Siddhesh Joshi (Editor)

William B Caldwell

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William Caldwell

Years of service

William B. Caldwell wwwdodlivemilfiles201108Caldwell101019F102

January 24, 1954 (age 70) Columbus, Georgia, U.S. (

Commands held
CSC, 1st Battalion, 505th PIR, 82nd Airborne DivisionB Company, 1st Battalion, 46th Infantry, 1st Armored Division4th Battalion, 27th Infantry, 25th Infantry Division (Light)1st Brigade, 10th Mountain Division (Light)82nd Airborne DivisionU.S. Army Combined Arms Center and Fort Leavenworth, KansasCommander, NATO Training Mission – Afghanistan and Commander, Combined Security Transition Command – AfghanistanUnited States Army North

Invasion of PanamaOperation Just CauseSomali Civil WarOperation Restore HopeOperation Restore DemocracyPersian Gulf WarOperation Desert ShieldOperation Desert StormGlobal War on TerrorismIraq WarOperation Iraqi FreedomOperation Enduring FreedomWar in Afghanistan

Other work
Rev. Stephanie Hudson Caldwell (m. 1998)

Distinguished Service Medal, Defense Superior Service Medal, Legion of Merit, Bronze Star Medal

Battles and wars
United States Invasion of Panama, Somali Civil War, Gulf War, War on Terror

United States of America

A Conversation with General William B. Caldwell IV

William R. "Bill" Caldwell IV (born January 24, 1954) is a retired United States Army officer. Caldwell's final military assignment was as Commanding General of United States Army North, also known as the Fifth Army. Prior to his assignment at Fort Sam Houston, Caldwell served as the Commander of NATO Training Mission – Afghanistan, and simultaneously as the Commander of Combined Security Transition Command – Afghanistan. Other command assignments Caldwell held include the United States Army Combined Arms Center and the 82nd Airborne Division.


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Sams 25th anniversary ltg william b caldwell iv promo

Early life and education

William B. Caldwell DoDLive Bloggers Roundtable Caldwell Provides Update from

Originally from Columbus, Georgia, Caldwell's family moved frequently. His father, William B. Caldwell, III was a serving officer in the US Army, eventually retiring as the Commander of Fifth Army. During Caldwell's early childhood, his father was stationed at the United States Military Academy. Growing up there gave him a chance to interact with West Point cadets, who helped teach some youth sports teams, which deeply influenced him:

William B. Caldwell SAMS 25th Anniversary LTG William B Caldwell IV Promo

"I found that I just really had a great respect and admiration for the cadets at the academy. I thought, 'Boy, I'd love to do something like that one day.' Then with time, I thought I'd like to serve in the armed forces, and so that led me to apply for the military academy. "

William B. Caldwell httpswwwgmceduskinsuserfilesimagesCaldwel

Caldwell attended the SHAPE American High School at SHAPE, Belgium followed by Hargrave Military Academy, a private military boarding school in Chatham, Virginia. From there, he was accepted to the United States Military Academy at West Point, New York. After graduation from West Point in 1976, Caldwell served in posts throughout the country and overseas. He continued his education with a master's degree in systems technology from the Naval Postgraduate School and then a master of military arts and sciences from the School for Advanced Military Studies which is part of the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College. Caldwell has also attended the John F. Kennedy School of Government and Harvard University as a Senior Service College Fellow.


William B. Caldwell FileLTG William B Caldwell IVjpg Wikimedia Commons

Caldwell learned early on that the military required him to be flexible and ready for new challenges. One month before leaving his battalion command position in the 25th Infantry Division in Hawaii, for example, his commanding general sent him to Haiti to work as his political-military liaison in the U.S. Embassy during Operation Uphold Democracy in the mid-1990s.

William B. Caldwell Scammers with pics of Lt Gen William B Caldwell IV Page 15

Caldwell took his communications, intelligence and operations cells and worked in the embassy for six months. "I gave up command, formed this organization and took off to go work in an American embassy, which I'd never done in my life", he recalled. "In fact, I'm not even sure I'd ever been in an American embassy overseas in my life. I literally started from scratch."

