Kalpana Kalpana (Editor)

Thunderbolt Fantasy

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Written by
Gen Urobuchi (Nitro+)

Country of origin
Taiwan, Japan

Final episode date
30 September 2016

Opening theme

First episode date
8 July 2016

Number of episodes

Thunderbolt Fantasy Thunderbolt Fantasy 20160716 Anime News Network

Also known as
Thunderbolt Fantasy: Sword Travels from the East

Puppetry, Wuxia, Period drama, Action

Directed by
Chris HuangJia-Shiang Wang (Pili International Multimedia)

Program creator
Thunderbolt Fantasy Project

Pili, 91 Days, Time Travel Girl, Sweetness and Lightning, Psycho‑Pass

Thunderbolt Fantasy (Thunderbolt Fantasy -東離劍遊紀-, Sandāboruto Fantajī: Tōriken Yūki, lit. Thunderbolt Fantasy: Sword Travels from the East) is a Japanese-Taiwanese glove puppetry television series created and written by Gen Urobuchi and produced as a collaboration between Japanese companies Nitroplus and Good Smile Company and Taiwanese puppet production company Pili International Multimedia. The series began airing in Japan starting July 8, 2016 and is being simulcast by iQiyi Taiwan, and Crunchyroll under 3 official languages: Taiwanese Min-Nan aired in Taiwan, Mandarin Chinese aired in China, and Japanese aired in Japan. A manga adaptation illustrated by Yui Sakuma began serialization in Kodansha's Weekly Morning magazine on July 21, 2016. A second adaption, told from the perspective of Dān Fěi, and illustrated by Kairi Shimotsuki, began serialization in Akita Shoten's Champion Cross online magazine on September 27, 2016. A side novel that focuses on the pasts of Lǐn Xuě Yā, Xíng Hài, and Shā Wú Shēng will be released on April 7, 2017. A sequel to the television series is currently in production.


Thunderbolt Fantasy Gen Urobuchi39s Thunderbolt Fantasy Puppet Series Gets Sequel News

Thunderbolt fantasy episode 12 live reaction the edgeless blade


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Set in an Eastern fantasy setting, Dān Fěi and her brother, guardians of a sword known as the Tiān Xíng Jiàn, are pursued by the evil Xuán Guǐ Zōng clan, who seek to obtain the sword for their master, Miè Tiān Hái. While her brother is defeated, Fěi, who possesses the sword's crossguard, escapes and finds herself in the care of the wandering swordsman, Shāng Bù Huàn, and a mysterious man named Lǐn Xuě Yā, who become her protectors from the pursuing Xuán Guǐ Zōng clan.


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※ Character names are presented in the format of Chinese Given Name (Chinese Characters Japanese Romanization, English Translation) / Chinese Art name (Chinese Characters Japanese Romanization, English Translation)

Main Characters

Thunderbolt Fantasy Gen Urobuchi39s Puppet Show Thunderbolt Fantasy is Kind of Awesome
Lǐn Xuě Yā (凜雪鴉, Rin Setsu A, Austere Snow Crow) / Lüè Fēng Qiè Chén (掠風竊塵, Ryō Fū Setsujin, Thief of the Wind Dust)
Principal Puppeteer: Shen-En WuVoiced by: Kōsuke Toriumi (JP), Huei-Fung Huang (Taiwanese Min-Nan)A major protagonist, also known under the alias as Guǐ Niǎo (鬼鳥, Kichō, Phantom Bird). Lǐn Xuě Yā is a beautiful young man filled with immense mystery. Erudite and adept at the art of strategy, he is shown to be graceful and composed. According to Shòu Yún Xiāo, Lǐn Xuě Yā has used several aliases to conceal his identity. He is considered a master manipulator and thief, and has even been called a villain. His true motives are unclear.
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  • Soliloquy: 幽夜匿形不謂隱,明光伏影是迷觀。虛實由來如一紙,誰識幻中吾真顏?Subterfuge is not always about lurking in the darkness, some shadows remain hidden in the light. A hair's breadth separates truth from lies, and none will gaze beyond the illusion to see my true face.
  • Thunderbolt Fantasy WOW Thunderbolt Fantasy Episode 1 INSANE FIGHTS YouTube
    Shāng Bù Huàn (殤不患, Shō Fu Kan, Unconcerned with Dying Young) / Rèn Wú Fēng (刃無鋒, Jin Muhō, Edgeless Blade)
    Principal Puppeteer: Jia-Chang Hong, Substitute Puppeteer: Jia-Shen LiaoVoiced by: Junichi Suwabe (JP), Huei-Fung Huang (Min-Nan)The main protagonist of this series, Shāng Bù Huàn is an enigmatic wandering swordsman. He appears to be cynical towards others, but is compassionate at heart. His inadvertent encounter with Lǐn Xuě Yā had him engulfed within the feud of the Xuán Guǐ Zōng pursuing Dān Fěi's crossguard of the Tiān Xíng Jiàn, and reluctantly joins the journey with Lǐn Xuě Yā and Dān Fěi to retrieve the hilt of the Tiān Xíng Jiàn. Hails from Xī Yōu.
  • Soliloquy: 狂風驟雨催紙傘,遊人浪跡步不休。天地滂沱如何渡,蓑衣褪盡任濁流。Though sudden storms and fierce winds press against my umbrella, this wandering traveler does not stop. As to how I cross the torrential waves of the world, I simply change my cloak and endure these turbid waters.
  • Dān Fěi (丹翡, Tan Hi, Vermillion Kingfisher)
    Principal Puppeteer: Jia-Shen LiaoVoiced by: Mai Nakahara (JP), Wei-De Deng (Min-Nan)One of the Seal Guardians hailing from the Sword Forging Shrine in charge of guarding the Tiān Xíng Jiàn. Dān Fěi takes pride in her heritage as a Seal Guardian, which makes her quite stubborn and tense when it comes to issues regarding the Tiān Xíng Jiàn, but she's also shown to be fairly naïve due to being inexperienced with the world outside of her shrine.
  • Soliloquy: 膺懷丹心承天命,身負恩仇江湖行;裂棄柔絲綺羅絹,付盡情夢仗寒兵。Adhering to the values of the Dān, I bear my fate: traveling the earth, seeking honor and revenge. Stripping away my meekness as a woman, I shall battle the heartless at the price of my hopes and dreams.
  • Allies

