Kalpana Kalpana (Editor)

Trillium recurvatum

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Scientific name
Trillium recurvatum


Higher classification
Tri flower

Trillium recurvatum Purple Trillium Trillium Recurvatum ozarkedgewildflowerscom

Tri flower, Trillium sessile, Trillium luteum, Trillium flexipes, Trillium cuneatum

Trillium recurvatum, the bloody butcher or prairie trillium, is a spring wildflower in the Melanthiaceae family. It is native to parts of the central and eastern United States, where it is found from Iowa south to Texas and east to North Carolina and Pennsylvania. It natural habitat is mesic forests and savannas, often in calcareous soil.


Trillium recurvatum Trillium recurvatum prairie wakerobin Go Botany


Trillium recurvatum Purple Prairie Trillium recurvatum Potted Plants

Its flower has three brown to maroon petals that are typically under 3 centimetres (1.2 in) long. The petals are recurved, with tips converging over the stamens. The fruit has 6 well developed ridges (see photo). The seeds include structures known as elaiosomes, to promote dispersal by ants and other foraging insects.

Conservation status

Trillium recurvatum httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu

Trillium recurvatum is common throughout much of its range. It is not considered to be globally threatened, and its status is considered secure. However, it is monitored by conservation agencies in several states at the edge of its range, where it becomes rare. For example, in Wisconsin it is considered rare or uncommon (S3) and therefore a species of special concern. In Michigan, it is considered a state threatened species and is protected by law (S2S3).

Trillium recurvatum Trilliumrecurvatum1jpg

Trillium recurvatum Illinois Natural History Survey Trillium recurvatum Bloody Butcher

Trillium recurvatum Trillium recurvatum page


Trillium recurvatum Wikipedia

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