William B. Caldwell Military Scammer LT GEN WILLIAM B CALDWELL IV ScamGuardtk

After his tour in Haiti, he commanded the 1st Brigade, 10th Mountain Division, at Fort Drum, New York. He worked in the Office of the Director for Strategic Plans and Policy on the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the Pentagon, and later served as the executive assistant to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

William B. Caldwell LTG William B Caldwell IV For the Good of Others YouTube

Caldwell's duties once again tested his readiness and flexibility after the September 11 attacks in 2001. During this time Caldwell was serving as deputy director for operations, U.S. Pacific Command, Hawaii. The command's focus shifted from regional war plans to the Global War on Terrorism.

The headquarters changed to a 24-7 operations center, Caldwell said. "So, instead of having a cell of about six or eight people that worked 24-7, we now had a cell of about 50 people that worked 24-7. "

The operation required reserve component personnel to play a crucial role, the general noted. "They were indispensable in the execution of our operations in the Pacific, absolutely indispensable", he said. "They brought a wealth of knowledge that a lot of our folks who had just come in for the first time in the command did not have. So they proved their weight in gold."

In July 2002 Caldwell was assigned as senior military assistant to the deputy secretary of defense, Paul Wolfowitz. In this position he served his boss during the preparation, execution, and follow on for the Iraq War's Operation Iraqi Freedom and other aspects of the Global War on Terrorism.

From May 2004 until June 2006 Caldwell served as the Commanding General of the 82nd Airborne Division. As the division commander, Caldwell oversaw deployments by the units under his command to both Afghanistan and Iraq.

Hurricane Katrina

The 82nd Airborne's 3rd Brigade and Division Artillery along with supporting units deployed to support search-and-rescue and security operations in New Orleans, Louisiana after the city was flooded by Hurricane Katrina in September 2005. In all, 3,600 paratroopers commanded by Caldwell operated out of New Orleans International Airport under Task Force All-American. The division helped evacuate 6,000 residents, treat 1,352 people, and cleared 185 city blocks of debris.

Multi-National Force - Iraq spokesman

Following his command of the 82nd, Caldwell was assigned as Deputy Chief of Staff for Strategic Effects and spokesperson for the Multi-National Force – Iraq, a position he held for 13 months.

United States Army Combined Arms Center

Caldwell was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant general in June 2007 and served as the Commanding General of the Combined Arms Center at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. As the Commanding General for the Combined Arms Center, he has responsibility for the Command and General Staff College and 17 other schools, centers, and training programs throughout the United States.

The Combined Arms Center is also responsible for the development of the U.S. Army's doctrinal manuals, training of the Army's commissioned and non-commissioned officers, oversight of Major collective training exercises, integration of battle command systems and concepts, and supervision of the Army's Center for the collection and dissemination of lessons learned.

NATO Training Mission-Afghanistan/Combined Security Transition Command-Afghanistan

Caldwell assumed command of the NATO Training Mission-Afghanistan (NTM-A)/Combined Security Transition Command-Afghanistan (CSTC-A) on November 21, 2009. Prior to the activation of NTM-A at that time, CSTC-A was a two-star command headed by then Major general Richard Formica. Elevating the Afghan training mission to a three-star command reflected the increased priority placed on training the Afghan National Security Force (ANSF) as part of President Barack Obama's Afghan "Surge." It also ensured unity of effort and purpose while helping secure and disperse funding for building all levels of the ANSF.

After securing additional trainers and funding, the reorganization efforts at NTM-A began showing results. Less than a year after Caldwell took command, NTM-A trained an additional 68,000 soldiers for the Afghan National Army and 35,000 for the Afghan National Police. These additions increased the size of the army to more than 144,000 and the police 115,000 by early November 2010. By early 2011, the ANSF totaled nearly 300,000—just short of the level authorized by the Afghan Government and the United States Congress of 305,000. Despite its success, NTM-A still faces a trainer shortfall, particularly regarding specialized trainers such as helicopter mechanics, medical personnel and intelligence specialists, among others. According to a Washington Post article, Caldwell was optimistic about Canada's plans to contribute more trainers but maintained more were needed to staff new police training centers, air mentor teams, and medical trainers.