    Dān Héng (丹衡, Tan Kō, Vermillion Balance)
    Voiced by: Daisuke Hirakawa (JP), Huei-Fung Huang (Min-Nan)The elder brother of Dān Fěi, he is also a Seal Guardian who guards the Tiān Xíng Jiàn along with his sister. Dān Héng is responsible for guarding the hilt of the Tiān Xíng Jiàn, while Dān Fěi protects the crossguard of the sword. Dān Héng lost his life at the hands of Miè Tiān Hái when the Xuán Guǐ Zōng invaded their shrine.
    Shòu Yún Xiāo (狩雲霄, Shu Un Shō, Sky Hunter) / Ruì Yǎn Chuān Yáng (鋭眼穿楊, Ei Gan Sen Yō, Keen-eyed Sharpshooter)
    Voiced by: Rikiya Koyama (JP), Huei-Fung Huang (Min-Nan)An old acquaintance of Lǐn Xuě Yā, Shòu Yún Xiāo is an archer who made a name for himself for his exceptional marksmanship. He regards Juǎn Cán Yún as his sworn younger brother. He joins the quest of retrieving the hilt of the Tiān Xíng Jiàn at Lǐn Xuě Yā's request.
  • Soliloquy: 雙目不能視物,隻眼能望千里。凝吾眸光成箭,奪人不避之命。As there are those who see nothing with both eyes, there are those who can see vast distances with one. My gaze is the path of an arrow, piercing those who fail to turn away.
  • Juǎn Cán Yún (捲殘雲, Ken San Un, To Furl Scattered Clouds) / Hán Hè (寒赫, Kan Kaku, Frozen Wonder)
    Voiced by: Kenichi Suzumura (JP), Huei-Fung Huang (Min-Nan)The sworn brother of Shòu Yún Xiāo, and a skilled spear wielder. Juǎn Cán Yún looks up to Shòu Yún Xiāo with admiration, and works hard to attain a reputation for himself using his skills. He tagged along with Yún Xiāo on the quest to retrieve the hilt of the Tiān Xíng Jiàn.
  • Soliloquy: 人笑良圖若華胥,吾志凌雲意堅行。不與浮榮競朝夕,無憾黃沙染身時。People may ridicule my noble ideals as fantasy and naïve, but with determination and effort I shall reach my soaring ambitions. I will have no regrets disdaining fleeting glory even when my hour comes.
  • Xíng Hài (刑亥, Kei Gai, Final Punishment) / Qì Xiāo (泣宵, Kyū Shō, Weeping Night)
    Principal Puppeteer: Jia-Shen LiaoVoiced by: Sayaka Ohara (JP), Hsin-Ya Kuo (Min-Nan)A powerful necromancer who dwells in the Night Devil Forest, and someone Lǐn Xuě Yā wishes to recruit to best the first obstacle of the Demon Spine Mountains. The other party members are wary of her because she is a demon, but Lǐn Xuě Yā assures them she can be trusted. However, Xíng Hài is shown to be hostile towards Lǐn Xuě Yā for unknown reasons.
  • Soliloquy: 妖歌吟,鴆花蜜,鎮亡夜之魂,惑永寐之軀。生人樂舞,屍亦婆娑。幽冥絕麗之界,不聞人語,唯識月光。The song of the demon is like poisonous honey, soothing the souls of the night and seducing the bodies of eternal sleep. Just as the living dance with delight, so too do the undead sway with grace. For those who live within the exquisiteness of the netherworld, none can grasp human language, only that of the moonlight.
  • Shā Wú Shēng (殺無生, Setsu Mu Shō, Eradicator of Life) / Míng Fèng Jué Shā (鳴鳳決殺, Mei Hō Kett Satsu, Roaring Phoenix Execution)
    Voiced by: Nobuyuki Hiyama (JP), Huei-Fung Huang (Min-Nan)A notorious and heartless killer, but also a swordsman whose skills are unparalleled. Due to some old enmity, he has set his eye on Lǐn Xuě Yā for revenge, and is obsessed with chasing Lǐn Xuě Yā down. When faced with a strong opponent, he cannot help but step forward in challenge. Thinks very highly of himself. Died after challenging Miè Tiān Hái to a duel.
  • Soliloquy: 今朝啼鳥訴生死,眾生執迷;江湖宿命無人悟,一劍終末。Although ravens now bring news of life and death, people still persist uncertainly; since none can truly fathom fate, I shall end it with one stroke of the sword.
  • Lián Qí (廉耆, Ren Ki, Honorable Sage)
    Voiced by: Kazuhiro Yamaji (JP), Huei-Fung Huang (Min-Nan)The mentor of Lǐn Xuě Yā; the original owner of the Soul Echo Flute, he also taught Lǐn Xuě Yā how to create magic items. Died by the blade of Shā Wú Shēng, who then took the Soul Echo Flute.


