Aromatic sulfonation is an organic reaction in which a hydrogen atom on an arene is replaced by a sulfonic acid functional group in an electrophilic aromatic substitution. Aryl sulfonic acids are used as detergents, dye, and drugs.
Stoichiometry and mechanism
Typical conditions involve heating the aromatic compound with sulfuric acid:
C6H6 + H2SO4 → C6H5SO3H + H2OSulfur trioxide or its protonated derivative is the actual electrophile in this electrophilic aromatic substitution.
To drive the equilibrium, dehydrating agents such as thionyl chloride can be added.
C6H6 + H2SO4 + SOCl2 → C6H5SO3H + SO2 + 2 HClChlorosulfuric acid is also an effective agent:
C6H6 + HSO3Cl → C6H5SO3H + HClIn contrast to aromatic nitration and most other electrophilic aromatic substitutions this reaction is reversible. Sulfonation takes place in concentrated acidic conditions and desulfonation is the mode of action in a dilute hot aqueous acid. The reversibility is very useful in protecting the aromatic system because of this reversibility.
Specialized sulfonation methods
Many method have been developed for introducing sulfonate groups aside from direction sulfonation.
Piria reaction
A classic named reaction is the Piria reaction (R. Piria, 1851) in which nitrobenzene is reacted with a metal bisulfite forming an aminosulfonic acid as a result of combined nitro group reduction and sulfonation.
Tyre sulfonation process
In the Tyrer sulfonation process (1917), at some time of technological importance, benzene vapor is led through a vessel containing 90% sulfuric acid the temperature of which is increased from 100 to 180°C. Water and benzene are continuously removed in a condenser and the benzene layer fed back to the vessel. In this way an 80% yield is obtained.
Aromatic sulfonic acids are intermediates in the preparation of dyes and many pharmaceuticals. Sulfonation of anilines lead to a large group of sulfa drugs.
Sulfonation of polystyrene is used to make sodium polystyrene sulfonate, a common ion exchange resin for water softening.
Reactions of aryl sulfonic acids
As a functional group, an aryl sulfonic acid exhibits two distinctive reactions:
This reactivity is exploited in the regiospecific conversion of 2-chlorotoluene by chlorination of p-toluenesulfonic acid, followed by hydrolysis of the intermediate.