In 2010, while NTM-A ensured the continued increase in the quantity of the ANSF, increasing the quality of training and the soldiers and police fielded was of particular concentration. In 2011, the priorities changed to building sustainability and professionalism into the ANSF while continuing to add overall numbers. As part of this effort, NTM-A is embarking on a screening process for all ANSF personnel to ensure Taliban and criminal elements have not infiltrated the force. Comprehensive screening will augment other recruiting vetting processes that began in 2009. Caldwell's efforts in Afghanistan received praise from figures in the military and government, including Senator Carl Levin, United States Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, and Admiral Mike Mullen.

During this assignment Caldwell was investigated after a subordinate claimed Caldwell directed him to use psychological operations in order to influence U.S. political leaders to support the military effort in Afghanistan. Doing so would be a violation of the Smith–Mundt Act. However, a thorough investigation lasting five months cleared Caldwell of any wrongdoing.

Dawood Military Hospital

Three U.S. military officers testified that Caldwell tried to prevent the U.S. Department of Defense from investigating sub-standard conditions at an American-funded Afghan military hospital in Kabul. Caldwell's reasoning, according to Colonel Mark Fassl, was that there was "an election coming." However, Kenneth Moorefield, Deputy Inspector General for Special Plans and Operations, dismissed these allegations, claiming that there as no "attempt ... to delay our investigation ... or turn it off."

The Wall Street Journal, which initially broke the story of the atrocities at Dawood Military Hospital—sparking a U.S. Congressional investigation—later reported that Caldwell chastised military officers under his command for calling in the Inspector General, allegedly saying "that President Obama 'calls me Bill.'" The Congressional probe into the atrocities at the Dawood Hospital thanked The Wall Street Journal, saying if it weren't for the newspaper, the story never would have come to light, the neglect would have persisted while U.S. taxpayer money would have continued to be wasted, propping up the deplorable conditions at the facility. Caldwell allegedly pressured The Wall Street Journal reporter who broke the story.

The Department of Defense Office of Inspector General (DoDIG) conducted an investigation into the allegations and determined that Caldwell and his deputy Major General Gary S. Patton sought in 2011 to restrict contact with a team of investigators probing allegations of corruption and sub-standard patient care at Dawood National Military Hospital. The Inspector General recommended that the Secretary of the Army take appropriate action against Caldwell and his immediate subordinate, Major General Patton. An Army spokesman stated that, following the investigation, Caldwell "requested that he be retired, knowing that these substantiated allegations would directly prevent any future promotion or assignment to a position of importance and responsibility."

United States Army North (Fifth Army)

Caldwell's final military command was United States Army North, also known as the Fifth Army, which was also his father's final military assignment. Under Caldwell's command, Army North successfully executed seven National Special Security Events, six Presidential support missions, and supported a major wild land fire-fighting effort. They also supported civil authorities in responding to two major hurricanes (Isaac & Sandy). During Hurricane Sandy, Caldwell and Army North tracked and supervised the deployment of over 1,680 government personnel and civilian technicians and also helped provide over 8 million gallons of fuel and enough electricity to support 55,000 families. Caldwell and Army North also supported a number of regional certification exercises to include Ardent Sentry 12, Vibrant Response 13 and Vigilant Shield 13.

Caldwell and Army North also continued an unprecedented engagement with Mexico. In Fiscal Year 2008, Army North undertook only 3 training programs with Mexico's Secretariat of National Defense (SEDENA). By 2012, however, Army North and SEDENA were participating in nearly 100 events.

Caldwell turned over command of U.S. Army North to Lieutenant General Perry L. Wiggins on September 4, 2013. He is currently the President of Georgia Military College.

Other awards

  • Honorary Member of the Sergeant Audie Murphy Club
  • Veterans of Foreign Wars Commander-in-Chief Gold Medal and Citation of Merit Award
  • Honorary ROCK of the Year in 2008
  • References

    William B. Caldwell Wikipedia

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