    Miè Tiān Hái (蔑天骸, Betsu Ten Gai, Skeleton Who Scorns the Heavens) / Sēn Luó Kū Gǔ (森羅枯骨, Shinra Kokotsu, Bones of Creation)
    Principal Puppeteer: Jia-Shen LiaoVoiced by: Tomokazu Seki (JP), Huei-Fung Huang (Min-Nan)Leader of the Xuán Guǐ Zōng, a group which utilizes the naturally defended mountain fortress, Seven Sins Tower, as its base of operations. He is arrogant and prideful, due to his skill with the sword, and possesses necromantic powers. He is also the foremost antagonist of the story. In order to seize the Tiān Xíng Jiàn protected by the Dān siblings, he uses every means possible to invade the Dān Family's sacred grounds.
  • Soliloquy: 萬物之生,死亡之序。奉吾則功上枯骨,逆吾則劍下亡魂。寒刃之前,唯此二道。All life is a prelude to death. To serve me until you are a corpse, or to be cut down and become one. You have only two options before my blade.
  • Cán Xiōng (殘凶, Zan Kyō, Vicious)
    Principal Puppeteer: Jia-Shen LiaoVoiced by: Hiroki Yasumoto (JP), Huei-Fung Huang (Min-Nan)Subordinate of Miè Tiān Hái. A Xuán Guǐ Zōng swordsman ordered to hunt down Dān Fěi. Died after confusing Shāng Bù Huàn with Dān Fěi due to the machinations of Lǐn Xuě Yā.
    Liè Mèi (獵魅, Ryō Mi, Charming Huntress)
    Principal Puppeteer: Shen-En WuVoiced by: Haruka Tomatsu (JP), Hsin-Ya Kuo (Min-Nan)Subordinate of Miè Tiān Hái. Ambushed Shāng Bù Huàn after he helped Dān Fěi escape, but was driven off by Shòu Yún Xiāo. Died after attacking Shā Wú Shēng.
    Diāo Mìng (凋命, Chō Mei, Withered Life)
    Voiced by: Tōru Ōkawa (JP), Huei-Fung Huang (Min-Nan)Subordinate of Miè Tiān Hái. Killed by Shāng Bù Huàn after trying to capture him along with Dān Fěi and Juǎn Cán Yún.


    Voiced by: Atsuko Tanaka (JP), Huei-Fung Huang (Min-Nan)


    ※ Terminologies are formatted in Chinese Romanization (Chinese Characters Japanese Romanization, English Translation)

    Worldview Terminology

    ※ In English alphabetical order.

