Sneha Girap (Editor)

Siegfried Rauch

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Siegfried Rauch

Film actor

Karin Rauch (m. 1964)

Hermann Rauch

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Jakob Rauch, Benedikt Rauch

Le Mans, The Big Red One, Patton, Contamination, Escape to Athena

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Siegfried Rauch (born 2 April 1932 in Landsberg am Lech, Upper Bavaria) is a German film and television actor. He has been an actor for over 40 years, in approximately 200 productions.


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Siegfried Rauch 1932-2018


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Rauch studied drama at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich. Additionally, he attended private drama lessons. Since 1958, he has performed at different theatres, beginning with Bremen (until 1962), and followed by Berlin, Munich and Hamburg.

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In the 1970s Rauch appeared in the 1970 Hollywood film Patton as Captain Steiger. In Le Mans (1971), Rauch played the race driver Erich Stahler who is Steve McQueen's rival. In Samuel Fuller's The Big Red One, Rauch played a German army sergeant, the counterpart of Lee Marvin's character, who experiences the same events as Marvin only from a German perspective. Other Hollywood productions in which Rauch appeared were The Eagle Has Landed (1976) and Escape to Athena (1979).

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His most famous leading act on German 1970s television was Thomas Lieven in Es muss nicht immer Kaviar sein (It Can't Always Be Caviar), based on the spy fiction novel by Johannes Mario Simmel. His various other roles on television established his career as an actor in Germany.

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Since 1997, Rauch has continuously appeared in Das Traumschiff, one of the most-watched television series in Germany; from 1999 to 2013 he played the captain. In this rôle he was preceded by Heinz Weiss and is succeeded by Sascha Hehn starting with the 2014-screening. He also appears regularly in other German TV productions.

Personal life

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Siegfried Rauch, also known as “Sigi“, currently lives near Weilheim in the Bavarian Alps. Rauch is married to Karin and has two sons and one grandchild. Steve McQueen was the Godfather of his son Jakob.


Siegfried Rauch Wikipedia

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