Suvarna Garge (Editor)

Sophie Labelle

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Notable works
Assigned Male

Sophie Labelle Author Sophie Labelle Crushing the patriarchy GayIceland

Sophie labelle reads her mail

Sophie Labelle is a trans author, cartoonist and public speaker from Montreal. She is mostly known for her webcomic Assigned Male.


Sophie Labelle Sophie Labelle Ce n39est pas parce qu39on est en 2015 que c39est

Labelle grew up in rural Quebec, is an ex-elementary school teacher, and was the camp co-ordinator for Gender Creative Kids Canada. She is active in the trans rights movement and gives conferences about trans history and transfeminism.

Sophie Labelle Assigned Malequot by Sophie Labelle Verville Page 707 Kiwi Farms

Labelle has written many children’s books about gender identity and expression, and wrote the foreword to Tikva Wolf's book, Ask me about Polyamory: The Best of Kimchi Cuddles.

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Live with bria podcast 14 sophie labelle of assigned male comics

Assigned Male

Sophie Labelle httpspbstwimgcomprofileimages5069074873378

Assigned Male is a webcomic and series of zines tackling issues of gender norms and privilege. It tells the story of 11-year-old Stephie, a trans girl discovering and embracing her gender.

Sophie Labelle Author Sophie Labelle Crushing the patriarchy GayIceland

The Washington Blade called the webcomic "hilarious" and said it shows transgender humour can be funny without being offensive. Labelle has said that while working with transgender children, she "noticed how negative everything we tell them about their own body is, so I wanted to create a character that could respond to all those horrible things trans kids hear all the time." She has made educational guides to go with the comics, to make safer spaces for trans youth.

Educational work

Labelle has created trans-centered sex education materials for Trans Student Educational Resources.


Labelle has authored The Genderific Coloring Book and several books and zines, including A Girl Like Any Other, Ciel at Camp Fabulous, and Gender Euphoria.


Sophie Labelle Wikipedia

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