  • Bì Xié Shèng Yìn (辟邪聖印, Hekija Seīn, Sacred Ward Against Evil)
  • A required spell for a Hù Yìn Shī to learn. Casting the ward erects a protective barrier which repels all that is considered impure. The intended purpose of the spell is to protect the spell-caster, but while casting, the disadvantage is that no other actions can be taken. In order to broaden the effective range of the spell, it is necessary for the caster to have others to assist them.
  • Chī Yì (魑翼, Miyoku, Demon Bird)
  • The skeleton birds that the Xuán Guǐ Zōng (Gen Ki Shu) use for transportation.
  • Duàn Jiàn Cí (鍛劍祠, Tankenshi, Sword Forging Shrine)
  • The birthplace of Dān Héng (Tan Kō) and Dān Fěi (Tan Hi) and also the temple where the Tiān Xíng Jiàn (Tengyōken) is enshrined.
  • Guì Huā Yuán (桂花園, Keikaen, Osmanthus Garden)
  • The inn where Shā Wú Shēng is staying.
  • Guǐ Mò Zhī Dì (鬼歿之地, Kibo no Chi, Wasteland of the Dead Demons)
  • The cursed wasteland that separates the countries, Xī Yōu (Seiyū) and Dōng Lí (Tōri). Rumor has it that no one has ever successfully crossed this wilderness since the War of the Fading Dusk.
  • Heī Guā Zi (黑瓜子, Hei Guwa Zu, Stir-Fried Seeds)
  • The snack Shā Wú Shēng had in episode 5. Chinese snacks usually consist of watermelon, pumpkin, and sunflower seeds. He was eating watermelon seeds.
  • Hù Yìn Shī (護印師, Goinshi, Seal Guardian)
  • Guardians responsible for protecting the Shén Huì Mó Xiè (Shinkai Makai).
  • Huí Líng Dí (迴靈笛, Kaireiteki, Soul Echo Flute)
  • A magical flute. By listening to the echoes of the sound it produces, one can always follow the right path. However, it may not sound pleasant as an actual instrument.
  • Kē Jǔ (科舉, Kakyou, Imperial Examination)
  • The civil service examination system of Imperial China. Used to select and hire candidates to work for the state bureaucracy. According to Miè Tiān Hái, Lǐn Xuě Yā was taking the examination for the Jinshi (進士) Degree the second time he met Xuě Yā.
  • Mó Jǐ Shān (魔脊山, Masekizan, Demon Spine Mountains)
  • Location of the Seven Sins Tower. The region rests on the border between the Human Realm and the Demon Realm. Also called the Land of the Afterlife, most ordinary people do not dare to even cross half a step into the mountains, let alone traverse it.
  • Qī Zuì Tǎ (七罪塔, Shichizaitō, Seven Sins Tower)
  • The Tower was originally built by a very powerful mage as his dwelling, though now acts as the base for Miè Tiān Hái (Bestu Ten Gai).
  • Qióng Mù Zhī Zhàn (窮暮之戰, Kyōbo no Sen, War of the Fading Dusk)
  • The name of the war which the armies of the Demon Realm invaded the Human Realm and attempted to destroy all of humanity.
  • Shāo Bǐng (燒餅, Shyao Bin, Flatbread)
  • The type of food Shāng Bù Huàn (Shō Fu Kan) bought in episode 2. Seen again in episode 3 and episode 10.
  • Shén Huì Mó Xiè (神誨魔械, Shinkai Makai, Magic Weapons of Divine Teachings)
  • The countless weapons forged by the guidance of the immortals when humanity sought their help during the War of the Fading Dusk.
  • Tiān Xíng Jiàn (天刑劍, Tengyōken, Heaven's Retribution Sword)
  • The most dangerous and powerful weapon among the Shén Huì Mó Xiè (Shinkai Makai). In order to seal its power, its hilt and crossguard were separated into two pieces.
  • Wú Yín Sì (無垠寺, Muginji, Limitless Temple)
  • The place where Guǐ Niǎo was going to meet Lián Qí for the Soul Echo Flute.
  • Xī Yōu / Dōng Lí (西幽 / 東離, Seiyū / Tōri, Secluded West / Detached East)
  • The names of two of the countries on the continent. Once belonging to a single nation, they have since been separated into two due to the War of the Fading Dusk. For two hundred years, no contact between the two countries has occurred. The story takes place in Dōng Lí.
  • Xū Mí Tiān Huàn・Jié Huāng Jiàn (須彌天幻・劫荒劍, Sumitengen・Gōkōken, The Absolute Phantom: Jié Huāng Jiàn)
  • One of the Divine weapons in Shāng Bù Huàn's possession. This strange, magical blade was forged by a bladesmith visiting from the shores of another star. Only someone with extraordinary qi mastery can control the sword. Shāng Bù Huàn uses this sword to seal away the awakened demon, Yāo Tú Lí, and eventually places the sword under the care of Dān Fěi and Juǎn Cán Yún.
  • Xuán Guǐ Zōng (玄鬼宗, Gen Ki Shu, The Onyx Demons)
  • The evil group led by Miè Tiān Hái (Bestu Ten Gai).
  • Yāo Tú Lí (妖荼黎, Yō Jya Rei, Dark and Cruel Demon)
  • Voiced by: Atsuko Tanaka (JP), Huei-Fung Huang (Min-Nan)One of the strongest demons from the time of the War of the Fading Dusk. Legend says that it was repelled by the Dān Clan's sword techniques using the Tiān Xíng Jiàn.


