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Vladimir Sukachev

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Vladimir Sukachev

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February 9, 1967, Moscow, Russia

Fundamentals of Forest Biogeocoenology

Vladimir Nikolayevich Sukachev (also spelled Vladimir Nikolajevich Sukaczev) (Russian: Vladímir Nikoláevich Sukachyov; born June 7, 1880 in Aleksandrovka, Russian Empire – died February 9, 1967 in Moscow) was a Russian geobotanist, engineer, geographer, and corresponding member (1920) and full member (1943) of the USSR Academy of Sciences.



Suckachev attended Imperial Forestry Institute in Saint Petersburg, where he studied under Gavriil Ivanovich Tanfilyev and Vasily Dokuchaev. He graduated in 1902 and remained several years with the institute as an assistant and instructor.


In 1919 Sukachev founded the Department of Dendrology and Systematics of Plants at the Imperial Forestry Institute, which he chaired until 1941.

From 1941-1943, he managed the Department of the Biological Sciences at the Ural Forestry Institute, in Sverdlovsk.

In 1944, Sukachev organized the Forestry Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences (now the Institute of Forest and Wood of Siberian Department of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Krasnoyarsk), which he led up to 1959.

Sukachev also led the Laboratory of Forestry USSR Academy of Sciences (1959) and the Laboratory of Biogeocenology with the Botanical Institute of the AS USSR (1965).

Associations and honors

Sukachev was president of the Moscow Naturalists Society from 1955-1967. He was a founding member of the Russian Botanical Society (1915); and 1946-1963 its president (from 1964 honorary president).

He was elected foreign member of the Polish Academy of Sciences in 1959 and corresponding member of the Czechoslovak Agricultural Academy in 1927.


The Sukachev Institute of Forestry, part of the Russian Academy of Sciences, in Moscow, is named after him.

Selected works

  • Sukachev, V. N. (1934). CHto takoe fitotsenoz? [What is a plant community?]. Sovietskaya Botanika (in Russian) 1934 (5): 4–18. 
  • Sukachev, V. N. (1942). Ideya razvitiya v fitotsenologii [Thoughts on plant community dynamics]. Sovietskaya Botanika (in Russian) 1942 (1-3): 5–17. 
  • Sukachev, V. N. (1944). O printsipah geneticheskoi klassifikatsii v biotsenologii [On the principles of genetic classification in biocoenology]. Zurnal Obscei Biologii (in Russian) 5 (4): 213–227. 
  • Sukachyov V.N. Biogeotsenologiya i fitotsenologiya // Dokl. aN SSSR. 1945. T. 47, № 6. S. 447–449. *Sukachyov V.N. O sootnoshenii ponyatii "geograficheskii landshaft" i "biogeotsenoz" // Voprosi geografii. M. : Geografgiz, 1949. Vip. 16. S. 45–60.
  • Sukachyov V.N. Obschie printsipi i programma izucheniya tipov lesa // Sukachyov V.N., Zonn S.V. Metodicheskie ukazaniya k izucheniyu tipov lesa. 2-e izd. M. : Izd-vo aN SSSR, 1961. S. 9–75.
  • Sukachyov V.N. Biogeotsenoz kak virazhenie vzaimodeistviya zhivoi i nezhivoi prirodi na poverhnosti Zemli : sootnoshenie ponyatii "biogeotsenoz", "ekosistema", "geograficheskii landshaft" i "fatsiya" // Osnovi lesnoi biogeotsenologii / pod red. V.N. Sukachyova, N.V. Dilisa. M. : Nauka, 1964. S. 5–49.
  • sm. takzhe: Sukachyov V.N. Izbrannie trudi v treh tomah / pod red. E.M. Lavrenko. – L. : Nauka. –T. 1 : Osnovi lesnoi tipologii i biogeotsenologii. – 1972. – 419 s. ; T. 2 : Problemi bolotovedeniya, paleobotaniki i paleogeografii. – 1973. – 352 s. ; T. 3 : Problemi fitotsenologii. – 1975. – 543 s.
  • Sukachev, V. N. (1928). "Principles of Classification of the Spruce Communities of European Russia". Journal of Ecology 16 (1): 1–18. doi:10.2307/2255841. ISSN 1365-2745. JSTOR 2255841 – via JSTOR. (registration required (help)). 
  • References

    Vladimir Sukachev Wikipedia

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