Supriya Ghosh (Editor)

University of Vocational Technology

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Academic staff
Two faculties

Dayantha Wijeyesekera




Number of students

University of Vocational Technology University of Vocational Technology Study in Srilanka

Motto in English
Life Long Learning for All!

Prof. G L D Wickramasinghe

යාවජීව අධ්‍යාපනය සැමට (Life Long Learning for All!, Sinhala)

Association of Commonwealth Universities

National Institute of Business, University of the Visual, Open University of Sri Lan, Buddhist and Pali University, Wayamba University of Sri Lan

University of vocational technology sri lanka univotec

The University of Vocational Technology-UVT Sinhalese: වෘත්තීය තාක්ෂණ විශ්වවිද්‍යාලය , Tamil: வாழ்க்கைத் தொழில்சார் தொழில்நுட்பவியல் பல்கலைக்கழகம் is established by the parliamentary Act No. 31 of 2008, in 2009 and functions under the purview of the Ministry of Skills Development and Vocational Training. The general objective of the University of Vocational Technology is to provide progressive upward movement to the students in the Technical Education and Vocational Training System, based on their aptitudes and abilities, to acquire University Education.



The University of Vocational Technology hosts two faculties (Faculty of Industrial and Vocational Technology (FIVT) & Faculty of Training Technology (FTT)), 8 departments, and teaches about 800 students in the fields of Mechatronics, Manufacturing, IT(software), IT(Network), IT(Multimedia & Web), Food, Film & Television Production, Building Services Technology, Construction Technology, Industrial Management and Teaching.

University of Vocational Technology University of Vocational Technology Study in Srilanka

University of vocational technology sri lanka univotec story of us


University of Vocational Technology University of Vocational Technology Srilanka SynergyY

To be the leading University providing Technical and Vocational Education for all with the aspiration to achieve professional excellence.


University of Vocational Technology httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediaencc1Uni

The Mission of the University of Vocational Technology is to provide services in human resources, curriculum development, learning resources development, research and consultancy, achieve professional excellence with ethical rectitude, and liaise with the global


TVET sector, academic community and industry. The specific objectives of the University of Vocational Technology are to provide;

  • Pedagogical training up to degree level for trainers serving in the technical and vocational education sector and industry.
  • Courses of study for middle level technical personnel, with qualifications acceptable for admission to University of Vocational Technology, up to degree level.
  • Courses of study for those with National Vocational Qualification to upgrade their competencies and acquire a degree level qualifications.
  • Extension courses on continuous professional development.
  • Faculties and Institutes

    The University of Vocational Technology, currently has two faculties; Faculty of Industrial and Vocational Technology (FIVT) and Faculty of Training Technology (FTT).

    Deans of Faculties

    Deans are the heads of the faculties. They are responsible for the management and the tasks carried out by the faculty. Deans are appointed by the chancellor for three years.

    Faculty of Industrial and Vocational Technology (FIVT)

    Departments of the faculty

  • Department of Construction Technology
  • Department of Manufacturing Technology
  • Department of Electrical & Electronics Technology
  • Department of Agricultural and Food Technology
  • Department of Film & Television Production Technology
  • Faculty of Industrial & Vocational Technology to provide degree level courses of study for middle level technical personnel. The faculty offers undergraduate programmes in specialized areas of Civil Construction, Electrical and Electronics, Agriculture and Food and Manufacturing. The faculty makes arrangements to offer postgraduate diplomas and degrees in the near future.

    Undergraduate Programmes offered by the FIVT

  • Bachelor of Technology in Building Services Technology
  • Bachelor of Technology in Manufacturing Technology
  • Bachelor of Technology in Mechatronics Technology
  • Bachelor of Technology in Food Process Technology
  • Bachelor of Technology in Film and Television Production Technology
  • Bachelor of Technology in Construction Technology
  • Bachelor of Technology in Quantity Surveying
  • Faculty of Training Technology (FTT)

    Departments of the faculty

  • Department of Education and Training
  • Department of Language Studies
  • Department of Information & Communication Technology
  • Department of Management Studies
  • The currently offered undergraduate programmes are mainly related to Training Technology. They include pedagogical training and technical training. Teaching staff in the TVET sector and in the industries is provided the opportunity of obtaining academic qualifications through the Programmes offered by the faculty of Training Technology. In addition the faculty offers degree programmes in Information and Communication Technology.

    Undergraduate Programmes offered by the FTT

  • Bachelor of Education in Technology
  • Bachelor of Education in English Language Teaching
  • Bachelor of Technology in Industrial Management Technology
  • Bachelor of Technology in Multimedia & Web Technology
  • Bachelor of Technology in Network Technology
  • Bachelor of Technology in Software Technology
  • Centre for Continuing Education (CEC)

    A Centre for Continuing Education (CEC) and curriculum development units function under the Faculty of Training Technology. These units provide extension services to the agencies in the TVET sector which are delivering training at NVQ Levels 1 to 6, in the areas of human resource development and curriculum development.


    The chancellor is the head of the university and is responsible for awarding all the academic degrees. Usually the chancellor is a distinguished person in an academic discipline. Otherwise it is a clergy or a distinguished person in the civil society. Appointment is done by the President of Sri Lanka. The position is mainly ceremonial and duties are usually carried out by the vice chancellor. The current chancellor of the university is Prof.Dayantha Wijeyesekera.

    Vice Chancellor

    The vice chancellor is the academic principal and administrative officer of the University, responsible for management tasks. This appointment is also done by the President of Sri Lanka. The current Vice Chancellor is Prof. G L D Wickramasinghe who is also the professor of Textile Engineering.

    Former Vice Chancellors

    Prof. Kapila Gunasekara.

    Dr. T. A. Piyasiri,


    The UVT operates a network of libraries comprising the main library at University premises. The library is open for students from 8.30 am to 4.30 pm on each day including week-ends except Full Moon Poya Days and University holidays.

    The library is well equipped with a substantial collection of books in a wide variety of subjects and many foreign and local journals and substantial collection of videos, audios, to supplement print material. The library provides internet facilities for study purposes of students.

    In-house photocopying facilities are also available at very nominal rates for the convenience of all library users. The library has copies of past examination papers, which are also available on the University website. Students are advised to read the library information sheets available at all libraries for more details on the facilities provided and how to make use of them.

    Student organizations

    Students at the University of Vocational Technology run over 10 clubs and organizations. These include cultural and religious groups, academic clubs, and common-interest organizations. The University Students' Union is considered the highest body which represents all internal students.

    These student societies include:

  • Environmental Society
  • Sports Club
  • Art Circle
  • English Club
  • Electronics Club
  • Explorer Club
  • Society of Food Science and Technology
  • Media Society
  • Buddhist Students' Union
  • IEEE Student Branch in University of Vocational Technology
  • IMechE Chapter in University of Vocational Technology
  • References

    University of Vocational Technology Wikipedia

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