    ※ In order of appearance.

  • Dān Huī Jiàn Jué・Fēi Xiá Xíng Yuè (丹輝劍訣・飛霞行月, Tankikenketsu・Hikagyōgetsu, Dan Blade Technique: Flying Red Cloud Rush)
  • Used by Dān Héng.His signature move. Dān Héng fires freely manipulable energy swords formed with his qi into the air.
  • Dān Huī Jiàn Jué・Liú Yáng Líng Rì (丹輝劍訣・流陽凌日, Tankikenketsu・Ryūyōryōjitsu, Dan Blade Technique: Rising Sun Before Dawn)
  • Used by Dān Héng and Dān Fěi.An attack formed by multiple Flying Red Cloud Rushes. Due to the user needing to manipulate numerous flying qi blades simultaneously, it can be said that this attack is one that can fully demonstrate the skill level of the Hù Yìn Shī performing it.
  • Yì Mó Zhèn・Wàn Xiàng Jǐn Miè (役魔陣・萬象盡滅, Ekimajin・Manshōjinmetsu, Demonic War Force: Total Annihilation)
  • Used by Miè Tiān Hái.A finishing move which consists of a simultaneous release of sword energy, spiritual pressure and sorcery. Even if one is able to block the attack, one's lifespan will still be diminished, as the person's life force will be stolen from them.
  • Kū Gǔ・Xuè Zhǎn (枯骨・血斬, Kokotsu・Ketsuzan, Withered Bones, Blood Strike)
  • Used by Cán Xiōng.If an opponent meets the skill head on, Cán Xiōng will utilize brute force to strike the attacker. Conversely, if the enemy decides to evade, then Cán Xiōng would continuously, in quick succession, pursue and attack with all his might to box his opponent in. However, it is a "last resort"-type skill, as Cán Xiōng's defense level decreases greatly when using it.
  • Zhuō Jiàn Wú Shì・Bā Fāng Qì Zhì (拙劍無式・八方氣至, Sekkenmushiki・Happōkishi, Formless Rogue Sword: Eight Way Arrival)
  • Used by Shāng Bù Huàn.The skill allows the user to evade an enemy's attack within an incredibly short distance, while also allowing them to release their qi and disrupt the enemy's attack. Although the technique may seem simple, it is actually quite advanced, as it demands considerable judgement and skill.
  • Liú Xīng Bù (流星歩, Ryūseiho, Meteor Walking)
  • Used by Liè Mèi, Shā Wú Shēng and Miè Tiān Hái.An advanced qinggong technique. It can convert the user's body into qi energy in order to allow teleportation or almost instantaneous travel. Not only is one required to have total control over one's body, the properties of the terrain can also greatly affect the effectiveness of the move. It is a skill that is hard to take advantage of without the proper and optimal conditions.
  • Jí Fēng Huí Xuán (疾風迴旋, Senpūkaisen, Hurricane Whirl)
  • Used by Juǎn Cán Yún.The skill is a propulsion of the accumulated force of momentum produced from the fierce and rapid convolution of the spear. Even though the skill has many weak points for an opponent to counter, it is very useful as an opening attack when met with an army of opponents.
  • Dān Huī Jiàn Jué・Liè Huá Zhū Yè (丹輝劍訣・烈華誅夜, Tankikenketsu・Rekkachūya, Dan Blade Technique: Night Judgement of Blazing Radiance)
  • Used by Dān Fěi.A standard skill in a Hù Yìn Shī's arsenal. Allows the user to use positive and pure qi, even when in unfavorable conditions such as during the night, or in an environment filled with foul miasma.
  • Fēng Yún Lóng Jí (風雲龍撃, Fūunryūgeki, Dragon Storm Strike)
  • Used by Juǎn Cán Yún.A skill name Juǎn Cán Yún randomly calls out when he gets too carried away with himself.
  • Dān Huī Jiàn Jué・Shèng Máng Bì Xié (丹輝劍訣・聖芒辟邪, Tankikenketsu・Seibōhekija, Dan Blade Technique: Sacred Bristle Ward)
  • Used by Dān Fěi.This skill is produced by utilizing the spiritual energy of Dān Fěi's sword, the Radiant Jade Sword, to release positive qi. It can cause great damage to the undead or impure.
  • Shā Jié・Bǎi Niǎo Cháo Fèng (殺劫・百鳥朝鳳, Satsugō・Hyakuchōchōhō, Killer Strike: Hundred Flock Morning Phoenix)
  • Used by Shā Wú Shēng.Shā Wú Shēng releases countless fine qi energy and disguises their appearance as daggers. Then, at the same time using sleight of hand, Shā Wú Shēng will swiftly cast and hide the true attack among the daggers. It is a skill that interferes with the opponent's counterattack abilities, and helps Shā Wú Shēng create fatal flaws in the enemy's defense.
  • Jiāo Lóng Pán Yún (蛟龍盤雲, Kōryūbanun, Alternating Current Strike)
  • Used by Juǎn Cán Yún.The user of this skill uses strong force to smash the ground, directly striking at the earth's dragon vein, creating a shock-wave in the area. Although to truly perform the attack, one would need to have a sense of the position of the dragon vein in the ground, but it is suspected that some very lucky heroes can manage to perform it with their randomly placed strikes.
