Supriya Ghosh (Editor)

Taraxacum albidum

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Higher classification

Scientific name
Taraxacum albidum


Taraxacum albidum PlantFiles Pictures White dandelion Taraxacum albidum by dashy169

Taraxacum japonicum, Taraxacum platycarpum, Taraxacum erythrospermum

Taraxacum albidum is a species of dandelion that grows in eastern Eurasia. A member of the Asteraceae, it is a perennial herbaceous plant native to the southern part of Japan.


Taraxacum albidum Japanese White Taraxacum albidum White Dandelion Nagasa Flickr

It is sometimes mistaken for Taraxacum coreanum, but T. coreanum grows wild chiefly in the Korean Peninsula and some parts of China. Taraxacum albidum is a cross between T. coreanum and Taraxacum japonicum. (Tatsuyoshi Morita, Moleculer phylodenetic analyese of polyoloid complex of East Asian Taraxacum [sic], 1996-1997.)

Taraxacum albidum httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu


Taraxacum albidum White Dandelion Seeds Taraxacum albidum All Good Things Organic

The deeply lobed leaves of this tap-rooted perennial plant form a basal rosette from which the long, slightly downy, unbranched hollow scapes (flower stalks) rise to around 40 cm (1 ft 4in). It blooms once a year, usually in spring (March to May) but sometimes in late autumn. Each scape bears a single flower-head consisting of many small, white ray florets, opening from a rounded bud consisting of narrow green bracts.

Taraxacum albidum Taraxacum albidum Dahlstedt

The flowers are hermaphrodite and self-fertile. It is pentaploid (having five sets of chromosomes), and produces seeds asexually like many other Taraxacum species. After pollination the flower closes, later opening as the familiar spherical seedhead or "clock", as in other dandelions. The seedhead consists of many single-seeded fruits or achenes, each attached to a pappus of fine hairs that acts as a parachute to enable wind-dispersal of the seeds, sometimes over long distances. The seeds remain dormant till autumn.

Taraxacum albidum Taraxacum albidum Right Plants 4 Me

The leaves wither to avoid heat damage for several months of summer. In autumn, new leaves emerge and continue photosynthesizing until the next summer.


Although, like most dandelions, the plant is generally regarded as a weed, it is occasionally grown for use as food or medicine. The flowers, leaves and roots can all be used.


Taraxacum albidum Wikipedia

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