Sneha Girap (Editor)

Yves Roucaute

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Yves Roucaute


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OVPL. Entretien avec le philosophe Yves Roucaute (en intégralité)

Yves Roucaute (born 1953 in Paris) is a French Christian philosopher (epistemology, political theory, theology), Phd (Law and Political science), Phd (philosophy), writer, professeur agrege in philosophy, professeur agrege in political science, teaching at Paris X University Nanterre, President of the scientific Council of the "Institut National des Hautes Etudes de Securite et de Justice" (Security council of Prime minister), director of the review "Cahiers de la Securite", counseillor of the "reformateurs" group at the French National Assembly. He has held a number of positions in cabinet ministers of right-wing governments, and is a close friend of Alain Madelin, Jean-Pierre Raffarin, and Nicolas Sarkozy. He is also a journalist and columnist ("Canal +", "Figaro", "Le Monde", "Atlantico") He was editing director of some newspapers ("Evenement du Jeudi", "Alternances") and he is the owner of newspaper in the south of France ("Le Bavar") and minority stockholder of some others. He is the majority stockholder of "Contemporary Bookstore" SAS.


Yves Roucaute - Bercoff dans tous ses états


Roucaute began his teaching career as a lecturer at Paris 8 University, with Jacques Lacan, then while working on his doctoral dissertation on Aristote, Smith, and Ricardo, he was associated with the Faculty of Law of Amiens University. He completed this first Ph.D. Then he was working and his doctoral dissertation on system and structure of the international politicis. He has two agregations (only four French academics have this), in Philosophy and in Law and Political Science. He became a full Professor of political science and devoted his scholarship over the following decades in Political philosophy and International Relations at the faculty of Law of Poitiers, then at the Faculty of Law of Paris X Nanterre.

Roucaute is a Christian phlosopher (influence of saint Augustin and saint Thomas d'Aquin) and a therist of "global security paradigm", 'peace of Humanity" and "human security". He was arrested in Cuba for his support to human rights association and priests. Friend of Massoud, he has been several times in Afghanistan. He was shooting by Talibans in 2001 when he was the guest of the North Alliance to celebrate the freedom in winter. Before the American troops, he arrived in Kaboul from a camp of Tadjikistan, after his helicopter nearly crashed on the Hindou Koush mountains. He was also in Baghdad with his friends to support human rights against Saddam Hussein and come to celebrate the victory against Saddam Hussein in 2003. He was arrested in Vietnam to support buddhist monks then organised the support with his friend Alain Madelin.

Roucaute has backed Nicolas Sarkozy. He is said to be close to Claude Gueant. He is involved in the European People's Party. He was a member of several minister'sofficess (notably the very influential Prime Minister's Office Edouard Balladur, the Ministry of Finance's Office Alain Madelin, the Ministry of Interior's Office Claude Gueant). He has authored a number of books on philosophy, on theology, on economics, on the New world order of the 1990s, on defence policies and on the influence of religion in politics.

Roucaute was director of France Television. He co-owns several medias, and writes occasionally in Le Figaro and The Wall Street Journal.

Articles and video

  • [1], 2 of november 2010.
  • With Friends Like These, The Wall Street Journal, 21 June 2006.
  • The Death of France?,, 9 June 2003.
  • [2] Intervention Vietnam .
  • Interview Peace Of Civilization, France 24, 10 June 2008.
  • References

    Yves Roucaute Wikipedia

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