  • Kū Gǔ・Suì Fǔ (枯骨・砕腑, Kokotsu・Seifu, Withered Bones, Organ Breaker)
  • Used by Liè Mèi.A taboo skill which requires the user to launch oneself at the opponent. While doing so, the user will purposely allow one's meridians to run wild, thereby converting one's qi to act like a bomb. As long as the user has the will, despite an insurmountable difference in strength between oneself and the enemy, this technique allows the user the opportunity to take down the opponent along with oneself.
  • Shā Jié・Hēi Qín Yè Kū (殺劫・黑禽夜哭, Satsugō・Kokkinyakoku, Killer Strike: Nocturnal Dark-Winged Cry)
  • Used by Shā Wú Shēng.A special technique which allows Shā Wú Shēng to absorb an opponent's fighting aura, and meld it with his own qi, adding to his power. The effectiveness of this skill can be further increased in a scrum of many enemies engaged in battle. Only those who can persist in the intention of killing others as naturally as breathing can truly master this technique.
  • Hè Léi Hàn Tiān (赫雷撼天, Kakuraikanten, Celestial Thundershock)
  • Used by Juǎn Cán Yún.The most powerful skill that Juǎn Cán Yún has mastered. Using breathing techniques, Juǎn Cán Yún fully utilizes the meridians in his entire body to draw the thunder qi in the surroundings into his dantian, converging their powers, and then releasing them all at once.
  • Sǐ Mén Jìng Yǐng (死門鏡影, Shimonkyōei, Reflections of Death)
  • Used by Shòu Yún Xiāo.Uses his qi to shoot images of himself at his enemy, forcing defensive maneuvers, which allows Shòu Yún Xiāo to counterattack.
  • Dān Huī Jiàn Jué・Zhuó Huì Yù Hóng (丹輝劍訣・灼彗馭虹, Tankikenketsu・Shyakusuigyokei, Dan Blade Technique: Scorching Rainbow)
  • Used by Dān Fěi.The user releases all of the accumulated qi in their body in a single finishing blow. Due to the complete consumption of one's qi, it renders continued battle impossible. Thus, it is a risky move which is designed to end a fight. However, Dān Fěi does not use it to attack, but instead shoots it towards the air in order to open up a path of retreat. This is an unusual decision for a Hù Yìn Shī as they usually honour pride above all else.
  • Kū Gǔ・Xiǔ Xīn (枯骨・朽心, Kokotsu・Kyūshin, Withered Bones, Decayed Heart)
  • Used by Diāo Mìng.The user increases their qi circulation by manyfold, which allows for the qi to remain in one's body even after the heart has stopped beating. It is a unique skill which allows for continued battle even after the user has sustained a fatal injury, permitting the user to make 3 further moves towards a careless opponent who thinks they have killed the user.
  • Zhuō Jiàn Wú Shì・Guǐ Shén Pì Yì (拙劍無式・鬼神辟易, Sekkenmushiki・Kishinhekieki, Formless Rogue Sword: Specter Shattering)
  • Used by Shāng Bù Huàn.The user uses an extremely precise thrust to the opponent's meridans in the torso in order to stop their internal qi flow. This causes the qi, now with nowhere to go, to explode, and completely destroys the opponent's body from the inside. This skill is highly effective against opponents who exercise intense qi manipulation.
  • Yì Mó Zhèn・Bào Luàn Huáng Quán (役魔陣・暴亂黄泉, Ekimajin・Hōrankōsen, Demonic War Force: Hellborn Rebellion)
  • Used by Miè Tiān Hái.This secret sword technique was created by imagining the legendary Demon God as the opposing enemy. It is the strongest finishing move within the Demonic War Force techniques. The firm belief that "no human can overcome this move" has given Miè Tiān Hái his absolute arrogance.
  • Tiān Shuāng・Yān Yuè Wú Hén (天霜・煙月無痕, Tensō・Engetsumukon, Heavenly Frost: Untraceable Hazy Moonlight)
  • Used by Lǐn Xuě Yā.With this technique, the qi which is refined in the dantian does not produce heat, but instead cold. This "Heavenly Frost" technique significantly deviates from the usual principles of sword techniques, and as a result, the more skilled the opponent, the harder it is for them to see clearly through its changes.
  • Hóng Huāng Jìn Qióng Yù (洪荒禁窮獄, Kōkōkinkyūgoku, Forbidden Prison of Absolute Desolation)
  • Used by Shāng Bù Huàn.The ultimate form of the Jié Huāng Jiàn sword. Allows for the opening of a link to the pit of "endless darkness" located somewhere on the edge of space. If one falls into this hole, one cannot escape no matter what. The gravitational power of this darkness will only affect those wounded by the Jié Huāng Jiàn, and its influence does not extend to anything else.

