Nisha Rathode (Editor)

Stefan Marinov

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Yoana Marinova


Stefan Marinov

Sofia University

Stefan Marinov is smiling, has black-white hair, his left hand holds the generator (on the left), the generator is wrapped in red tape on the sides, with black springs and a white cylindrical shape, and wires, he is wearing a red-gray sweater.

1 February 1931Sofia, Bulgaria (

BulgariaBelgiumUnited StatesItalyAustria

Experimental physicsTheoretical physicsFringe science

Alma mater
Czech Technical University in PragueSofia University

Known for
Free energyThe ball-bearing motor on YouTube

July 15, 1997, Graz, Austria

Veselin Marinov, Mario Marinov

Sofia University, Czech Technical University in Prague

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Stefan marinov motor generator anti lenz test

Stefan Marinov (Bulgarian: Стефан Маринов) (1 February 1931 – 15 July 1997) was a Bulgarian physicist, researcher, writer and lecturer who promoted anti-relativistic theoretical viewpoints, and later in his life defended the ideas of perpetual motion and free energy. In 1997 he self-published experimental results that confirmed classical electromagnetism and disproved that a machine constructed by Marinov himself could be a source of perpetual motion. Devastated by the negative results, he committed suicide in Graz, Austria on 15 July 1997.


Stefan Marinov’s  Magnetic Vortex Hyper-Ionization Device, showing a four-coil, two-phase ring design, on the top left is the description “This is a 2-phase AC motor stator, that creates a rotating magnetic field identical to that of a permanent bar magnet rotating around axis Y (in the plane XZ, perpendicular to the Y- axis) The ring consists of 2 orthogonal pairs solenoids (4 total) driven in quadrature. The rotating magnetic field lines parallel to the plane XZ, accelerate charged particles perpendicularly to them (parallel to Y axis) as if they were “blown by a fan”. In the middle is the illustration. On the bottom left is the charged particle in the color blue, the steroid in the color yellow, a stationary object with an anchor design. On the top right is the description “All axis (X, Y ,Z) are all mutually perpendicular to each other. On bottom right is the description “This is a solenoid that conducts electric current and produces static magnetic field, centered asymmetrically around the Y-axis and mostly parallel to the Y- axis as well (except for franging). This field extends further through the center of the AC motor Stator ring above and outside of is (not shown in this drawing). This field confines the accelerated charged particle to circular orbits around Y- axis in the plane XZ, through Lorentz deflection.

Stefan marinov ball bearing dc ac motor mov

Life and education

Stefan Marinov on the bottom left is smiling and has black hair, his left-hand pointing, his right hand below his chin, he is wearing a gold-black wristwatch on his left hand, and black long sleeves. In the middle is Stefan Marinov smiling, has black hair, his right hand below his chin, wearing black long sleeves. On the bottom right is Stefan Marinov smiling, has black hair, arms crossed, and wears a gold-black wristwatch on his left hand, and black long sleeves.

Marinov was born on 1 February 1931 in Sofia to a family of intellectual communists. In 1948 he finished Soviet College in Prague, then studied physics at the Czech Technical University in Prague and Sofia University. He was an Assistant Professor of Physics from 1960 to 1974 at Sofia University. In 1966-67, 1974, and 1977 he was subject to compulsory psychiatric treatment in Sofia because of his political dissent. In September 1977 Marinov received a passport and he successfully emigrated out of the country, moving to Brussels. In 1978, Marinov moved to Washington, D.C.. Later he lived in Italy and Austria. In his later years, Marinov earned a living as a groom for horses.

Stefan Marinov is serious, has black hair, and wears eyeglasses, and white long sleeves with a gray necktie.

On 15 July 1997, Marinov jumped to his death from a staircase at a library at the University of Graz, after leaving suicide notes. He was 66 years old and was survived by his son Marin Marinov, who at the time was a vice-Minister of Industry of Bulgaria.


A medium “Testatika Machine M/L converter” that produces 10 kw of free energy.

One of Marinov's interests was the quest for free energy sources via construction of toy theories (new axiomatic systems that putatively describe our physical reality) and their experimental testing against mainstream physical theories. In 1992 Marinov wrote a letter to German Federal Chancellor Helmut Kohl in support of a German company, Becocraft, that was doing research into "free energy" technologies and had recently been the target of lawsuits. In the letter, Marinov threatened to set himself on fire at the steps of the German parliament if Kohl was not willing to intervene in favour of Marinov's associates.


Marinov attempted to find experimental disproof of the theory of relativity by testing the speed of light in different directions using an arrangement of coupled mirrors and coupled shutters. Marinov reported in 1974 that he had measured an anisotropy of the velocity of light. However, Marinov's claims have not found acceptance within the scientific community, despite his energetic efforts to promote his claims. Marinov planned to develop an updating of the relativistic mechanics and electrodynamics, as described in his self-published book Eppur si Muove. Marinov succeeded in having his claims presented in numerous publications including peer-reviewed journals.

Marinov was involved publicly with many quarrels with John Maddox, the editor of Nature, who refused to print either his papers or his letters to the editor. He retaliated by securing the funds to place a full-page advertisement in Nature expressing his frustration with what he regarded as the dogmatic attitude of the establishment. Marinov himself published a journal, Deutsche Physik, of which he was editor-in-chief and which discussed mainly his ideas on physics.

Stefan Marinov was interested in bizarre experiments alleged to violate known physical laws. Marinov claimed to have seen in operation and learned the secret of the so-called "Swiss ML converter" or Testatika electrical generator, another alleged perpetual motion machine, at a religious commune in Switzerland called Methernitha. According to Marinov's account, this 500-member commune, led by religious leader Paul Baumann, met all its energy needs using this device.

Marinov has been editor of a five-volume encyclopaedic series called "Classical Physics". In 1993 Marinov also authored a book on electromagnetism which discoursed on his belief that mainstream scientific thought was mired in dogma and had discarded still-valid knowledge from scientific thought of previous eras. In 1997 in the last issue 21 of Deutsche Physik, Marinov self-published experimental results that disprove that the Siberian Coliu, constructed by Marinov himself, is a perpetual motion machine, and where Marinov concluded that Ampere's law in electromagnetism is correct. Most of Marinov's friends think these negative results on constructing a source of free energy (in order to solve the global energy needs of humanity) might have pushed him to commit a suicide.


Stefan Marinov Wikipedia

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