.1308-after 1859)
  • Bahra (1404-1637?)
  • Unteres Schloss (Lower Castle) also known as Neues Schloss (New Castle) built at Bibra after the partial destruction of Burg Bibra in 1525
  • Burg Bramberg (1393–1483) pledge holding (Pfandschaft)
  • Breuberg (Welkershausen by Meiningen) (1779- ?)
  • Schloss Burgwallbach (1489–1681)
  • Oberschloss Euerbach
  • Untereuerheim & Schloss Obereuerheim (1480–1687)
  • Schloss Gemünda (by Seßlach) (1510–1655)
  • Geroda (1400–1607)
  • Gleicherwiesen (c.1356 – 1850)
  • Burg Hallenburg (before 1374–1391)
  • Höchheim (1356-c1970)
  • Schloss Kleinbardorf (1413–1687) (see also Jewish Cemetery (Kleinbardorf))
  • Neubrunn (Thuringia) (1366-1496+)
  • Schloss Oselce (Schloss Wosseletz) (Czech Republic) (1808–1856)
  • Burg Osterburg and half Amt Themar (1380–1468) Pledge Holding
  • Rentwertshausen (1372–1511)
  • Schloss Roßrieth (by Mellrichstadt) (1438-before 1445)(1589–1680)
  • Schloss Schnabelwaid (1696–1750)
  • Schwarza (Thuringian Forest) (1355–1425) pledge holding (Pfandschaft)
  • Schloss Schwebheim (1513-c1958)
  • Schloss Senftenberg (Buttenheim) (1426-1484) pledge holding (Pfandschaft) Castle and administrative area including Altendorf, Buckenhofen, Buttenheim, Eggolsheim, Friesen, Grub, Kalteneggolsfeld, Kauernhofen, Pautzfeld, Schirnaidel, Seigendorf, Seußling and Stackendorf
  • Steinach an der Saale (1343 – ?) combination of fief and pledge
  • Strauch (Großenhain) (1749-1755)
  • Schloss Trappstadt (1853– c.1970)
  • Burg Trimburg (1375–1412) pledge holding
  • Walldorf (by Meinigen) (1779–1946) property taken by Russians or East Germans in 1946
  • Schloss Weisendorf (c1750-1785)
  • Veste Wildberg and Amt (administrative district consisting of Eyershausen, Großbardorf, Großeibstadt, Großwenkheim, Kleinbardorf, Kleineibstadt, Saal an der Saale, Weichtungen, Wülfershausen a. d. Saale ) (1358 - before 1387) pledge holding, (? - 1687) fief without Amt (?) (1602-1681 part of lawsuit with bishop of Würzburg)
  • Schloss Willershausen (half 1757–1850)
  • German cities with close association:

  • Fulda
  • Bamberg
  • Würzburg
  • Memorials:

  • Bibra Kreuz – A memorial to fallen WWI soldier Helmuth von Bibra from the Irmelshausen Senior Sub-line in Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany German Wikipedia Article
  • Klosters closely associated with Bibra family:

  • Rohr (just north of Meiningen) during the 14th century (last Bibra burial 1473)
  • Henneberg Kloster Veßra in the 15th century (last Bibra burial 1488)
  • Australia

  • Bibra Lake, a suburb of Perth, Australia is named after Benedict von Bibra who in the summer of 1843 bought land there.
  • Bibra’s Landing in the west coast of Australia is named after Francis Louis von Bibra and/or brother Charles who operated in the area in the 1870s–90's (25.93333°S 114.2333°E / -25.93333; 114.2333 (Bibra's Landing))
  • Beaufront, Ross, Tasmania (1916–present): a historical (1837) country home and large estate (42.06296°S 147.50961°E / -42.06296; 147.50961 (Beaufront))
  • Coats of arms of municipalities

    The Bibra coat of arms is incorporated into several municipalities.

    Organization of the family

    For the last four centuries the family has divided itself between two Branches named after the two brothers whom all living Bibra descend: Valentine (1560–1595) and Bernhard (1562–1609). Within each branch, the family has divided further in Lines centered on castles and a manor house (Gleicherwiesen). The last two centuries, the Lines are as follows:

    Valentine Branch

    Adelsdorf Line (extinct in the male line since 1993) Gleicherweisen Line Schwebheim Line (extinct 1958) Schnabelwaid, later Weisendorf Line (extinct 1856)

    Bernhard Branch

    Brennhausen Line Bibra-Bibra Line Irmelshausen Line (Older sub-line & Younger sub-line)

    All branches of the family were raised to Freiherr. Regarding personal names: Freiherr is a former title (translated as Baron), which is now legally a part of the last name. The feminine forms are Freifrau and Freiin. In 1919, all nobility predicates were transformed into constituents of the family name in Germany.

    Bibra family / Bibran-Modlau family relationship

    Bibran-Modlau family (Bibran, Bibra und Modlau, Bibra-Modlau) was a Silesian noble family which was raised to Reichsfreiherr (Imperial barons) 1624.

    The family and the three sons-in-law of the apparent last Silesian Bibran-Modlau used multiple variations of the name including:

    “Bibra” instead of “Bibran” von Bibran und Modlau Block von Bibran und Modlau Kölichen gen. Freiherren von Bibra u. Modlau Schönberg von Bibra und Modlau.

    One source (Origines familiae Bibranorum in Francia orientali utraque Silesia et Lusatia ...) reports that the family descends from a Sigmund von Bibra (Franconian Bibra family) who traveled to Silesia in the 11th century, however the different coat of arms casts doubt on the connection. The description with the published (c. 1860) print of Schloss Modlau describes the Bibran family as having split off from the Franconia Bibras five hundred years ago. By 1480 Modlau and Profen were already in possession of the family. At the end of the family, it was centered at Reisicht and Modlau, in present-day Poland. Prominent members of the family were: Friedrich Heinrich von Bibran-Modlau, Abraham von Bibran Kittlitztreben und Woitsdorf, and Sigismund Heinrich von Bibran-Modlau who was one of the largest land owner in Silesia.

    David Heinrich von Bibran-Modlau was the apparent last male member of the family in Silesia. When he died in 1828, he had three daughters. His three sons-in-law (von Kölichen, von Block and von Schönberg) incorporated the Bibran-Modlau into their names. The son-in-law Ernst Heinrich von Kölichen, who had incorporated the Bibran-Modlau name and coat of arms died (1832) with a daughter, Agnes, but no sons. Ernst’s son-in-law, Ludwig von Senden again incorporated (c. 1836) the Bibran name into his own becoming “von Senden-Bibran” as in Gustav von Senden-Bibran.


    Bibra family Wikipedia

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