    Performance Notes

  • Niàn Bái (念白, Nenpaku, Soliloquy (Chinese opera))
  • A form of poetic narration commonly found in all forms of Chinese opera. When a character makes his official entrance to a story, that character will recite aloud an introductory poem indicating their characteristics, motifs, philosophies, and/or personal goals. The Japanese dub noticeably leaves the Niàn Bái (Nenpaku) lines in Min-Nan Chinese, and releases the Japanese translations on Thunderbolt Fantasy's official website. Since the Japanese dub casts individual actors instead of the solo male actor tradition in Min-Nan Chinese, they treated the Niàn Bái as descriptive narration. Also, according to an interview with Urobuchi, in order to let the Japanese demographic gradually accept this form of art, Urobuchi decided not to place the Niàn Bái upon each character's introduction as traditionally used, but instead, place them within each character's highlighted moment, and "recite them [Niàn Bái] as if it's their leitmotif."The Niàn Bái has been processed for artistic effects for the Min-Nan version, while the Japanese version is left unprocessed to have the international audience appreciate the artistry's raw performance.
  • Left-handedness of Puppets
  • Due to the mechanism of the puppets, all puppets' left hands are designed to be their most expressive part. Hence, all puppets wield their weapons with their left hands, making them appear left-handed. Since puppeteers are mostly right-handed, the puppets are designed to fully occupy their right hands by supporting the puppets' full body weight, each of which weighs an average of 3 kilograms (6.6 pounds), and control most of the puppets' internal mechanisms: including head tilts, eye blinks, mouth movements, and the puppets' right arms; while the puppeteers' left hands control the left hands of the puppets and their puppets' foot movements.


  • Production: Thunderbolt Fantasy Project (Pili International Multimedia, Nitro+, Good Smile Company)
  • Series Composition, Screenplay: Gen Urobuchi (Nitro+)
  • Puppetry, Cinematography: Pili International Multimedia
  • Puppeteers: Jia-Shen Liao, Jia-Chang Hong, Shen-En Wu, Yi-Tsun Xiao, Ruei-Rong Tseng, Zhen-Ching Ding, Zao-Shing Liu, Yi-Xiu Lee, Zhong-Wen Qiu, Yi-Qian Wu
  • Character Design: Nitro+ (Chuuouhigashiguchi, Niθ, Satoru Minamoto, Shinov Mimori, Genkaku)
  • Weapon Design: Pili International Multimedia, Makoto Ishiwata
  • Puppet Modeling Production: Pili International Multimedia
  • Puppet Modelers: Jian-Shan Hong, Meng-Fan Liu and Wei-Jin Huang
  • Puppet Costume Producer: Shi-Ching Fan
  • Puppet Modeling Advisor: Good Smile Company
  • Soundtrack: Hiroyuki Sawano
  • Music Production: Aniplex
  • Art Director: Zhi-Wei Lin (Pili International Multimedia)
  • Set Design and Production: Hao-Ming Tseng (Pili International Multimedia)
  • Director of Audiography: Yoshikazu Iwanami
  • Voice Director (Min-Nan Chinese): Huei-Fung Huang (Pili International Multimedia)
  • Executive Voice Director (Min-Nan Chinese): Vincent Huang (Pili International Multimedia)
  • 3D Animation / Special Effects: Bigger Picture Inc. (Subsidiary of Pili International Multimedia)
  • Animation Director: Zi-Qin Ding
  • Executive Producer: Liang-Xun Huang (Pili International Multimedia), Digitarou (Nitro+), Aki Takanori (Good Smile Company)
  • Vice Director: Bao-Ping Cheng (Pili International Multimedia)
  • Director: Jia-Shiang Wang (Pili International Multimedia)
  • Executive Director: Chris Huang (Pili International Multimedia)
  • Development

