Sneha Girap (Editor)

Tadej Golob

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Writer, mountaineer

Notable works
Svinjske nogice

Tadej Golob


Tadej Golob Bukla To da se ukvarjam s plezanjem mi zbija

Notable awards
Kresnik Award2010 Svinjske nogice

Extract from pigs feet by tadej golob read by david mildon

Tadej Golob (born 1967) is a Slovene mountaineer and writer.


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Golob was born in Maribor in 1967 and grew up in the small town of Lenart v Slovenskih goricah in northeastern Slovenia. He moved to Ljubljana to study journalism but never completed his studies. He worked as a contributor to various magazines, but is known in Slovenia chiefly as an alpine climber.

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In 2010 Golob won the Kresnik Award for best novel with his debut novel Svinjske nogice (Pigs' Legs). It is a witty story of an aspiring comics artist looking for inspiration, trying to make ends meet and coping on the margin with a non-existent career, his family and society. The title refers to the lead character's attempt to master the art of tattooing by practicing on pigs' legs.

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Literarna kavarna tadej golob jezero knjiznica domzale 23 3 2017

Published works

Tadej Golob Tadej Golob Mi zaloba

  • Z Everesta, travelogue about skiing down Mount Everest (2000) co-written with Davo Karničar and Urban Golob
  • Moške svinje, a selection of his contributions from Slovene edition of Playboy magazine, (2005)
  • Zgodba iz prve roke, biography of Zoran Predin, (2008)
  • Svinjske nogice, novel, (2009)
  • Peter Vilfan, biography of Peter Vilfan, (2010)

  • Tadej Golob Tadej Golob Svinjske nogice MLADINAsi

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    Tadej Golob Wikipedia

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