Trisha Shetty (Editor)

Steatoda bipunctata

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Higher classification
False black widows

Scientific name
Steatoda bipunctata


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False black widows, Theridiidae, Steatoda grossa, Arachnid, Enoplognatha ovata

Steatoda bipunctata the common false widow

Steatoda bipunctata is a species of cob-web spider, of the genus Steatoda, in the family Theridiidae.


It is common in North America and Europe. It may be found in proximity to human structures, such as basements or sheds. A nickname for this arachnid is the Rabbit Hutch Spider, since rabbit hutches often make a suitable habitat. The Steatoda bipunctata is similar in shape to the Black Widow spider of the genus Latrodectus and can thus be mistaken for it, although its bite is significantly less dangerous to humans. For this reason, species of the genus Steatoda are commonly called 'False Widows'.

Steatoda bipunctata Picture Steatoda bipunctata

The abdomens of both sexes are bulbous and brownish in coloration, typically with a broken pale line down the center and another pale line across the anterior portion of the abdomen. The apodemes (places of muscle attachment) on the dorsal side of the abdomen look like pairs of dark dimples and presumably give the spider its Latin name bi- (two) and -punctata (spots). The underside of the abdomen of the Rabbit Hutch Spider reveals a most interesting pattern resembling the infinity sign. The female abdomen is light brown and often shiny compared to the males.

Steatoda bipunctata Steatoda bipunctata Femelle

Steatoda bipunctata rarely exceeds 7mm in length and there are no known instances of envenomation. It is highly unlikely the fangs of the species can penetrate human skin.

Steatoda bipunctata Steatoda bipunctata photos and info

Steatoda bipunctata spider s lunch

Steatoda bipunctata Steatoda bipunctata photos and info

Steatoda bipunctata Steatoda bipunctata photos and info


Steatoda bipunctata Wikipedia

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