    In 2014, Urobuchi came across Pili's exhibition booth within a Taiwanese comic convention while he was invited as the convention's special guest. He was greatly impacted by their execution of the art form, prompting him to take home a full set of Pili's puppet show series to share with his associates within the Japanese ACG industry, and was eager to either plan an original story, or license a couple of series with Pili to dub into Japanese. The news of Urobuchi's interest in Taiwanese puppetry quickly made its way to Pili, which had a decent percentage of staff members who were, according to Nitroplus representative, Digitarou, "anime savvy, Urobuchi fans." Therefore, Pili International were also actively searching for ways to contact Urobuchi. Both parties contacted each other within a day's time frame asking if they wanted to create something fun together; after various discussions from both parties, they decided to create an original story that is, first and foremost, "a straight-forward narrative" easy for first-time puppetry viewers and the anime demographic to process and appreciate. Hence the birth of the Thunderbolt Fantasy Project.


    The soundtrack was composed by Hiroyuki Sawano and released on August 24, 2016.

    All lyrics written by Benjamin & mpi; all music composed by Hiroyuki Sawano.

    TV series

    Thunderbolt Fantasy was first announced on February 5, 2016. The series was created and written by Nitroplus' Gen Urobuchi, who used a full year to developed the script closely with Pili. The voices were originally performed in Min-Nan Chinese based on the translated Japanese script for the puppetry performance and broadcast in Taiwan. The episodes were then dubbed into Mandarin Chinese and Japanese for their respective regions' broadcast, with the Japanese version licensed to simulcast outside of Asia by Crunchyroll starting July 8, 2016. The opening theme is "Raimei" performed by T.M.Revolution. A sequel was announced at the end of the first season's final episode.

    Season 2 (TBA)

    A second season has been confirmed. Following the credits of the last episode of the first season, a message appears that says "sequel now in production." There are, at the moment, no details as to when it will be released or the overall story.


    The Japanese version released both DVD and Blu-Ray editions incorporating Traditional Chinese and Japanese subtitles, audio commentaries featuring the Japanese voice casts and Gen Urobuchi, along with an extra soundtrack disc from Hiroyuki Sawano.

    Thunderbolt Fantasy (Manga)

    Two manga adaptations have been released in Japan, the first one under the same title as the television series, written by Urobuchi and illustrated by Yui Sakuma, which began serialization in Kodansha's Weekly Morning magazine on July 21, 2016.

    Chapters not yet in tankōbon format

  • 26. 第26話掲載
  • 27. 第27話掲載
  • 28. 第28話掲載
  • 29. 第29話掲載
  • 30. 第30話掲載
  • 31. 第31話掲載
  • 32. 第32話掲載
  • 33. 第33話掲載
  • Thunderbolt Fantasy: Otome Genyūki

    The second manga is a webmanga titled Thunderbolt Fantasy: Otome Genyūki (Eng. Thunderbolt Fantasy: A Maiden's Magical Journey) written by the Thunderbolt Fantasy Project. It is illustrated by Kairi Shimotsuki, creator of Brave 10 and Madness, and presents Dān Fěi's perspective of her journey. Otome Genyūki began serialization under Akita Shoten's Champion Cross web magazine on September 27, 2016.

    On January 16, 2017, new chapters were delayed with no information on the next update on the main website, leaving the manga on hiatus until January 30, 2017. However, the main website no longer shows the date of new chapters before February 21, 2017. The final chapter was released in February 28, 2017.


    It was announced on the Thunderbolt Fantasy main website on December 28, 2016 that a side novel of the show was currently in progress.

    On January 20, 2017, the Nitroplus website revealed the name of the novel to be Thunderbolt Fantasy Gaiden and that it will mainly focus on Lǐn Xuě Yā, Xíng Hài, and Shā Wú Shēng's pasts. It is written by Erika Mitsunori and Shotaro Teshirogi and illustrated by Shinov Mimori and Minamoto Satoshi, and supervised by Gen Urobuchi. The release date is April 7, 2017.


    It was announced on March 25, 2017 at AnimeJapan 2017 that there will be an upcoming film, based on the gaiden novel, called Thunderbolt Fantasy: Sword of Life and Death (Thunderbolt Fantasy 生死一劍, Sandāboruto Fantajī: Seishi Ikken, Thunderbolt Fantasy Shēng Sǐ Yī Jiàn). It will focus on Shā Wú Shēng's past. According to the director, this film will treated as prequel instead of sequel. No information about the release date has been made public yet, but it will come out sometime in 2017.


    Thunderbolt Fantasy Wikipedia

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