Siddhesh Joshi (Editor)

Vladimir Naumov

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Film directorWriter

Vladimir Naumov

Film director

Vladimir Naumov httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu

Full Name
Vladimir Naumovich Naumov

6 December 1927 (age 96) (
Leningrad, Soviet Union

Gerasimov Institute of Cinematography

Natalya Naumova, Kirill Naumov, Aleksei Naumov

The Flight, Teheran 43, White Feast, Taras Shevchenko, Peace to Him Who Enters

Similar People
Aleksandr Alov, Natalya Belokhvostikova, Elza Lezhdey, Natalya Naumova, Yevgeniy Yevstigneyev

The Flight - Alexander Alov and Vladimir Naumov (1970)

Vladimir Naumovich Naumov (Russian: Влади́мир Нау́мович Нау́мов; born 6 December 1927, Leningrad, Soviet Union) is a Russian film director and writer. He was a schoolmate of Sergei Parajanov at the Soviet film school. In 1977 he was a member of the jury at the 10th Moscow International Film Festival. His 1981 film Teheran 43 won the Golden Prize at the 12th Moscow International Film Festival.


Vladimir Naumov Vladimir Naumov Wikipedia

Vladimir Naumov live on PRODJ Space 2019.05.17


Note: all films before 1987 are co-directed with Aleksandr Alov
  • Taras Shevchenko (Тарас Шевченко) / Taras Shevchenko (1951)
  • Trevozhnaya molodost (Тревожная молодость) / Restless Youth (1954)
  • Pavel Korchagin (Павел Корчагин) / Pavel Korchagin (1957)
  • Veter (Ветер) / The Wind (1958)
  • Mir vkhodyashchemu (Мир входящему) / Peace to Him Who Enters (1961)
  • Moneta (Монета) / The Coin (1965)
  • Skvernyy anekdot (Скверный анекдот) / The Ugly Story (1966)
  • Beg (Бег) / The Flight (1970)
  • Legenda o Tile (Легенда о Тиле) / Legend About Thiel (1976)
  • Tegeran-43 (Тегеран-43) / Teheran 43 (1981)
  • Bereg (Берег) / The Shore (1984)
  • Vybor (Выбор) / The Choice (1987)
  • Zakon (Закон) / The Law (1989)
  • Desyat let bez prava perepiski (Десять лет без права переписки) / Ten Years Without Right to Write Letters (1990)
  • Belyy prazdnik (Белый праздник) / White Feast (1994)
  • Tayna Nardo ili son beloy sobaki (Тайна Нардо, или Сон белой собаки) / Nardo's Secret (1999)
  • Chasy bez strelok (Часы без стрелок) / Clock without Hands (2001)
  • Dzhokonda na asphalte (Джоконда на асфальте) / La Gioconda on Asphalt (2007)
  • References

    Vladimir Naumov Wikipedia

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